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Margaret Livingston Chanler retained the rights to Rokeby. She married into the Aldrich family, which is another Illuminati family. The Aidriches now own Rokeby.

William Chanler was a friend of Tom Foley who was the Tammany district leader of the Irish-Italian district east of city hall. Another friend was Jack Follansbee. Jack Follansbee’s cousin was WillIam Randolf Hearst, an Illuminatus of the 6° who got Billy Graham’s ministry going by financing the first several years. The Hearst family is in the Illuminati. One of the Rothschild descendants Don Hearst Bauer, has changed his name to Don Hearst.

Winthrop Chanler’s wife, Amelie Rive, her father William Cabell Rives studied law under Thomas Jefferson.


The Roosevelt family has been connected to the Delano family which Is a Black Venetian Noble family that goes back for many centuries. The lives of these families also intertwine with the Astors.

Examples of the interweaving are:

· Franklin Hughes Delano--heir to a massive whale oil fortune. He married Lavia Astor, daughter of the original William Buckhouse Astor.

· James Roosevelt Roosevelt-married Helen Astor, daughter of William Backhouse, Jr.

· James Roosevelt--a Freemason, he married the sister of Vincent Astor’s wife.


In our revisit to the Astors, we have examined in more detail the early life of John Jacob Astor and his connections to Satanism. We have touched on his son and grandson who led the Astor famIly after John Jacob died. We have seen more of their meanness and connections to corruption. We examined bow Satanism and the occult had a hold on England even back when John Jacob Astor came to the New World. Three important occult organizations of the 17th & 18th century were introduced. We 11

have looked at the Chanler family, a branch of the Astor family which is part of Satanism. We also looked at how the Roosevelts and Delano families have been associated with the Astors.


Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995

Families in the world who are allied with the Illuminati.

Who and what kind of family are allied with the top 13 llluminati bloodlines? The Iliuminati seeks to capture the occult power of powerful occult bloodlines around the world. They have intermarried with American Indians to gain the spiritual power resident within the leading spiritual American Indians.

Various Indian reservations are used for llluminati rituals. They have been doing this type of thing for thousands of years

Powerful families around the world participate on different levels with the Illuminati. Some participate on a business level- such as the various crime (Mafia type) families around the world.

Mafia families might not subscribe to the occult philosophy but they do recognize power and business. Some powerful families around the world participate simply on the level that they have been sucked into the world’s system and are dependent upon going along with the flow of the world’s system. An example of this would be the King of Nepal. The King of Nepal rules aver a poor Hindu kingdom. The British empire has done a great job in trying to make Nepal dependent upon them.

Nepal was given British protection, their leading families were given British educations, and their leading tribe of warriers, the Gurkhas have been serving as British mercenaries. Should the King of Nepal break loose from his advisers and take an anti-NWO track, his throne could be taken away via revolution, or invasion. The NWO has the capacity to arrange for the Indian Congress Party to invade or some other destablizing factor. The British MI-6 and the American CIA have also stationed assets (agents) in the country. However, the trump card in sucking nations like Nepal in, is to create conflict like the Cold War and then apply Hegelian dialectics. Many nations around the world have been forced to cosy up with the British and Americans, because of the cold war. Secretly manufactured and secretly controlled international conflicts are a great way to take away the independence of some of the smaller nations. The King of Nepal has for many years feared invasions from either India or China.

However, Switzerland has been afforded the luxury of not having to take sides in the Illuminati’s secretly created wars, because the bloodlines have had such total control over Switzerland for so many centuries. There is no need for Switzerland to participate in Hegelian dialectics.

If families are powerful but not in the Illuminati’s clique, they can be destroyed such as Howard Hugh was. An example of this is how the Rothschilds progressively destroyed the Romanovs (the Russian Imperial Family). But the Romanovs were also an occult bloodline, and so the IlIuminati secretly took children of the Imperial family to serve as breeders for the IlIuminati so that the Illuminati could channel in the Romanov’s occult blood into their bloodlines.

The families that control Switzerland go back to Venice. Some of the Phnariot families of the Byzantine have had enduring powerful lineages. The Venetian and Genoese banker/international commerce families have produced some enduring powerful lineages. Families from these groups have tended toward Satanism (Gnosticism) or cults that are not Christian. In this category, we can mention Darius Socinus of Venice. Note also that the Warburgs, who work so closely with the Rothschilds, are descendents of Abraham del Banco, an old banker in Venice. The Warburgs in turn are related to the Rosenbergs of Kiev, Russia. Some of your old aristocratic Russian occult bloodlines were the first to financially help Hitler’s fledgling Nazi Party.

The powerful bloodlines diversify into different last names, but some of them still have enough visibility that they can be halfway tracked by their modern names. For instance, the Cabot Family of 1

Boston are descendents of Sebastian Cabot who was born in Venice. Sebastian Cabot (who father was John Cabot) was in turn descended from Giovanni Caboto of Genoa. Giovannia Caboto was a member of a powerful family in Genoa. In modern times, the Cabot family has been active in politics and intelligence agencies for the NWO. For instance, Thomas D. Cabot set up Radio Swan on Swan Island for the CIA. Paul Cabot was a director of J.P. Morgan & Co., beside director of other corporations that interlock with the Illuminati’s power.

Your ruling families in Western Europe tie back to William of Orange. There is a powerful arabic connection to the Illuminati. Men like Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah are very knowledgable about arab magic and occult practices. Sirdar Ikball Ali Shah has written at least 70 books on magic and occultism.

These families keep track of their genealogies, and certain members of these occult families know the histories of these families.

I believe that a history of the top thirteen llluminati families is the key to understanding history. Many of the families which appear to be ,,allied" with the top families are actually related at some point back in time. Further, many of the allied families are top level flunkies for the families with the real power. Some people have tried to put the Rothschilds in this category, but such thinking is nonsense.

Not only do I have too many eyewitnesses who have come from the inside of the IlIuminati who say the Rothschilds are one of the top, but one can also point to how much control and wealth the Rothschilds exercise. The process of history has been to increase their control and wealth. The overall picture can’t be denied. The Rothschilds are not flunkies for some other more powerful family.

I believe that an investigator will do himself a favor in tracking down the ties a family has with the top bloodlines and how that family interacts with the top families. This is the principle behind why history books discuss royalty so much. All that I encourage is that people investigate Satan’s royalty in order to understand how Satan’s realm- the power behind the scenes operates.

In the Be Wise As Serpents book I gave a good example of how Satan’s realm works behind the scenes. The Illuminati control the Watchtower Society. The nominal head of the WT Society for many years was their President Fred Franz. Yet, Fred Franz had grown very old, was blind and stayed in his bed. Natheer Salih was supposedly Fred Franz’s bodyguard and helper, but all communications to WT President Fred Franz had to go through 6’2" Natheer Salih, who would supposedly ask Franz and then would come back with an answer. Apparently Salih may be from an Iraqi Jewish bloodline.

He wears big rings and has expensive tastes. Salih was the channel through whom the llluminati could pass their decisions for the WT onto the Governing Body and Bethel staff.

The Bundy Bloodline

(My knowledge and research is limited. So much more work can be done to uncover the evil works of darkness that collaborate to destroy the Christian faith. Hopefully articles like this will serve as spotlights on the Jekylls and Hyde that ravage our land. And that seeing their opponents better, Christians will avoid the many secret spiritual undertows that drown so many.) In the 1980s one of the most famous criminals was a serial killer named Ted (Theodore) R. Bundy. It is not publicly known why he killed so many innocent victims. Ted Bundy told his girlfriend Elizabeth Kendall that

"the force" caused him to kill. Bundy’s confession to her was given after his final arrest in Florida.

Elizabeth wrote down his confession as he gave it to her over the phone. Ted said, "I don’t have a split personality. I don’t have blackouts. I remember everything I’ve done. Like Lake Sammamish.

We went out to Farrell’s for ice cream after eating hamburgers. It wasn’t like I had forgotten or couldn’t remember, but it was just over...gone...the force wasn’t pushing me any more. I don’t understand it. The force would just consume me." (Kendall, Elizabeth. The Phantom Prince My Life with Ted Bundy. Seattle: Madrona Publishers, 1981, p.176) "The force" is the very term that high level Satanists use to describe the power that they believe in, which they believe can be used for either good or evil. The movie Star Wars surprisingly used the Illuminati’s term "the force", which up until that time had been reserved for esoteric use by Satanism and the occult. This is part of the plan 2

to take the occult and its goals and instill it into the public’s thinking and goals, so that the conspiracy becomes an "open conspiracy" with the general public promoting the drive toward witchcraft as the world religion and its One-World-Government.

Who was Ted, and why did he do what he did? There are a great number of unknowns about Ted.

And although it appears to the public that the newspapers covered his crimes thoroughly, often appearances can be very deceiving. If Ted Bundy was reiated to the Bundy Family of the hierarchy, we could expect several things almost without doubt, 1. that his Satanic activities and any occult connotations to the murders would be kept very secret by the police, the newspapers, and his family, 2. that information about the case and Ted Bundy would be closely contained. Interestingly, when I recently went to research Ted Bundy, every copy (all four of them) of the book Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer by Stephen G. Michaud had been stolen from the Portland Central Library. One of the other books on him was also missing, and the other was overdue. The University library which is on a different library network was just as bad. I did my research across the border in Washington state. Another category of books that is consistently stolen I have been told by the library staff are books on Freemasonry. Consequently, the Portland Central Library has a policy that interlibrary loan books on Freemasonry cannot be taken out of the library, even though the lending library doesn’t mind if they are checked out. Another example of how books relating to Satanism or the Satanic conspiracy become rare is when I checked the Thurston Co. WA library’s computerized system for Anton LeVey’s Satanic Bible. Of the system’s 18 copies, 14 were lost (I assume stolen), one was listed "trace", and three were being held by the libraries (that is, they were not out on the shelves).

Before proceeding any further, let me categorically state that I haven’t found anything that ties Ted Bundy in with the top Satanic family of the Bundys, nor have I found anything that disproves it either. I don’t know either way. Still there are some interesting items about Theodore Bundy.

(Perhaps someone else will be motivated do the genealogy work, and save me the work.) Ted was a law student. One of the schools he studied law at was University of Puget Sound, WA. A major reason he did so poorly in law school was the immense stress that took place in his life in connection to the time and effort he put into murdering beautiful women. Yet, his poor academic performances were no barrier to his political success. Ted does have a number of items that seem suspicious. First, Ted drove all the way from Washington state to Miami, FL to take part in Nelson Rockefeller’s 1968

campaign. He was a big Rockefeller fan. Ted was appointed Assistant Chairman of the Washington State Republican Central Committee, Ted travelled in elite social circles, and was preparing for a campaign for Ted to run for State Governor. For instance in 1973, he was part of the Republican State Committee. He may have been on this committee in other years too. (Ironically, Ted Bundy had served briefly on the Seattle Crime Commission on a Study of White Collar Crime.) For whatever reasons-whether it be elite connections or his winning personality, it is certain that he had a big political career in front of him as a young person if he had not blown things. Second, almost all the serial killers have had connections to Satanism and in every case the media and the police have suppressed or greatly downplayed their connections to Freemasonry and Satanism. For instance, Charles Manson (Freemason, O.T.O. & Satanism), Sam of Sam Berkowitz (O.T.O. & Satanism), Jack the Ripper (Freemason), and Henry Lee Lucas (Satanism). Could it be that Ted Bundy had a Satanic side to him? I haven’t seen anything that shows that he wasn’t a Satanist. He did join the Mormon church during the middle of time period of years when he was murdering innocent women, but his motive for joining certainly had nothing to do with sincerely serving God.

I have learned that Ted had an interest in Astrology. Perhaps the closest person to Ted Bundy, his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Kendall, wrote in her book The Phantom Prince My Life with Ted Bundy that she didn’t know why he brutally killed so many women. She was aware that he liked bondage-type sexual arrangements. But the inner workings of Ted’s mind were a mystery to her. And Ted was capable of some of the biggest lying and yet coming across totally honest. (This type of lying goes on everyday by the Illuminati members who as a habit make boldface lies to the public.) Ted Bundy was adopted by his father Johnnie Bundy, who was a dentist in the northwest area of Washington State. What is this main branch of Bundy’s that we are speculating that Ted’s father 3

might or might not be tied to? The original Bundy family came to the New World before 1635 to Boston, MS. A few years later they moved to Taunton, MS. A large branch of these Bundys went to Connecticut, and later a few went on to New York. Another group of colonial American Bundys were in North Carolina. The particular members of the Bundy family that are prominent in the New World Order today, are the one’s who would have inherited the position of authority over the family if Satanic tradition had been followed. The Bundy family was an old American family that was part of the Eastern establishment, but with only a few exceptions like Congressman Solomon Bundy in the early 19th century, the family has only come into the public’s eye during the twentieth century. This family also surfaces in not so prominent places too. Two of the key early Watchtower Society leaders were Bundys. These were Walter H. Bundy, who went with Charles Taze Russell to Great Britain on his May 29-31, 1909 trip, and Edwin Bundy who worked at the Bethel Headquarter at the turn of the century and travelled around the U.S. for the Watchtower Society from 1906 to 1910. The following is my own Who’s Who of the Bundy Illuminati family. After this list introducing our cast of characters, this article will get back to discussing the Bundys.


Eric Bundy- Placed in charge of the prisoner Howard Hughes by the llluminati family of Onassis.

More about this later.

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