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Harry W. Bundy was a Mason, a Satanist and the chief adept (9°) of the Colorado part of the SRICF.

To clarify to the reader what this all means allow me to inform you about the structures Satan has built. Pure Satanism in order to function easier has set up some branches which are secret, but if the public hears about these branches, they have a veneer of respectability. Dr. Wynn Westcott, a famous Satanist and the Supreme Magus of S.R.I.A. wrote the rare book History of The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. IX. It was privately printed by these Masonic Rosicruclans on Dec. 30, 1900, and later received the Br. Museum Press Mark of 0475 h54. Within this rare book the leader of the S.R.I.A. spells out the purpose of the organization to the Brotherhood, "The aim of the Society...searching out the secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study of the system of philosophy founded upon the Cabala and the doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus ..." Hermes Trismegistus (as many of you know) means "the trice greatest Hermes" who was the Egyptian scribe god who is claimed to be the author of all magical writing. Hermes is credited for the grossly evil Satanic-witchcraft rituals that the ancient Egyptians and modern Satanism continue to practice. For an excellent exposé of the connections between the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Masonic Rituals and modern Satanism, I suggest David Carrico’s book The Masonic Egyptian Satanic Connection.

(obtainable from Followers of Jesus Christ, 5220 Ashley Dr., Evansville, IN 47711). As I was just writing, a number of branches of the Illuminati were created with the same pattern as the Bavarian Illuminati, and these branches sometimes refer to themselves as Illuminati-and rightly so since they are integral part of Satanism. One branch has been set up within .

Freemasonry called Societas Rosicruciana. They coil themselves Rosicruciana and Christians. How they attach the aame of Christ to Satanism, is beyond my imagination. Perhaps the "Christ consciousness they seek justifies in their minds calling themselves "exclusively Christian." Whatever they want to coil themselves they practice magic and Satanism.

A number of daughter organizations have sprung up from the S.R.I.A. such as the Golden Dawn, the Stella Matutina and the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). The S.R.I.A. also worked closely with German Illuminism and the Theosophical Society. In England the Societas Rosicruciana (S.R.) is named S.R.

in Anglia, in Scotland it is S.R. in Scotia, in Greece it is S.R. in Graecia, in Canada it is S.R. in Canada, and in the US. it is S.R. in Civitatibus Foederatis. The membership is very exclusive. And my understanding that there are about a dozen US. lodges called "colleges" with about 40 members each, which lends me to guess they have an exclusive membership of about 500 in the United States.

Membership in Societas Rosicruciana has included such notable Satanists such as A.L Waite, Eliphas Levi, and Kenneth Mackenzie. It has included that Luciferian Albert Pike too. Within a nation the arena are divided up into provinces, each of which has a "college"-their fancy word for a satanic lodge. On Apr. 20, 1948 Harry W. Bundy became the chief adept of the Colorado college. Two letters by the Supreme Magus of all the S.R. groups Win. Wynn Wescott are photocopied so that the reader can read for himself from the SRIA’s Supreme Magus (lending magician) that they are connected to the Illuminati. See for yourself!! An interesting point in light of what I have printed in other newsletters, the Mass. college in 1393 printed a book by its Supreme Magus Gould (9°) which declares that the Grand Central San of the Universe is Alcyone in the Pliades. Shades of Alice Dailey, and C.T. Russell!! One of the most knowledgeable people to try to expose the New World Order and the Satanic hierarchy behind it said, "It remains for the student to follow evvery line of enquiry to the point of concentration where nil threads are gathered and systematically manipulated for the eventual destruction of Christian civilization. It may lend to the B’nai B’rith, the Universal Israelite Alliance, India or Tibet, but in any case a thorough and complete study of Rosicrucianism embracing a minute one of Rosicruciana in Anglia and its various branches will be a great step taken in the direction of uncovering much of the political and moral chaos of present day history of mankind." p.510) 9

Interesting, that this expert would say this. The threads go buck to 13 Top Families, and wouldn’t you know, several of their people are lenders of the S.R.I.A. including Harry W. Bundy. The Bundy family has been a very powerful family in American history which has managed to keep itself out of the limelight. Often the members d the Bundy’s have had power by virtue of being advisors to those in powerful positions.


Congressman Reece, a real hero tried to go farther & expose the connections between Hiss, tho Carnegie Endowment Found., the Morgan Bank, and the rest of the tax-exempt foundations. The Illuminati moved mightily against Reece.


Almanac of Famous People Census Records

National Cyclopaedia d American Biography Sutton, Antony. America’s Order of Skull & Bones Voorhis, Harold (Sapreme Magus IX°). Masonic Rosicrucian Societies.


Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995


The next family in our series of articles on the top 13 Illuminati families is the Collins family, The first two have been the Astor family and the Bundy family. The first two articles were fairly straightforward. Both the Astor and Bundy families have been written about by others, and I had more information on both families than I needed for my articles. In fact I left out worthwhile details in both artides in order to keep the articles to a comfortable length. In this Collins article, there will be some padding." In terms of research on the Collins family from a scale from 0 to 100, I’m about at 10. There are some hard connections that will be presented and some soft connections. Joan Collins is what I’d call a soft connection. She has associated with a long list of key Illuminati men and at least a few known Satanists, but this is only the barest of dues that she might have anything to do with the Illuminati herself. Let me give some of the hard connections first.

The following is a description of a highly secret high level Satanic meeting. It comes via an ex-insider who is now a Christian. If any other ex-hierarchy person is reading this, perhaps this will trigger some memories for you. This experience dates to 1955. This is a meeting that is held twice yearly, and to which the Rothschilds and all the mother families attend. The meeting is inside in a big room, and the Grande Mother on the throne was a Collins. The Collins family has been kept out of the limelight because they have more occult power than the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers. To make money this Collins family does something financially, such as deal with the exchange of money. I’ve noticed that numerous Collins have been Insurance Executives, and although I haven’t exposed the connections between Insurance Companies and the NWO, there is a book out which shows how they most insurance companies are connected and under the guidance of the NWO elite. The Grande Mother Collins dressed in black has an ebony and gold moon shaped throne that she can automatically rotate by pushing a pedal with her foot. Behind her sits the Grand Council with 13 members --this might be or might not be the Grand Druid Council that you will read about further on. The difference between this council in 1955 is that it was all males, while the council in 1978 has several women on it.. The Grande Mother, a Collins woman was thought to be in her middle 50’s at the time of this meeting, she had a deep dictatorial voice, was small in stature, and was very powerful. She was decked out on her throne with a great deal of jewelry. One of the first things done was to lay before her feet small gold bricks (shaped like small bricks and made of pure gold). Two boys, who were taken to be her sons, one of whom was Tom Collins, (Tom was later gunned down by the Illuminati) were near her throne.

As only the most honored and powerful dared be in the vicinity of her throne, this showed that these two Collins boys were powerful. The boys passed out papers, which had time tables written on them of things that were to happen. A great discussion was carried on about what had happened in the world to bring in Satan’s One-World-Government during the last six months and what was prepared to happen in the near future. Things that had not gone according to plan were discussed. The Ark of the Covenant was discussed, where it was hidden in Africa, and a ritual mocking the Ark of the Covenant was held.

Seven children in white were brought in from generational Satanic families and presented before Grande Mother Collins. They laid prostrate in worship of her. She would move her scepter with a 1

snake up and down striking the floor to show approval of a child candidate. Then 7 other children were sacrificed for the 7 approved children, one for each child, whose name would then be written with a quill using the sacrificed child’s blood. The children were given oaths. The Grande Mother rotated her throne and faced the Council of 13 and declared (speaking in English) "This is tomorrow’s generation, a chosen few." The John the Baptist of the Anti-Christ put in an appearance, but the anti-Christ at that time was not born or only a tiny baby. Was this BenjamIn Creme? The ex-insider didn’t learn the name of this John the Baptist forerunner of the Anti-Christ. However, the descriptions of this occult John the Baptist do match BenjamIn Creme. Benjamin Creme was born in 1924, and was deeply into the occult and witchcraft even when he was a boy. (See the official newsletter of Tara Center Emergence, Jan 1982 Issue.) He claims that in 1959, he telepathically received a message from his Master, a member of the [demonic] hierarchy. Creme calls these master spirits simply the hierarchy, Christians know it is the demonic hierarchy. Because all these things are planned out well in advance, it would have been very appropriate if Creme had been at a high level planning meeting in 1955. For more understanding on Creme’s Christ the reader is directed to read the article on the Sufis in thIs newsletter. (Referring back to the gold bricks laid before the Grande Mother’s throne, there are several reasons that real gold is important to the Illuminati. Perhaps in some other article this newsletter will go into it all. There have been massive secret gold shipments out of the United States and Russia. Guess who is getting it.) In my 1/1/93 newsletter the names of many top Illuminati are given. One that could have been included is Robert Moore Collins (1867-? ) who was a member of the Pilgrims (60 of the modern equivalent of the Bavarian Illuminati.) Robert M. Collins was a reporter for several important newspapers and worked as an editor in the Washington and New York offices of the Associated Press. He did chiefly political work for the Associated Press. He was the chief newsman for Reuters (Illuminati controlled press) and the Associated Press for many stories coming out of the Orient. Although he was born in Wash., D.C., his address as an adult became Bournemouth, England. He never married. As those who investigate the Illuminati find out, the Illuminati control the press. Here was a man who helped do it for them Last newsletter issue (1/15/93) went into some detail about how important the Satanic Societas Rosicruciana is in relation to the Satanic groups such as the O.T.O., Golden Dawn, and Stella Matutina. The Societas Rosicruciana is definitely a high level exclusive Illumanati organization. One of the New York S.R. officers was James F. Collins (8°) who died Apr. 2, 1896. He was with the original set of S.R. officers of the first High Council of the S.R. in America which had oversight over all the S.R. colleges (lodges) in America. His position was Presenter. (I don’t know what that officer does.) When the Canadians set up a Societas Rosicruciana in Canada, the High Council which had oversight over all Canada included a Collins on its council, Daniel Collins, 8°. Daniel Collins had several positions on the council. The highest degree is the 9°. If you’ve read the Jan 1, 1993 newsletter or Be Wise As Serpents you have come across the Grande Druid Council, This is a high level Illuminati council. In Be Wise As Serpents in the second section in a chapter entitled Heresy Interlocks with Power on the 8th page, I gave the names of people who were on that secret Grande Druid Council in the Spring of 1978. Each of those people are powerful witches, and have a great deal of power in the world.

Yvonne Collins was on the Grande Druid Council. She was a traditionalist. To be a traditionalist means that she holds the view that only those people who are born to families with satanic power and witches in their family background can be true witches Obviously, the Collins family has a long history of witchcraft if she holds this view. Remember, that the leading Satanists feel they have special blood, the top ones feel they are gods. Even Grande Masters may teach their selected children they are the god which created the children. (This last statement makes more sense when one learns the methods, state of mind, and beliefs of the Satanic hierarchy.) Yvonne Collins would reject the idea that just anyone can become a witch of any significance by training and practice. The occult demonic power would not be strong enough for a convert to witchcraft. Yvonne’s occult name is Legena which means Lucifer’s bride. Legena (Yvonne Collins) who lived la Virginia, got upset with Jerry Falwell, he didn’t follow orders well enough. She got the Security and Exchange Commission to investigate his church, which caused the church economic hardships. Even mainline Christian ministers are expected to follow directives of the Grande Druid Council which is said to operate under the orders of the Rothschilds. Everyone who was high up in the Illuminati and are NOW

Christians remember Tom Collins. Collins was in the Illuminati, but for some reason the Lord changed his heart and he began to talk to churches about what is really going on. He had an itinery of 2

churches to speak to, of which a Baptist church was one. He warned what was going on. He was gunned down in a Grocery store parking lot, and has been used as an example by the Illuminati to anyone else who dares utter a word. "Remember Tom Collins," they warn people in the covens.

This reminds me of another incident, which happened to a brother in Olympia, WA, the capital of WA. Two weeks after Reagan was elected, a beautiful Mercades pulled up to where this Christian brother was working. The guy who got out was obviously rich-his suit had to be in the neighborhood of $800 and his wife had fox furs around her neck. They said their son was going to work for the state and they wanted to look for a home for him. The woman was being Independent and said, "I don’t want to go see the houses. I want to talk to this nice man." The houses were done by Donahue Construction. The men went on to look at the houses, and the woman remained behind and talked.

This Christian is an easy talker with people. He struck up a conversion naturally. He said, "I think its great Ronald Reagan got elected, he’s going to be a good president." The woman replied, "We wanted George Bush to get it." "Whose we?", the Christian asked to this rich lady who kept tossing her furs back and forth. "The Illuminati," she said, "We’re the enlightened ones, and George Bush was trained by us." Unfortunately, the men had just returned at this point and were entering the room. The man with the expensive suit was livid. "Shut your ..... mouth," he yelled. She huffed back, ,,Well, if you insist." He then turned to the Christian, who he didn’t know, and politely told him that they had failed to find anything that suited them. "Thank you very much everything is secure." and handed him the keys. Then he dragged the woman to the Mercedes giving her hell all the way for talking, and when they got in proceeded to physically slap her around. This was an extremely rare incident. Many of the Satanic hierarchy live their entire lives without uttering a word to anyone anything about the hidden Satanic side of their lives. As a rule they find very respectable cover lives in society--the more respectable the better- to cover their hidden lives. The Satanic rituals are always memorized. You will not walk into these people’s houses and find incriminating books or objects. Remember Ted Bundy in last issue’s article. Ted was exactly the model of bow many top Illuminati are. They are capable of the most horrendous things, but to everyone who know them, they are the most likable, intelligent normal people. People who knew Ted Bundy had no idea what he was doing in secret. The Satanic hierarchy and their Satanism is clearly the most secret religion in the world. They are a priesthood that rules the world through political leaders that they place in power. And because of their power, they have the ability to suppress a great deal of the publicity that could arise from their numerous activities. To describe the security methods employed to keep high level Satanism secret could take an entire book. Let’s just put it this way, if you were a billionaire, which several of the leading Olympians (King Illuminati) are, what kind of security could you afford? And what kind of clout would you have with national governments and police forces to get even governments to provide security for you? Remember these people own the press, and the media.

They will kill, or discredit anyone who exposes them. Don’t be surprised if both of these happen to me, the author. Just know this--they can kill the body they can not kill the soul. Our Christian God reigns. They also control the CIA and FBI. (See Be Wise As Serpents for more details on this.) Many leading FBI agents have not only been Masons. but many have been Satanists. The FBI sends out reports which paraphrased go like this, "Far more crime has been committed by zealots in the name of God than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. The actual involvement of the occult in a criminal case usually turns out to be secondary, insignificant, or nonexistent. The law enforcement perspective on occult crime requires avoiding the paranoia that has crept into this issue. Unless hard evidence is obtained and corroborated, police officers should avoid being frightened into believing that satanists are performing criminal ceremonies requiring investigation. An unjustified crusade against such activity could result in wasted resources, unwanted damage to reputations, and disruption of civil liberties." (This type of thing is hilarious to hear from the FBI, for those who know how they have trampled on every civil liberty by investigating tens of thousands of organizations simply because they opposed the establishment and ruined the reputations of many people- Martin Luther King for instance. People who have read my book may have picked up that J. Edgar Hoover was a 32° Mason, homosexual, and worked intimately with the Illuminati.) For those who haven’t come out of Satanism, one way to explain to people how Satanic secrecy functions is to compare these Satanic families with the Mafia families. Individuals in these families learn what they need to know, no more.


The top bosses have cover jobs, and give their orders orally. (Actualy the comparison between Mafia or Costa Nostra families and Moriah or Illuminati families is quite fitting because they tie in organizationally and were created by the same occult stream of secret societies that Satan has been running.) Don’t expect to find what you are reading here about the Collins family- that they are one of the very top illuminati families even more powerful than the Rothschilds- anywhere else. People are getting the inside story for the first time. I am grateful for various exrinsiders giving me accounts of secret meetings. Except for the testimony of eye-witnesses, there is little evidence of what happens at hierarchy meetings. There are numerous clues, but they are rejected by most people who refuse to accept that the Satanic hierarchy exists. Before the 1960s, and the space programs man had not seen the far side of the moon. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t there. The hierarchy are professionals at Satanism and are really pros at obtaining satanic power through ritual, deeds and worldly power.

Their activities are very secret. In contrast there is great deal of physical evidence from the coven levels (the lowest level) that periodically surfaces-robes, candies made of fat, athames, altars, dead animals, ritual sites, etc. The higher levels believe that the force must be balanced-one’s good deeds mast match one’s evil deeds. Consequently some of the greatest philanthropists are leading Satanists.

The lower levels are not concerned with developing power such as what Satan has, they simply enjoy being evil, and in that respect are rather crude in their exercise of evil.

The Collins family hasn’t received much attention. Who do you think of when you think of the Collins? Joan Collins? She was a beautiful, Jewish Hollywood actress from England. Joan’s grandmother lived at Brighton, England. (Joan mentions her father being a jew on pg. 13 of her autobiography Joan Collins Past Imperfect.) Her father Joe Collins and his friend Lord Lew Grade had an acting company. Joe Collin’s father Will Collins and his wife a can-can dancer Henrietta Collins were also into acting. In the l970s she was in several horror movies and picked up the title

"Queen of the Horror Films" (p. 271). In 1977 and 1978 Joan was nude in two sexy films (not her first) which were expected to do better at the box office than they did, neither of the titles of these films bear repeating.

One was based on a sexy book Joan’s sister wrote that was a best-seller in England. Joan was the first

"old" woman to be in the buff in Playboy (the Dec '83 Playboy). The issue is a collector’s item. In her 40s, she was still posing in the buff. Which according to her autobiography she feels comfortable doing. (I wonder if being exceptionaly beautiful and a sex idol for millions makes it easier to pose nude.) For those who watch Dynasty, you’li likely remember her. For those who watched Hansel and Gretel, Joan was the witch. She was the woman in film The Devil Within Her. In Dec., 1982 Joan was asked to be the mistress of ceremonies at Prince Albert Hall before the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Phillips. Besides knowing that she is into astrology, after looking at her autobiography I don’t pick up a hint of any religiousness. Besides her amazing beauty, her lack of morals made her a perfect fit for Hollywood. Among her many friends, she had Sammy Davis, Jr. (p.

332) and Jayne Mansfield as friends or acquaintances, both of whom are publicly known to he Satanists. She rubbed shoulders with Henry Kissinger (p.3454 of Autobio.) Joan Collins vacationed in the winter at St. Moritz, which is an exclusive ski resort of the international set where Joan rubbed shoulders with Niarchos and Aristotle Onassis. (These - are Kings within the Illuminati.) Joan Collins spent time with Edgar Bronfman. The Bronfman family are the Jewish Illuminati family that runs Canada. (p. 281-282) Joan Collins may not he part of the Illuminati Collins family, but if she isn’t she has at least associated with some of the top Illuminati. Joan was married several times but obviously preferred her maiden name. Another famous Collins is Michael Collins who was one of the three astronauts on the Apollo II. Apollo 11 was the first officially announced visit by man to the moon.

For those who have read Be Wise As Serpents you are aware that the first flag on the moon was the Scottish Rite’s flag.

There are a number of very strange things about the flight, and about what NASA has been doing.

Bun Aldrin is a Freemason. Neil Armstrong has gone into seclusion, shunning any publicity. As Michael Collins puts it, Nell has "dropped out and doesn’t sell the NASA program." (Carrying the Fire, by Michael Collins, p. 461--The title to his book is based on Greek mythology. The god Apollo carried fire, which is what Michael felt described Apollo 11.) What our government has been doing 4

with NASA, flying saucers and a manned lunar base, is beyond writing about in this article, But the question did naturally come to my mind, could Michael Collins be related to the Illuminati Collins family? Michael Collins writes about himself, "Fortunately, I have been a poor student all my life, and my parents, concealing their disappointment, seldom pushed me.’ (Carrying the Fire, p. 462) It certainly seems like such a student would need some pull to get into West Point, USMA. Michael Collins also sits on the board of directors of the llluminati’s Rand Corporation which works with Tavistock Institute. He is not even a nominal Christian as far as I can tell, he states dryly that "no" he

"did not find God" when he went to the moon. It looked like the clues were leading in the direction that he might be part of the elite, when I can across one sentence that changed my mind.

Michael Collins wrote, "I feel just as thankful today that I live in the United States of America as I did before flying in space, and I have no desire for this country to merge into a United States of the World.’ (p.470 of his book. By the way Michael Collins wrote his own book in contrast with so many of the ,,Christian" authors like Pat Robertson’s New World Order, and some of Billy Graham’s books which are written by others with the big name tacked on to sell it.) If anyone could promote internationalism (One-World-Govt.) without any suspicion it would be Michael Collins, for few men share his experience of seeing the tiny earth in the vastness of the hostile universe. And yet he doesn’t, he simply advocates that humans learn to cooperate to solve our problems- which we certainly need to do. Michael Collins has some really interesting and in a sense inspiring things to say about what seeing the earth from way out in space meant to his life. What he writes bears repeating. I don’t have the space for it all but will share one idea that is novel, "Seeing the earth from a distance has changed my perception of the solar system as well. Ever since Copernicus’ theory (that the earth was a satellite of the sun, instead of vice versa) gained wide acceptance, men have considered it an irrefutable truth; yet I submit that we still cling emotionally to the pre-Copernican, or Ptolemaic, notion that the earth is the center of everything. The sun comes up at dawn and goes down at dusk, right? Or as the radio commercial describes sunset: "When the sun just goes away from the sky..."

Baloney. The sun doesn’t rise or fall: it doesn’t move, it just sits there, and we rotate in front of it, while dusk means we have turned another 180 degrees and are being carried into the shadow zone.

The sun never "goes away from the sky." It’s still there sharing the same sky with us; it’s simply that there is a chunk of opaque earth between us and the sun which prevents our seeing it. Everyone knows that, but I really see it now." (pp. 472-73) (I like Michael Collins. What I just quoted is neat.

After reading lots of occult garbage, I really appreciate someone who isn’t into emphasizing the sun.

If Michael were an occultist he would not have made this statement. In fact, I think it would be healthy for Christians to quit looking at the stars, and realize how wonderful God’s green earth is.

Praise His holy name! The earth is a very unique wonderful marvelous place. And all these people who use their imaginations and belittie the earth because they think some other planet in another galaxy is better, should do some space travel. The earth is a miracle, and anyone who doesn’t see God through His creation is not thinking straight.) Back to the question, is Michael’s Collins family part of the Illuminati Collins family? I have no idea, but

Are sens