"Katherine of Harborhaven" by Gwendolyn Harmon is a historical romance novel set in a picturesque coastal town. The story follows Katherine, a strong and determined woman who is striving to make a difference in her...

"A Season of Change" by Gwendolyn Harmon is a heartwarming contemporary novel that explores themes of personal growth, resilience, and transformation. Set against the backdrop of a small town, the story follows a...

"Critical Perspectives on Ancient DNA" by Daniel Strand👁️‍🗨️ is an academic exploration of the use and interpretation of ancient DNA (aDNA) in the study of human history and evolution. The book critically examines the...

"If Only You Knew" by Gwyneth Bolton❤️‍🔥 is a contemporary romance novel that delves into themes of love, forgiveness, and second chances. The story follows a successful woman who is trying to balance her career with...

"The Wisdom Within" by Gwen Martin is an insightful self-help and spiritual growth book that explores the deep well of inner wisdom each person possesses. Drawing on principles of mindfulness, emotional intelligence,...

"Heart Restoration Project" by Beth Merlin and Danielle Modafferi🍊🌺 is a heartwarming contemporary romance novel that revolves around themes of healing, love, and second chances. The story follows a protagonist who is...

"The Faithful Dark" by Cate Baumer is a captivating fantasy novel that weaves together themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the enduring battle between light and darkness. Set in a richly imagined world, the story follows a...

"The Starcrossed" by Ben Bova🖌️📚 is a satirical science fiction novel that offers a humorous critique of the television and entertainment industry. The story is set in a near future where a visionary producer is trying...

"Counting'' by Benjamin Wardhaugh explores the history, significance, and impact of numbers in shaping our understanding of the world. The book delves into how counting and quantifying have influenced various aspects of...

"When We're Thirty" by Casey Dembowski🤍🖤 is a contemporary romance novel centered around the lives of two childhood friends, Hannah and Will, who made a pact when they were younger: if they were both still single by the...

"За пределами разрыва" - Таниша Хедли Сюжет книги фокусируется на главной героине, которая сталкивается с последствиями значимого разрыва в своей жизни. История исследует её внутренние переживания, борьбу с эмоциями и...

"Вера в чудо" - Нина Князькова Сюжет книги сосредоточен на главной героине, которая сталкивается с трудностями и испытаниями в своей жизни. История разворачивается вокруг её личных переживаний и борьбы за счастье, в...

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