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No one answers him.

We don’t have to. Xander must know. He can see the blood; he can smell it too.

‘You,’ he murmurs, turning his attention to Marxel. ‘Did you do this?’

The fire demon gives nothing in response, still clouded in his own turmoil. The demon boy looks back to me, surprisingly expressionless if not a little paler than usual. ‘Is she going to die?’

My breath halts in my lungs, a hard swallow making its way down. I turn away, not able to bring myself to verbalise the answer. Silence stretches for longer than what feels normal. It says everything I couldn’t say.

Looking back, Xander stands frozen.

His childlike innocence fractures, the boy’s face contorting into a twisted mix of hatred and despair. Marxel can barely regain composure quick enough to block Xander’s attack.

‘Xander,’ I say quietly but it’s useless. Anger and grief blind him in a sea of hatred. Xander’s eyes gleam red with fury, his body coated in a toxic mucus. Shrieks and screams fill the air, pulsating waves of horrid sound in a way that feels more like an uncontrolled tantrum than grief. Both Xander and Marxel have already given up on her, too consumed by themselves. I won’t make that mistake. I will save her. I’ll find a way.

Holding Siara’s hand tightly, I ignore the skirmish. She breathes, if just barely. That’s something.

‘Xander,’ I say, through gritted teeth. For a moment I fear I am being ignored, Xander’s eyes glancing briefly in my direction. He freezes, disengaging in his fight with Marxel. Caught off guard, the fire demon holds his stance, following the boy’s line of sight to myself. His expression drops.

‘Get Heret-Kau,’ I growl.

Xander nods, his stare lingering.

As he attempts to run off, Marxel grabs his arm, shaking his head. ‘There’s not enough time.’ Colour has drained itself entirely from Siara. Her chest rises and falls slowly, shallowly. Any of these breaths could be her last.

‘Then what do you suppose we do?’ I snap. ‘Nothing?

Xander flinches.

‘The girl is bleeding out.’ Marxel’s words fall on a thick silence. He looks over sadly to Siara. ‘It should be over soon.’ No. There must be something.

‘I won’t let that happen.’ But Marxel’s right. By the time Xander uses the portal to return to the ice world, and then is able to contact Heret-Kau, Siara will be gone.

Xander walks up to Siara, his face contorting into a look of anguish at her colourless body. ‘Master, what do we do?’

I need time to think. I can figure it out. I just need more time. ‘Xander.’ His eyes light up. ‘Go.’

The boy hesitates but makes his way out of the canyon to draw the portal. I turn my attention to the sullen Marxel. ‘Come here.’

He frowns. ‘I’ve already told you it’s too lat–’

‘And I’ve already told you, I won’t let that happen. Your flame… how precise are you?’

‘What?’ he says blankly. ‘I – uh, if you’re referring to my flames then fairly precise, I guess?’ He peers down at the burns on my arms, clearly happy with himself. I tear more of the fabric surrounding Siara’s wound and Marxel steps back hesitantly.

‘You… you want me to cauterise her wound…’ he says, more to himself than anyone. ‘And I can, but you know that won’t save her. Her internal organs–’

‘Just shut up and do it.’ My voice rises, unable to contain my frustration. Marxel hasn’t changed. He still talks way too much.

The fire demon collapses to his knees on the other side of Siara. After exhaling a steadying breath, he slowly and meticulously burns the wound on Siara’s stomach. Pushing her towards me, he quickly burns the smaller wound on her back. Siara’s winces and grunts give a small comfort. If she can feel the pain, it means she’s still alive.

‘Okay.’ Marxel nods, stepping back, extinguishing his flame with a quick clasp of his hand. ‘Now what?’

I lay Siara’s head back down. Taking a deep breath, I gather what remains of my focus. Anxiety swirls in the pit of my stomach. If I do this wrong, even slightly, then all of this will mean nothing. Siara’s eyes open briefly, watching me as if trying to tell me something. I squeeze her hand lightly. ‘You’ll be okay. I promise.’

I’ve done this a thousand times on demons but this time it’s different. If I make a mistake, I could seal her fate. Instantly. But if I do nothing, if I don’t even try then I’m killing her for certain. Placing one hand on Siara’s forehead and another on her stomach, I give a fleeting smile. Her eyes close once more, this time bracing. I need this to work.

And then it’s done. Siara’s body freezes.

I exhale.

‘I see,’ Marxel says, moving closer to inspect her. ‘Interesting.’

Siara’s lifeless body lays frozen on the ground as pale as the ice itself. The usual warmth is drained from her heart-shaped lips, replaced by a bitter blue. She could almost be sleeping, her rounded face and delicate features seemingly at peace. That is, until you notice the lack of a beating heart and the absence of a rise and fall of her chest. I take back my hands and watch her for a few moments more. I reach out beside me. Marxel yells in pain as I grip his arm fiercely. Ice sears against his heat, making its way up his arm and down his side.

‘Just to be clear,’ I say, making sure to remain monotone. ‘I’m letting you live because you helped save her life – but I will never forgive you for almost ending it.’

Marxel smiles. Small fangs poke out from his sinister grin. ‘I understand. I feel the same way. Aren’t you the reason she’s involved with us to begin with?’ His expression becomes dark, a fire lighting behind his eyes. I let go, bringing the searing to an end. ‘Give the girl back to her family,’ he sneers. ‘Don’t let her waste her life on you.’

I say nothing as the fire demon turns his back, making his way to the entrance of the crevice. His silhouette disappears into the shadows as a portal activates.

Xander’s voice from behind breaks the tension. ‘Master, quick!’

Picking up Siara and bringing her to the portal, I feel Marxel’s red eyes linger, a creeping dread forming in the pit of my stomach. He’s right.



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