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I punch at her hands and struggle to free from her tight grip. She suddenly releases me and I manage to stand up. I hear Cain's voice echoing in the distance, desperately yelling my name.

I find myself pressed against a lamppost's cold, metal surface, feeling its rough texture against my back. Suddenly, she smashes a bottle above my head. The glass shatters, sending shards raining down around me.

Celeste stands there with my blood on her white dress and in her blond hair. She holds the jagged half of the broken glass bottle tensely. As she approaches me with her arm outstretched, I kick at her and dart away before she has a chance to catch me. I feel a rush of adrenaline as I run through the maze.

As I sprint down the maze, my heart pounds in my chest. I didn't dare look back to see if Celeste was still chasing me. My mind is racing with fear and anxiety, and I struggle to catch my breath.

Suddenly, I turn a corner and collide with Cain. His strong arms wrap around me and I collapse into his embrace, feeling both relieved and exhausted.

I gasp for air and I can feel the blood trickling down my face from the numerous cuts. Cain's voice is filled with concern and anger as he demands, “Who did this to you?”

I slowly regain consciousness and I find myself lying in his arms. It takes me a moment to open my swollen eyes, but I mutter, “Celeste.” His face is twisted with anger as he scoops me up and carries me with a sense of urgency.

I find myself stirring in the back seat of the Jeep, slowly becoming aware of my surroundings. I try to shake off my grogginess and hear Cain's hushed voice on the phone. His tone is urgent and I strain to hear his words. “She’s signed her own fucking death sentence,” he says, his words heavy with meaning. “I hope you know that, Nate.”

I slowly open my eyes and feel the mattress' softness beneath my skin. I realize I am propped up with a pillow behind me. I look around to see the trio of people standing at the end of the bed. Nate holds a glass of water in his hand and walks towards me. He sits at the edge of the bed and hands me the glass. I can feel the coolness of the water as I gulp it down, refreshing my dry throat.

Nate extends his hand, holding two small tablets. He offers them to me and explains, “Pain medication.”

Lightheadedness washes over me instantly and my vision blurs. With a shaky hand, I reach out and take the tablets from him. I quickly swallow them down with a gulp of water, hoping for some relief from the pain.

Mike asks, “How are you feeling?” I feel terrible. I adjust my body uncomfortably and mumble back, “Like shit.”

Mike takes a seat on the floor beside the bed, “We cleaned up the cuts on your face and legs while you were asleep,” he says

Nate holds my hand and looks very emotional. “I'm sorry, baby,” he says, his eyes filling with tears.

I look at him, confused. “What for?”

“It's all my fault. What happened with Celeste,” Nate says, his voice choked with emotion.

I grip Nate's hand tightly and say, “No, it's not, Nate. Don't you dare blame yourself.”

I then ask, “What happened with Celeste?” My lips feel sore and I remember there is a cut on them. The trio all exchange glances, but before they can say anything, Cain interjects, “She was arrested and she has been dealt with.” I feel relieved to hear that, but I still have doubts in my mind. “Don't I need to give a statement or anything?” I ask. “No,” Cain replies, “she admitted to it. Let's not talk about her again, ok?”

Cain exits the room. I become concerned about the state of my face. “Is it bad?” I ask Nate and Mike, hoping for some reassurance. Nate puts a comforting hand on my shoulder and replies, “Don't worry, baby. It's just some cuts and bruises. It'll take about a week to heal, but you'll be fine.” His words are a balm to my worried mind and I feel grateful for their support in this tough situation.

Mike suggests, “I'll list you as medically absent from college for a week.” Nate offers to take time off work, but I refuse, saying, “No, it's alright. You don't have to do that.” Nate reassures me with a chuckle to ease my concerns, “Don't worry, baby. I run my own business, so taking time off is not a problem. Plus, someone has to keep an eye on you.”



Rae texted me. I had to tell her I couldn't attend college due to a stomach bug. I didn't like lying to her, but I had to. It's been three days since then and I feel much better. The cuts on my face are almost healed and the bruises are fading away, which I can easily cover with some makeup.

Over the last three days, Nate and I have been watching movies and playing board games. He plans to take me out today and I'm looking forward to it.

“Are you ready, baby?” Nate asks, leaning against the front door, gripping the door frame.

I turn to him, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. “What type of shoes should I wear?” I ask.

“Comfortable ones,” he replies with a reassuring smile.

I quickly slip into my trusty trainers and follow him out of the door, eager to discover where he's taking me.

We climb into his truck and he begins to drive. As we leave the city behind, the landscape outside the window transforms into rolling hills and open fields. The sun is high, casting a warm glow across the sky.

Despite my anticipation, I soon find myself drifting off to sleep, lulled by the gentle hum of the engine and the peaceful scenery outside.

I awaken to the sound of Nate's gentle voice saying, “Wakey, wakey.” Slowly opening my eyes, I see that we have arrived at our destination. My heart fills with excitement as I realize that we must be parked near the sea and a pier with amusements.

Still groggy, I apologize to him, saying, “I'm sorry, baby. I fell asleep,” as I rub my eyes. Nate reassures me with a warm smile and a gentle touch, resting one arm on the steering wheel and placing the other hand on my thigh.

As he steps out of the truck, he turns his baseball cap backward and looks at me with a grin. “Let's go have some fun, shall we?” he asks, offering his hand to help me out. I take it and jump down, landing on the ground with a soft thud. Adjusting my floral dress and jean jacket, I take in our surroundings–the sun is shining bright and the air is filled with the ocean scent.

We ascend the steps to the wooden pier and Nate grasps my hand firmly. The amusement park's flashing lights and blaring music fill the air around us. Upon reaching the top, we head towards the first attraction—a ring toss game.

“Care to have a go?” Nate asks, his voice barely audible over the blaring music. “Sure,” I reply, trying to match his enthusiasm. We stand side by side, tossing the rings with all our might, each trying to land them over the colored bottles. As we play, I glance over at Nate and notice the intense focus on his face.

I eagerly attempt to slide a shiny ring down the neck of two vibrantly colored bottles, my heart racing with anticipation. After several attempts, I finally win, and an overwhelming sense of joy and excitement washes over me, causing me to clap my hands together in glee. While attempting the same, Nate lets out a disheartening huff as he loses the game. Feeling triumphant, I stick my tongue out at him and giggle in amusement. My eyes scan the colorful array of prizes and my gaze settles on a small, pink teddy bear, which I eagerly claim as my reward.

We walk towards the next stall and he utters a sarcastic, “Well done.” His hand reaches for my waist, holding me close. We approach a game where a bunch of rubber ducks float in a small pool. Wanting to return the favor, I decide to pay for the game this time. We both get a hook stick and begin the game. I try to hook a duck, but unfortunately, I end up empty-handed. Nate, on the other hand, is lucky enough to hook a duck and win a prize. He chooses an inflatable hammer and playfully hits me on the head.

As we stroll down the pier, I hold on tightly to my teddy bear, feeling its soft fur against my skin. I glance over at Nate carrying an inflatable hammer and I can't help but chuckle at the irony of his choice of the prize given his profession.

Suddenly, he pulls me in close and we passionately kiss. The bright lights of the amusement park flash around us, illuminating our embrace and creating a romantic atmosphere. It's a moment I'll never forget.

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