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I gaze up at the stage and my eyes fixate on a framed picture that appears to be painted by a child no more than five years old. "The starting bid is five thousand dollars!" Helena exclaims, her voice echoing throughout the grand hall. At that moment, Cain and I exchange a glance, trying our hardest to stifle our giggles. Suddenly, Cain tilts his head towards the door and silently mouths, “Wanna sneak off?” My heart races with excitement as I eagerly nod in agreement. Without a second thought, we quietly slip out of the hall and make our way down the dimly lit corridor. As we walk around a corner, Cain pulls me close and whispers, “Shit, a butler.” In a swift and impulsive move, we grab each other's hand and rush towards the nearest door. With a quick turn of the knob, we burst into the room and found ourselves standing in front of a luxurious swimming pool. The room is illuminated everywhere we look with a soft, blue hue, casting a serene glow throughout the space. We peer out of the floor-to-ceiling windows and we're greeted with a stunning view of the sprawling gardens outside.

Cain guides me towards the serene pool and we settle down on the cool, tiled floor. He tenderly lifts my legs onto his lap and helps me remove my heels, allowing my feet to rest in the refreshing water. The tranquil atmosphere around us is only broken by the gentle sound of the water. Suddenly, Cain breaks the silence and utters, “You look stunning tonight, princess.” His words cause me to beam with joy and flush with pleasure. As I gaze into the clear water, I say, “You know, Cain, I realize I don't know much about you.” Cain scoffs slightly, the sound barely audible over the water's gentle ripples.

I reach out and place my hand on his thigh and he tenderly asks, “What do you want to know?” I think for a moment. “Well, I don't know anything about your childhood,” I say. Cain looks at the water and I notice the ripples’ reflection on his face. “My mother gave me up when I was a baby. I was in and out of care.” His words echo in the stillness of the moment and I can’t help but feel a sense of empathy towards him.

“I'm so sorry, Cain,” I say, the concern evident in my voice. Cain looks down and takes a deep breath before continuing. “It's fine,” he says, his voice heavy with emotion. “My mom was just a teenager when she had me. I found her when I was in high school, but she made it clear that she didn't want me to contact her or look for her again. That's when I lost my faith in women and they became nothing to me,” he adds, his voice trembling slightly as he speaks. The raw pain in his words is palpable and I can't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for him.

“It makes sense now as to why you treated women like they are nothing,” I say, my throat feeling tight. I had always suspected that there was a deeper reason for his coldness towards women, but I never knew for sure until now. He places his hand on top of mine and I can feel the warmth of his palm on my skin. It was a comforting gesture that made me feel like he was finally opening up to me.

“It's ok. I'm over it now. You know, you're the only woman I've ever treated right,” he says, his voice soft and gentle. I can’t help but smile at the compliment. I feel honored to be the exception to his usual behavior towards women.

I look at him, waiting for him to continue. He seems lost in thought for a moment before he speaks again. “After I saw you in the club, I watched your every movement once you left that hospital. I had to have you. I want to treat you like the others, but I can’t. I tried, but you make me weak, Tessie,” he whispers into my ear, his breath hot against my skin. His words sent shivers down my spine and I can’t deny the attraction I feel towards him.

“When you were admitted to the hospital, Rae stepped out of the room to use the bathroom so it was just the two of us in the room. I remember vividly; you were lying on the hospital bed, looking frail and helpless. Suddenly, you opened your eyes and reached out your hand towards me. You looked at me and said, 'Help me.' At that moment, I felt a surge of emotions I had never experienced. I’ve never had emotions for a woman,” he explains with a pained expression on his face. My heart sinks as I listen to him recount this heart-wrenching incident. Without hesitation, I lean in and grab his face, planting a deep, passionate kiss on his lips.

I watch as he pulls his face away from mine, his eyes locked onto mine with an intense gaze. With one hand still cradling my cheek, he speaks softly, “From that moment in the hospital, I knew that I would never allow any harm to come your way again. I knew I had to be in your life no matter what. Even if you didn’t want me. I became obsessed. Yes, I still am.” The sound of water swirling around my feet brings me back to the present moment, reminding me of our surroundings.

The sound of approaching footsteps catches our attention. Our eyes meet as we look up to see Celeste walking towards us. She holds a cigarette in her mouth, the smoke swirling around her as she takes a drag. “Sorry, did I interrupt?” she asks, her voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Cain inhales deeply, his chest rising and falling with the effort. He turns to face Celeste, his expression guarded. “What do you want, Celeste?” he asks, his voice low and tense. Celeste flicks her cigarette into the pool, the bright orange ember sizzling as it hits the water. “Nothing,” she says, her tone surprisingly soft. “I want to make peace. I'm sorry for calling you a whore.” She takes a few quick strides towards Cain and me, her long legs quickly eating up the distance.

She lowers her body, lifts her pristine white dress slightly, and gently graciously sits down next to me. “Again, I'm sorry,” she says softly. I look up at her, taking in her delicate features and the sincerity in her eyes, before responding with a reassuring nod. “It's ok,” I reply.

She leans in towards my face and the sweet fragrance of her perfume envelops my senses. “They’re right. You are a very pretty little thing, aren't you?” Her breath feels warm against my skin and my heart races with each passing second.

I sense Cain's intense gaze piercing through the back of my head. Suddenly, Celeste's soft touch on my cheek snaps me out of my trance. She leans close and whispers, “Let's see what all the fuss is about.” Before I can react, her lips meet mine and I'm frozen in place, unsure how to respond.

Celeste halts her movement and locks her gaze with mine. “There's no need to worry. He can watch us.”

As she approaches me again, I can't help but notice the pungent smell of a cigarette and alcohol on her breath as she kisses me again.

Suddenly, her lips parts from mine and I hear a loud, piercing scream followed by a thunderous splash, as if something or someone had fallen into the water with great force.

As I lift my head, I notice Cain's towering figure looming over me. Suddenly, my eyes shift downwards and I see that Cain shoved Celeste into the pool. In an instant, Celeste emerges up from the water with her dress soaking and screams in a high-pitched voice, “YOU BASTARD! THIS DRESS IS FUCKING DESIGNER, CAIN!” Her tone is filled with frustration.

Cain's voice drips with sarcasm as he comments, “Well, it's a wet designer now.” He then proceeds to help me up to my feet, carefully putting my heels on. “I know what you are trying to do, Celeste. You’re only doing this to get back at Nate. Plus, I’m not gonna let you touch our girl,” Cain explains to her.

As we step outside to the gardens, I look back. Celeste stands at the side of the pool, drenched from head to toe. Her clothes stick to her skin and her hair drips with water. Determined, she utters, “I'll find a way to get back at him, no matter what it takes.”

As Cain and I stroll deeper into the gardens the bright moonlight illuminates our path. Eventually, we come across a bench and settle down. Concerned, Cain touches my shoulders and asks, “Are you ok?” I try to answer, but the cold air has caused me to stutter. Sensing my discomfort, Cain quickly takes off his black blazer and places it over my shoulders, providing me warmth and comfort.

“Don’t worry about Celeste,” he says, holding me close to his chest.

“I’m not worried,” I reassure him.

He pulls me closer and I feel his arms tightly wrapping around me. I lean my head against his chest, feeling his warmth. Suddenly, I notice a beautiful hedge maze with cast iron Victorian lamps ahead of us.

“Look, a maze!” I exclaim, excited and giddy.

Cain follows me as I rush towards the maze. “Wanna go in?” he suggests. “Sure. How about we start at opposite ends? You start at the entrance, and I'll start at the exit. Let's see if we can find each other,” I suggest, feeling adventurous.

“And if I find you?” he asks, his voice low and seductive.

Without a word, I cock my eyebrows and giggle before running off to the exit. I watch as Cain enters the maze from the entrance, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Clutching Cain's blazer tightly around my shoulders, I find myself lost in a perplexing maze, each turn leading me to dead ends. My heels dig into the soft earth beneath me as I try to tiptoe, my heart pounding. The old cast iron lamps, flickering dimly, and the moonlight are the only sources of light in this labyrinth. Their glow casts eerie shadows on the towering hedges surrounding me, making me feel small and vulnerable.

I navigate through the maze and gradually reduce my pace to a leisurely stroll. The footsteps echo through the narrow passages, prompting a playful giggle to escape my lips. I can sense Cain is nearby and the anticipation of their arrival fills me with excitement.

As I wander through the intricate maze, an impish thought crosses my mind–to hide behind the lush green hedges and surprise him. But the idea of dirtying my dress stops me from doing so. As I take a few more steps, the maze leads me to a dead end yet again. I try to retrace my steps when I hear an eerie sound of deep breathing. Turning around, I am startled to see Celeste standing barefoot and soaking wet, clutching a bottle of vodka. The moonlight reflects off the wetness on her skin, and her expression is inscrutable.

“Jesus, Celeste, you scared me. Go back to the manor and dry off. You’re gonna freeze,” I say, hoping to avoid further conversation. However, she quickly moves in front of me, blocking my path and forcing me to stop. I can't help but notice the strong smell of alcohol emanating from her as she speaks. “You think you are so special, don't you?” she sneers, her words dripping with contempt.

“What are you on about? Let me pass,” I say, trying to keep my cool. However, she isn't keen on letting me go that easily. “You stole my man,” she spat out in a venomous tone.

Before I can say anything, she continues, “Every man I know wants you. Why? You're nothing.” As she speaks, she moves closer and closer, forcing me to retreat to the dead end of the maze.

The lamp casts its warm glow over us, illuminating our faces. With a heavy heart, I utter, “You're right, Celeste. I am nothing. However, I want to clarify that I never stole Nate from you.”

She is seething with anger as she bites her bottom lip and snarls at me with a fierce gaze. “You liar! You need to pay for being the little slut you are!” she exclaims before suddenly backhanding me across the face. The impact of the blow knocks me off balance and I stumble to the ground, feeling momentarily dazed and disoriented.

I feel a sudden surge of fear. I open my mouth and let out a piercing scream, hoping that Cain can hear me. My grip loosens on his blazer and it slips out of my hand, falling to the ground.

I watch her drop the glass bottle from her hand with a clatter. I raise my hands instinctively, anticipating her attack. With her long nails, Celeste scratches at my face. I feel her nails dig into my skin, leaving cuts in their wake. I feel her grip on my hair and I can’t help but plead with her to stop. Her face is twisted with anger and her grip on my hair is getting tighter.

She punches and slaps my face. Her fingernail grazes my lip, causing a cut that begins to bleed. A moment of shock passes as I realize I’m helpless.

She drags me across the rough ground by my hair. I feel the back of my legs getting cut up. Blood pours down my face and I scream out. In a swift motion, she reaches for the glass bottle lying nearby.

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