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I take a deep breath and feel a sense of déjà vu wash over me as I recognize this familiar feeling.

I find myself in a cramped space with Mike positioned to my left, Cain to my right, and Nate directly in front of me. The proximity of the three men makes me feel trapped in a good way and I know where this will lead. I back up towards the wall for space. Nate approaches me with one hand pressed against the wall behind me and the other firmly gripping my chin. His words cut through the tense silence. “Got any time to kill, Cain?”

Cain places his hand on Nate's back and shakes his head. “Unfortunately, we have to leave now, dude,” he says with a hint of regret. Nate's face briefly contorts with annoyance. “Have a good night, baby,” he mutters before turning away.

Cain and I walk towards the door and I feel his warm hand holding mine. A playful smirk spreads across his face as he turns to face Nate and Mike. “Try not to play with yourselves too much,” he jokingly warns them. Nate and Mike both roll their eyes and let out a scoff in response.



We make our way up the winding road as tall cypress trees tower over us, casting long shadows on the ground. A magnificent manor looms ahead, its grandeur illuminated by the soft glow of countless lights. A majestic water fountain stands proudly in the front yard, its gentle trickling sound adding to the serene ambiance. Ivy creeps up the walls of the building, adding an extra layer of charm and character to the already picturesque scene. The vast gardens surrounding the manor are a sight to behold, with rows upon rows of rose bushes, each bursting with vibrant colors and sweet fragrances.

Cain parks the Jeep and I can feel my heart pounding with anxiety. He kindly opens the car door for me and extends his hand, signaling for me to step out. I comply, my eyes fixating on the imposing manor looming before us. I can feel the nerves getting the best of me. However, Cain gently takes my hand and offers words of comfort, “It's ok, princess, just breathe.” His reassuring touch and words of encouragement ease my tension and I feel safer with him by my side.

Cain and I approach the towering, black door embellished with intricate, gold detailing. He wraps his fingers around the massive knocker and strikes it twice against the door. My heart races with anticipation.

The door creaks open, revealing a butler dressed in a black suit. He greets us with a warm smile and takes our coats, gesturing for us to follow him. As we walk down the corridor, I can't help but admire the luxurious decor. The carpet is a deep shade of red and the walls are adorned with ancient portraits of the family's ancestors.

I feel awe and intimidation as we approach the hall where the other guests gather. All eyes seem to be on me and I can't help but wonder what impression I'll make on these high-society individuals. I grip Cain's hand tight.

We hear a loud voice calling out our names. Turning our heads, we see Helena walking towards us, arm in arm with Alastair. Her stunning, dark navy gown sparkles at the bottom and her hair is styled in tiny ringlet curls that must have taken hours to perfect.

Alastair greets us, firmly shaking Cain's hand and kissing me gently on the cheek. Helena then follows suit, kissing Cain on the cheek first before turning to me and planting a soft kiss on my cheek as well. The evening is off to a great start and we can't wait to see what the rest of the night has in store for us.

Helena's arms reach out as she compliments me, “You look stunning, Tessie.” I feel my face turning bright red as I blush and I respond with a soft-spoken, “Thank you. You look lovely, Helena.” I feel self-conscious, as if all eyes are on me after Helena's comment.

Suddenly, a new presence appears beside Helena and she places her hand on his back. “This is our son, Archibald.” Dan's friend from college, Archie, stands beside Helena in a white shirt with three buttons undone. He looks like he has been partying all afternoon and the smell of alcohol emanates from him. I start to feel uneasy, but I go along as Archie leans in to kiss my cheek, saying, “Tessie.” Alastair asks if we know each other, to which Archie responds, “Yes, Father, Tessie studies at the same college as me.” I tighten my grip on Cain's hand, increasingly uneasy.

Amidst the chatter and music in the hall, Alastair's voice rings out loud and clear, commanding everyone's attention. “No, you can't put their tables together,” he declares, pointing a finger at the staff. “Sorry. I've got to deal with this. Have fun.” With that, he whisks Helena away, leaving a trail of curious glances and whispers.

Archie turns his gaze towards Cain, studying him critically. “Sorry, I'm Archie,” he introduces himself, extending his hand for a handshake.

Cain accepts the handshake with a firm grip. “I'm Cain, I work with your father,” he replies curtly. The two men lock eyes, sizing each other up before releasing each other's hands.

“Nice,” Archie says. “Well, enjoy the party. I know my mother is auctioning off some paintings later. Might not be your thing,” he adds the last part with a hint of sarcasm, speaking under his breath.

Archie walks away, disappearing into a sea of people. The atmosphere is lively and the sound of chatter fills the air. Suddenly, a butler carrying a tray of champagne passes by us. I take a glass and Cain follows my lead. The bubbles tickle my nose as I take a sip.

“So, let me get this straight. That was the Archie inquiring about Dan's whereabouts?” Cain asks me, arching an eyebrow.

I nod in response. The music picks up and people start dancing around us.

Helena stands on the stage, her voice amplified through the microphone, commanding the entire room's attention. “All partners to the floor!” she shouts with an air of authority. “No exceptions. Dance time!”

I glance at Cain. We groan inwardly at the prospect of dancing and place our glasses on a table. Cain takes my hand. As we make our way to the dance floor, I feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Although I have never been a great dancer, Cain seems confident in his abilities.

He places one hand on my waist and the other in my hand as we move in time with the music. Despite my initial reluctance, I can't help but smile as we dance together. The beat of the music fills the room, and for a moment, it feels like we are the only two people in the world.

“They say you shouldn't dance with the devil,” Cain whispers in my ear, leaning.

A sudden wave of weakness washes over me as I listen to his words. Despite that, we continue to dance, our bodies moving in perfect harmony to the rhythm of the music.

“What if I wanna fuck the devil?” I breathe in his ear.

“Say that again, I liked it...” he deeply chuckles.

As he twirls me around the dance floor, I can't help but ask him, “When did you learn to dance?”

He responds with a hint of arrogance, “One of my many natural talents, princess.”

I peek over Cain's shoulder and catch a glimpse of Celeste in the corner of my eye. Her presence commands attention and I can't resist turning my head to take a better look. She looks stunning dressed in a white gown that accentuates her curves. Her blond locks cascade down her back in loose waves, giving her an ethereal glow. I would have mistaken her for an angel if I hadn't known her true nature. But her piercing glare as she watches Cain and me dance reminds me of the harsh reality.

I reach up close to Cain and whisper, “Do you see Celeste over there? She's watching us.” Without saying a word, Cain swiftly turns us around and spins me in a circle. After a moment, he breaks the silence by saying, “I see her now. I believe she's Helena's hairstylist.”

Helena's voice booms over the mic, “Now switch partners!” I feel a jolt of surprise run through me. Cain and I exchange a quick look of confusion before he releases his hold on my hand and waist. I turn around to find an elderly couple standing next to us. The older gentleman reaches out to take my hand and I can't help but notice the strong smell of cigars that emanates from him. We start to dance and I can feel his firm grip on my hand as we sway to the music.

As I glance over at Cain, I see that the elderly lady has taken his arm and they are moving slowly around the dance floor. Despite the unexpected change in partners, I can't help but feel a sense of amusement bubbling up inside me. Seeing them dancing together is too cute for words and I can't resist a little giggle of delight.

As we move to the rhythm of the music, the elderly gentleman by my side introduces himself, “My name is Bill and my wife over there is Barbra. People just call us Bill and Babs.”

I grin and respond, “I'm Tessie. The gentleman dancing with Babs is Cain.”

The music is booming and everyone is enjoying themselves.

I continue to dance with the elderly man and I can't help but steal a glance at Cain. My heart swells with warmth as I watch him gently hold the old lady's hand, his kind and compassionate nature shining through.

Suddenly, Helena's voice echoes through the speakers. “Now it's auction time. Please all gather around.” The crowd quickly stops dancing and starts moving towards the center of the room. I stand there and I notice Cain walking toward me. He grabs my hand and I can’t help but smile at him. It was heartwarming to see him dancing with an old lady.

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