📗📗"In Calabria" by Peter S. Beagle is a beautifully crafted fantasy novel that intertwines themes of love, loss, and the magic of the natural world. Set in the picturesque landscape of southern Italy, the story centers...
⚔️⚔️"Excalibur" by Peter Gibbons is an exhilarating fantasy novel that reimagines the legendary tale of King Arthur and the fabled sword, Excalibur. This retelling combines elements of adventure, magic, and heroism,...
"Innkeeper's Song" by Peter S. Beagle is a beautifully woven fantasy novel that explores themes of love, loss, and the complexities of human (and non-human) relationships. Set in a richly imagined world, the story...
🐚🐚"Love on the Korlyan Moon" by Petra Palerno is an enchanting science fiction romance set against the backdrop of a vibrant and alien world. The novel follows the story of a passionate and adventurous protagonist who...
"Dirty Alliance" by Peyton Banks is a gripping romantic thriller that delves into the complexities of love, loyalty, and betrayal within a high-stakes environment. The story revolves around a powerful and enigmatic...
"Conspiracy Ignited" by Raymond Paul Johnson🦇🦇 is a thrilling political and espionage novel that plunges readers into a world of intrigue, deception, and high-stakes conflict. The story revolves around a protagonist who...
"Mountain Magic" by Rebecca Beyer is a captivating fantasy novel that transports readers to a world where magic intertwines with the majestic beauty of nature. The story follows a young protagonist who discovers their...
"Thunder Running" by Rebecca Crowley is an electrifying novel that combines elements of action, adventure, and personal growth. The story follows the protagonist, a spirited and determined individual, as they navigate a...
"Danger on the Peaks" by Rebecca Hopewell is an exhilarating adventure novel that immerses readers in a world of suspense, courage, and the breathtaking beauty of nature. The story follows a determined protagonist who...
💎💎"Night of Death and Flowers" by Rebecca L. Garcia is a haunting and beautifully crafted novel that weaves together elements of magic, mystery, and cultural exploration. Set against the backdrop of a rich and vibrant...
🌹🌹"One Cursed Rose" by Rebecca Zanetti is an enthralling paranormal romance that blends elements of fantasy, suspense, and magic. The story centers around a captivating world filled with mythical creatures, curses, and...
"Angel" by Ren Booth is a captivating novel that intertwines elements of fantasy, romance, and self-discovery. The story follows the journey of a young protagonist who finds themselves in a world where angels and humans...