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        . The Migratory Legends. (Folklore Fellows Communications, No. 175.) Helsinki, 1958.

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        . Tom Tit Tot. London, 1898.

CLOUSTON, W. A. The Book of Noodles. London, 1888.

CRAIGIE, W. A. Scandinavian Folk-Lore. London, 1896.

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        . Bloodstoppers and Bearwalkers. Cambridge, Mass., 1952.

        . Buying the Wind. Chicago, 1964.

        . “Dialect Stories of the Upper Peninsula,” Journal of American Folklore, LXI (1948), 113–150.

        . Folk Legends of Japan. Tokyo and Rutland, Vt., 1962.

        . Jonathan Draws the Long Bow. Cambridge, Mass., 1946.

        . Negro Folktales in Michigan. Cambridge, Mass., 1956.

        . Negro Tales from Pine Bluff, Arkansas and Calvin, Michigan. (Indiana University Folklore Series, No. 12.) Bloomington, Indiana., 1958.

        . “Polish Tales from Joe Woods,” Western Folklore, VIII (1949), 131–145.

EVANS, E. ESTYN. Irish Folk-Ways. London, 1957.

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The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, ed. Newman Ivey White. 7 vols. Durham, North Carolina, 1952–64.

GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS. Itinerary Through Wales. London, 1863.

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        . The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1894–98.

GRIMM, JAKOB L. K. and WILHELM. Grimm’s Household Tales, tr. and ed. Margaret Hunt. 2 vols. London, 1884; new ed., New York, 1944.

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GUTCH, ELIZA. County Folk-Lore, No. 2, The North Riding of Yorkshire. London, 1901.

HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, JAMES O. Nursery Rhymes and Popular Tales. London, 1849.

        . The Nursery Rhymes of England. London, 1843.

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        . County Folk-Lore, No. 1, Folk-Lore of Gloucestershire. London, 1892.

        . “Peeping Tom and Lady Godiva,” Folk-Lore, I (1890), 207–226.

HENDERSON, WILLIAM. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders. London, 1879.

HENNINGSEN, GUSTAV. “Kunsten and Lyve Lodret,” Nordisk Institut for Folkedigtning, Studier I. København, 1961.

HOFFMAN-KRAYER, E., and BÄCHTOLD-STÄUBLI, H. (eds.). Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens. 10 vols. Berlin and Leipzig, 1927–42.

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JACOBS, JOSEPH. English Fairy Tales. London, 1890.

        . More English Fairy Tales. London, 1894.

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