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Marxel has not returned. The cat has not returned.

They are taking too long and I have no choice but to wait. Fear bites at the edges of my pursed lips. Whoever returns first, decides my fate. And yet, neither of them seem to be in any hurry to do so.

A thud falls behind me. My already strained nerves produce a small flinch. A rock. No. From above, the black cat darts across the unstable ledges, landing gracefully at my feet – an enchanting display of feline acrobatics.

‘You’re back,’ I gush, the words escaping rushed from my lips.

Yes, Master.


This servant brought the people you wanted.

‘Great,’ I begin, but I know better. Nothing is ever as it seems here. ‘What do you mean by people? I thought I told you to contact Heret-Kau.’

No, Master, I said I would give you what you want, so this servant brought the people that you wished to see.

Fear strikes like a hand at my throat. The people I wish to see are, in fact, the people I don’t wish to see. ‘Surely, you didn’t bring humans to this side.’ I breathe, my voice cautious, unsteady.

No, Master. I didn’t bring humans.

Thank God. I pause. An equally distressing though comes to mind.

‘Don’t tell me… you didn’t bring them here? Here, as in, right where Marxel wants them. N-no. No, I have to do something. This isn’t good. Even if they came to save me, they aren’t able to break my deal with Marxel. It has to be Heret-Kau. That’s the only way.’ My pacing returns just as frantic. ‘I’ll be gifting them both to Marxel on a silver platter.’ I stop, trying to regain some composure. ‘Unless, as soon as they get here, we escape – draw up a portal and get the hell out of here before Marxel returns.’

Master, perhaps this servant could offer some advice.The deals made in this realm are binding. Only a God, or the two parties involved, can break a contract made. You will be bound into completing that deal until its completion or until your death.

Frozen, I peer over. ‘What do you mean? Even if they come here, I will have fulfilled my part of the deal.’

The cat’s twin tails swirl behind it, moving like serpents through the air. You will not be able to move against him. The deal prohibits it. You will find yourself if not an ally of the fire demon, at least a spectator.

With an ear deafening roar, the flame barrier overhead flickers, embers falling from the heavens. Ash coats the landscape, descending softly like white snow into the great canyon. The once fiery channels are now blanketed in grey. Chattering voices echo in the distance: the high-pitched curiosity of a child and the unfeeling words of Will.

For a moment, my heart leaps. A dash of hope stemming from familiarity. A fleeting notion of safety. I could easily let my mind believe this lie. Believe that maybe everything is going to turn out just fine – just like always. But this time it’s different. This time no one forced them to come; they came of their own accord and it might just kill them – or whatever their equivalent is. They could disappear forever and it will be entirely my fault.

The two-tailed feline scampers away, concealing itself in the shadows. Its eyes glare into my own as it recedes into the darkness.

They are here.

William’s irritated voice grows clearer as he closes the distance between us. ‘Xander, are you sure you saw the creature go through here?’ Marxel’s story resurfaces in my mind. How many humans have they killed? The pair appear seamless through the mist. I will myself not to stare, but I can’t seem to tear my gaze away. Their crimson eyes shine through the fog, signalling danger to my brain just like the first time I saw them and admittedly, ever since.

Unnatural. Predatory.

Every human instinct screams at me to run. I don’t. I’m fixated. Compelled to stay here, staring back. Is it Marxel’s deal? Is it because I know I’m the bait? Stay back, my mind begs, don’t come any closer. If they find out I betrayed them, if they misunderstand, will they kill me? What did Marxel mean by Xander’s type? The child beams as he sees me, a mixture of joy and relief brightening his face. His footsteps make a light shuffle as they scurry over to me urgently. William’s eyes fade back to their neutral blue as they lock with mine.


And then whatever feeling I was feeling before that moment is gone. The fear washes away from the sound of my name.

‘You came.’ My breath exhales sharply. ‘Why?’

William looks away, pausing before opening his mouth to speak. Xander launches himself at me, forcing my gaze away from the ice demon.

‘What do you mean “why”?’ he chirps, arms thrown around me with a tight squeeze. ‘We came to get you. We thought something might have happened to you. We were both really worri–’

‘Xander, we don’t have time for this. Start drawing a portal. We’re leaving,’ William says, clearly annoyed with Xander’s emotional disclosure. Nevertheless, the boy’s attention diverts, an immediate obedience that is eerily instantaneous, even for him. William waits for Xander to leave the chasm before continuing.

‘What are you wearing? Aren’t you cold?’

I blink slowly, looking down at my outfit. Heat flushes my face from either embarrassment or irritation. Or a mixture of both. ‘That’s the first thing you say to me?’

Self-conscious, I wedge the dress down. ‘It’s Rye’s sister’s dress, okay? We went to a bar.’ William’s eyes narrow in at the mention of the human boy. I roll my eyes, trying to brush the red dust off the dress. It smudges deeper instead. Great. I really hope I can wash that out. ‘I don’t have to explain myself to you. Quite frankly, it’s none of your business what I wear.’

A blank expression shifts across his face. ‘Hmm.’ The inner workings of his mind are completely sealed off from view, armour built solely out of stoicism and silence. I hate it when he says nothing. Despite the annoying things that do come out of his mouth, it worries me more when they cease.

My mind clicks, a distant memory attempting to snap into place. Wasn’t there something important? What was it?

William looks away, awkwardly. ‘Well, anyway. You’re unharmed, aren’t you? So, let’s go.’

‘Yes,’ I say, picking up my shoes from the ground. I sneer in his direction. ‘Why? Was Xander right? Were you worried about me?’

‘No,’ he states bluntly, not willing to take the bait. He’s on guard today. Looping my finger through the ankle straps, I sway the heels over my shoulder, my other hand hanging by my side.

The demon’s focus centres on my dropped hand. Grabbing my wrist, he holds up my palm. Blood is smeared over it, drying as a dark brown around my wound.

‘What’s this?’ he demands, letting my hand go. I shrug. A nonchalance that seems to irritate him.

‘Considering my situation, it could have been worse.’ I cross my arms. ‘May I just mention that Marxel, unlike some other kidnapper I know, didn’t threaten to kill me–’

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