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Now we left the Post-conviction hearing on Feb 15 knowing that it was lost, knowing that it was rigged from the very beginning. About the most maJor point why my attorney threw the case. The Judge cut me off. We could have documented it and proved it. Testify. In essence, he took our defense away by not permitting me to testify at all about it. Again no fair trial. He said, ,,I will let you know in 3o days". But we knew, we knew at the time, it was pretty much open and shut. But then I pretty much. knew that in no state court would any court appointed attorney was I ever ever going to get anywhere. This attorney should have subpoenaed Rev. Randle sad put him on the stand sad be refused to do so. Again not calling witnesses. There was another brother named Joe in Charlotte who was a major witness in the case. He would alone got me a new trial but stating that I had called him from the jail after the first day of the trial and told him I needed him to be a witness at the next day, for him to take off work to corn on down to Columbia and testify. He then called my attorney and my attorney told him not to come. This man now won’t even talk to Christians about it. When they talk to him on the phone, he’s just terrified, he’s scared to death. under no circumstances will be come to Columbia, South Carolina. There is a conspiracy going on here. That could be overruled by an attorney. There are a couple of attorneys in this state who are known that they can’t be gotten to. And they have all told me that my case is open and shut. I should never have went to prison. I could have been set free by a couple court orders. But I have never been able to get these attorneys. And the reason for me not being able to write anybody, or have contact with anybody... (to be continued...in next issue Lord Willing)


In the Sept. 1, '93 issue a tape which was secretly made by Johnnie Todd in prison was transcribed.

This is a continuation of that transcription, and then a post-script is given to update the reader on things that have happened just recently. Before beginning we will repeal the last paragraph.


There is a conspiracy going on here. That could be overruled by an attorney. There are a couple of attorneys in this state who are known that they can’t be gotten to. And they have all told me that my case is open and shut. I should never have went to prison. I could have been set free by a couple court 18

orders. But I have never been able to get these attorneys. And the reason for me not being able to write anybody, or have contact with anybody... (to be continued...in next issue Lord Willing.) CONTINUATION

was so that funds could never be reached, could never be raised so that I could hire an attorney that could set me free. In May, I’ll have been in custody for 4 years. In January, this year I was already in prison for 3 years, for something that I didn’t do, and for something that could have proved I was innocent, if I’d just been allowed to produce witnesses. In essence I have to hire an attorney who will subpoena the witnesses who will make no deal to sell me out and will let me have a fair trial. There is something else that you need to know. Three days after I was placed in jail without bail my attorney came to me. He said the Federal prosecutor, the assistant attorney general, whatever you want to call him the attorney solicitor, wanted to make a deal. Now remember I was facing a state charge not a federal charge. But this was the Feds. Now all I had to do was tell him where all the Christians were hiding, identify all these people in the underground, and I could go free. And I said no. It’s a matter of record that a federal proffer, this is an immunity grant for testimony, was offered me--it’s on record--

and it was turned down. After I was convicted in ‘88 I was sent to prison in Columbia--there are several. Kirkland was the name of mine. I was called up front and I was told to sit down and wait, that the secret service was coming to talk to me. The woman supervising omcer who was on duty found it strange that this secret service agent who was supposed to be locally from Columbia did not know where the prison was. And she just said, "Boy they are hiring dumb people today we had to give him instruction how to get here." When he arrived he let it slip out that he was actually a member of President Reagan’s body guard staff from Wash. D.C. He said that he had to leave in a couple of days to Moscow. This was right before the Reagan-Moscow trip. And that he had to get ready to set up for the President. What was he doing here? And all he wanted was the same information. Of course it was the information. Why was the secret service involved? He was a member of Reagan’s staff. Now after that, I was left alone, everything was left alone for a long time. And then in '90 in the winter of

‘90, the FBI came. I had been moved to a ah- I had been in three prisons. They keep moving me around and they are fixing to move me again is what they tell me. The FBI came this was late at night I was brought from my cell after everyone else was locked down, and I was taken up front. There were two agents of the FBI. They said they were there to question me again, was I willing to talk?

was I willing to make a deal? I said, "no." They said all this could be behind me, I said "no". They left. They’ve came back three other times. Finally they quit coming. I guess they are getting the message. But I kindof expect them to show up now that I’ve lost the post-conviction. As soon as I get notified in writing that I’ve lost this post-conviction, I expect for them to show up again trying to know if I wili make a deal; the answer is ‘no." Isn’t it amazing that I’m supposed to be this terrible rapist on a state charge that the Feds somehow have authority over this state charge and they are willing to let me just go, wipe it off the books for turning Christians who are wanted for nothig,, a lot of times nothing but misdemeanor warrants, or child custody warrants where the state wants to take the kids, or for violations of court orders. A lot of these people are on the run, from Christian schools where the state has sworn out warrants for these Christians because they were teaching the children, and the state decided that this was not right and so on. Little stuff, and yet they are willing to let me go for all these people plus the Christians who are hiding them out. I think you’d better wake up brothers and sisters, because I was sent to prison without the right to a fair trial and I want tell you what. It could be done real easy. It could be done real easy. They control the media. They could say anything about you they want to say. They control the governments. They control the police forces.

Wake up!

I want to go into something else that is going on right now in the news. For over twelve years I have said that the goal of the United States government was to activate what is called Operation Garden Plot and its sub-plot Operation Cablesplice. Which was martial law, total military control over all police forces, governments, and so on. I’ve said that in order to do that they wanted the populace out there to scream at the president that he wasn’t doing his job of protecting them from acts of terrorism.

And that they were willing to give up their constitutional rights. Now we have seen time and time 19

again in order to stop the drug wars to stop the drug dealers, and all the bloodshed that they are willing to give up Constitutional rights. People are willing to do it. People, when terrorism strikes, are willing to do it. Now for years, the Illuminati have tried to have the Arab countries be so outraged that they would start terrorism in the United States on a great massive rate. And our country is more susceptible than any other country for the simple reason that we are not prepared for it. We don’t believe it could happen to us. And they thought they were going to be able to do it in Lebanon. They didn’t pull it off. They thought by hitting Gaddafi he would act, he wasn’t able to strike back. He was unable to do it. And now we are involved in a war whose sole purpose is to have those acts of terrorism launched upon us in this country. [The media has hyped every act of terrorism they could dredge up in recent years.-F.] And I will leave you with that. Now people soon you will all be in the same danger I’m in. I’m asking for your help. I assure you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ I am innocent of this charge. I state so before the Lord and you in his name. I’m innocent of this. Is it any surprise that John Todd who did them so much damage will be framed and sent to prison? Remember that I warned everybody about it that it would happen 2 years before it happened. I was warned. What is so agitating in this is that Christians who should have stood by me, who knew I was innocent, didn’t do it. They became so afraid that they would be gone after, that they just left me here. I need your help. I need copies of this tape made. I need it passed around. I need the word to get around. I need anybody who can help to get the word around, and to help financially. Not until I can hire these non-collaborating attorneys will I get proved and get free. I could be free at this time. I could have been free three years ago. I never should have been sent to prison all I would have had to do was to have help and never had it. And I definitely desperately need this, I’m not very good, I wasn’t very good at asking for finances when I was in the ministry. I couldn’t even take my own offerings in the church. I need your help. I have a dear brother and sister... [name given is no longer working with him--at present 1, Fritz Springmeier am] is their name who have stood with me all through this. They don’t have anything. They are just an everyday couple, a married couple. The man works he works hard. He works long hours. He is not a minister. But they can’t get to him. And he is willing to have this [financial helpi come to him. See, I can’t receive money [cash & checks] I can only receive a few dollars and they have to be in a U.S. postal money order. And if they catch me receiving a lot of mail in here again, they will come down hard on me, and it just makes it impossible. This dear brother and sister in the Lord will take money, put it in the account and whenever there is enough money, move to get my release. I am asking you to help. I am asking you whether it is five dollars or a hundred dollars, or a thousand dollars. Please, we need desperately. We need to raise the finances. We need to get me free. I never understood before as much as I understood now Paul’s writings for when he was in prison to the churches for simple things, a coat, a few belongings, some finances- people who sent to him. And others who totally neglected him yet called themselves his brother and sister in Christ. It was so clear. I am asking for your help. I’m sending this tape to a couple of ministers, who after all these years I finally got their addresses again. And the Lord has just blessed me recently, and I will send this tape out. Now I’m hoping others will make copies and send it out. I’m hoping the word will get out. There is no use for me giving you my address for they keep moving me around from prison to prison so much I may not even be here before this week is out. So let me give you how to send funds and how to contact me if you really feel you want to reach me. You can write me, and they will send me your letter and I’ll pray about it. And if I need to take the risk and write you, I’ll do it. For those who wish to help you can send cash, money orders, whatever, since I’m not allowed to sign anything in prison they need to be mailed out to this party.[now Fritz Springmeier] And if you would make it out to the party whose name I going to give you in a minute... [At present checks can be made out to Fritz Springmeier to help Johnnie Todd. Put a notation on the check for what it is for.] You will be surprised for a small contribution of a gift of $5 how greatful I’ll be. Right now the earliest I can get out [without winning in court] is the year 2005. That’s a long time people for something you didn’t do. We just don’t have that long. I’ve got family and loved ones, and brothers and sisters in Christ that I desperately need to be out there for I’m asking for your help. If the Illuminati, Strom Thurmond and them put so much effort to this to me, there is a reason. And I’m asking for your help. I’m asking ministers who hear this who have newsletters to just simply send out what is going on here, to make copies of this tape and to make it available. People I don’t have much time left in here. Right now there is a conspiracy going on and one of the reasons I hurry to make this tape there is a man in prison who years ago who had threatened to kill me. Amazingly, I’m just John Todd., I don’t know why they 20

would want to do that. Because at that time they were not sure what kind of a scandal it would cause they separated us they sent us to different prisons. And they put what is called a flag on my record, saying that we couldn’t ever be in the same prison together. Nine months ago, when I was fighting to gain my freedom, lawsuits and doing some different stuff myself, because I didn’t have an attorney.

They got upset at me, they wanted to punish me by sending me to another prison. O.K. They couldn’t do it because this man was at that prison. And they let me know they couldn’t do it, that our records were flagged. Now this man was doing a life sentence without parole for murder. Since being in prison he has stabbed four people. Three of them in the last couple years since I’ve known him. He has sworn to kill me. And now he is here. A few weeks ago, he stabbed an inmate an second inmate at another institution, and instead of charging him with it, and putting him into solitary, like they had done before, they dropped the charges, and sent him to this prison. When I heard that he was here, he was being held up in the lock up in solitary waiting for bed space in my unit. He will be just a couple of cells from me.

I went to the authorities here and I complained. Surprisingly guess what brothers and sisters? the flags on our records had disappeared. And there was no record of them ever being there. In fact, they went so far as to say there is no record in our records of us being in the same prison together. And yet we’d been in two prisons together and in the same building a few cells apart. And its right there. That much is in the records. O.K. Complaints were filed and so on and so forth. And I looked right at the Captain here, Capt. Byrd over security and told him, ,,You did this. You got the man who will kill me. There is no big secret about this. This doesn’t happen by accident.’ Now at that time what was supposed to be done was that they should have shipped me. When I complained they should have shipped me.

They claimed they couldn’t send him anywhere else, that he’s been to all these prisons and done all these things, that this was the last place they could have him. Well, they should have sent me away.

Now they are claiming that none of the other prisons want to take me. Isn’t it amazing that they can’t ship me when this man is scheduled to move into my unit into my prison dorm here Fri. This is Monday. They’re doing this to try to kill me. What will happen? I’m in the Lord’s hands... [Johnnie Todd repeats his request for help]...They are afraid that eventually I’ll get my freedom....God bless you. [end of message.] tape was made and quietly gotten out. After my September newsletter came out, toward the end of this last month, in September two inmates who were paid to stab Johnnie Todd stabbed him in the back and then while he was on the ground, they stabbed him three more times.

Johnnie Todd lost a lost of blood, but he is back on his feet and has returned to the general prison population, He is still hopeful to gain his freedom next year, because an appeal was won, and now he is to receive his fair day in court. He has an immediate need of $800 this upcoming month for a chance to get legal help. He has to meet legal deadlines.


Johnnie Todd did get moved from this prison after this tape was made and quitly gotten out. After my September newsletter came out towards the end of this last month, in September two inmates who were paid to stab Johnnie Todd stabbed him in the back and then when he was on the ground they stabbed him three more times. Johnie Todd lost a lot of blood, but he is back on his feet and has returned to the general prison population. He is still hopefull to gain his freedom next year, because an appeal was won, and now he is to receive his fair day in court. He has an immediate need of $800

tis upcoming month for a chance to get legal help. he has to meet legal deadlines.


Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995


There has been no consistency among the Du Pont family members in the spelling they have employed to write their name. The correct variations in spelling the Du Pont name are as follows: Dupont, DuPont, du Pont, duPont, Du Pont, and du Pont de Nemours. In English the second syllable is accented. In French, neither syllable is accented. The name has tended to be spelled du Pont for the family and Du Pont for business. I decided for this article to standardize the spelling in line with this tendency.


Sitting down to write about the du Pont.s reminded me of two other families. Recently, John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark he had discovered that the royal danish family was slipping away secretly from everyone and they were going to Satanic rituals. It is also noteworthy that 5 modern kings of Denmark have been the leaders of Freemasonry in Denmark, and the Danish royal family, princes etc. have been active Masons. John Dale wrote a book The Prince and The Paranormal which goes into the secret occult activities of the British royal family, especially Prince Charles, but also many other royal family members too. Besides the secret occult activities of the British Monarch, they have been openly leaders of Freemasonry ( see the Appendix of Be Wise As Serpents for a detailed chart on this.) The du Ponts are similar to these families in that they too are a dynasty, they too have a very public image, and they too have a totally hidden life. In fact, the du Ponts have better control over the press’s coverage of them than the British Royal Family.

One of the clues that the family is a top Satanic family are the frequency of marriages between relatives of the du Pont descendants. Few people are aware of the immense importance bloodlines play in the upper levels of Satanism. Blood is believed to carry the occult power. Unless a person has the correct blood he or she will not rise to the highest levels of Satanism. The du Ponts have intermarried with the Balls and the Gardners. These other familIes are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. For instance George W. Ball is on the important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attended the Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original first meeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975. George W. Ball is also a member of CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Eliza Cazenove (Gardner was a sister to a du Pont. I)orsey Cazenove (Gardner was a distant cousin. Will Gardner and Bessie Gardner duPont were cousins of the duPonts. John W. (Gardner is a 60 Illuminatus and in charge of the Rockefeller Bros. Fund. I have found the (Gardners in the thick of Satanism and witchcraft.


At the library, I checked out a book Du Pont by William Dutton. The book had been a gift to the library from the f)u Pont Company. I also checked out a book Alfred I. Du Pont by Joseph Frazier

Wall. That book’s author J. Wall was flnanced to write the book by the trustees of the Jessie Ball du Pont Fund. Although scholarly in appearance, it is what they don’t say that can be so crucial to really understand the history of the du Pont family. When a family is worth billions they can afford to tidy up their family histories, and keep people from spilling the beans about secrets. On May 16, 1893 the press reported the death of Alfred Victor du Pont with great laudatory comments. Alfred (known as Fred) had been in business in Louisville, KT and was widely known in the area as a philanthropist.

Louisville’s main paper the Louisville Commercial gave the public a totally fictitious story about how Alfred Victor du Pont died, along with many pages of the highest praise.

If it hadn’t been for the honesty of the Enquirer (a Cincinnati paper--not to be confused with today’s national tabloid by the same name Enquirer) the public would not have learned what really had happened. The false story’ said that Fred died of apoplexy while visiting his brother Bidermann. The duPont family still maintains this fiction is true, although all the facts of the case are blatantly known, and were public knowledge to quite a number of people whose lives were involved with what actually happened. Both Fred du Pont and his nephew Coleman du Pont were regular customers at the most expensive house of prostitution in the area, Maggie Payne’s bordello. Although rich, Fred was not willing to help support a distraught prostitute raise the child she was sure he had sired. So she shot Fred in the heart. Coleman du Pont, who was familiar with Maggie’s, soon went down to Maggie’s, retrieved the body with a hearse and took the body to Biderman’s house. There the coroner was willing to lie on the death certificate that the death was caused by ,,effusive apoplexy.’ It is most likely Coleman made that lie worth his effort. Henry Watterson, editor of the Courier-Journal, although he later admitted he knew the real story of the murder, went ahead and printed the false story on behalf of the du Ponts.

This article starts out with this anecdote to make a point--the 13 top families do control the press--and are very sensitive to any negative publicity of any kind. Not only are their Satanic activities deeply hidden, but even just the normal everyday sinfulness or human soap box drama of their lives is deeply hidden. By the way, Coleman duPont, an extremely hedonistic man, is one of the duPonts I strongly suspect was into Satanism. Further secrecy has been obtained by working through trusted proxies.

Today, a key proxy is the jew Irving Saul Shapiro. The du Pont family is represented in a number of groups by Irving Saul Shapiro, who is on the Council of Foreign Relations. Irving S. Shapiro is a key person who has been the go-between to coordinate the activities of the Rockefellers, the du Ponts, and the Watson families (Watson family members who are 6° Illuminati are mentioned in the 1/1/93

newsletter. Shapiro was a member of Carter’s Advisory Council on Japan-US. Economic Relations, is a trustee of the University of Delaware, director of the Jewish Federation of Delaware, director of IBM (which is a Watson-Rockefeller business), director of Citicorp (Rothschilds and Rockefellers--

headed in the past by 6° Illuminatus, CFR member, Bilderberger Walter Wristen), and the U.S./U.S.S.R. Trade and Economic Council (which Rockefeller plays a big part of). Shapiro is or was director of Continental American Insurance Co., International Business Machines (under IBM).

Irving Saul Shapiro was chairman of the du Pont company.


The biographies of the du Pont family usually begin with the marriage of Samuel du Pont to Anne Alexandrine Montechanin in 1737 in Paris, France. Although Anne was a Huguenot, she was a medium with the spirit world. Anne came from an ancient noble family that lived in Burgandy, France. It is quite possible that it was Anne’s bloodline that gave the Du ponts their occult power.

Anne’s bloodline may possibly tie in to the House of David. At any rate, Samuel and Anne’s son was the first du Pont to rise to greatness, and the first du Pont that can be connected directly to the Illuminati. Samuel and Anne’s son was Pierre Samuel du Pont. Later Pierre Samuel added de Nemours to his name to prevent confusion between him and o ther French legislatures named Dupont.

Pierre Samuel du Pont was a ge nius. Pierre’s mother taught him to be a medium with spirits, but early on Pierre had to deny it publicly. His father Samuel could not understand the boy’s genius, such as his ability at age 12 to translate Greek and Latin at sight. When Pierre’s mother died when he was 16, be no longer had a parent in the family who could understand him, and after getting one of his frequent beatings from his father, he ran away, and was spared near starvation by his Uncle Pierre de

Monchantin. Initiatially, Pierre was a watchmaker, But within a short time he attracted the attention of several top Illuminati for his ability to write good tracts, and articles that advocated various economic and political views that they wanted promoted. Pierre Joined the Freemasons, and at some point was illuminized, as most of the French lodges became. Although Pierre went through severe financial difficulties after the French Revolution, be regularly made payments to Masonic organizations in France. Besides being friends with all the famous Masons of the time, one Mason brother of his worthy of note is the french astronomer Lalande, who helped hide him during the revolution. Someone very powerful protected Pierre Samuel during the French Revolution, this is hinted at by historian Pierre Jolly, although Jolly never gives his protector’s name. I believe he was protected because DuPont was part of the Inner Satanic hierarchy. He was also protected by the daughter of Swiss financier Jacques Necker. This daughter was Madame Germalne de Staël. The Madame was a close friend of Pierre Samuel and she operated a famous salon/cathouse. Madame de Staël was nothing less than an intimate friend of St. Simon. She shared his occult revolutionary ideas.

Henri de St. Simon was a student and friend of Jacques Rigomer-Bazin who was associated with the Inner circle of several occult-based revolutionary groups during Pierre du Pont’s time in France. St.

SImon was the author of The New Christianity which foreshadowed the creation of international communism. He also wrote in the early 1800s The Globe and The Reorganization of the European Community laying out ideas and plans for European unity. In the early 1800’s, the Saint-Simonians suggested in the early 1800’s that the date 2000 be the target date for the New Order. In order to rearrange the world into the New Order, a number of items and stages needed to occur. Two canals-one through the Suez and one through Panama were needed they said to create "Interdependence"

Are sens