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“Wake up, you stupid cunt.” I hear a male voice say.

I want this to end.

I feel fingernails cut into my skin as I’m being held down.

“I’ve made her bleed, Royce,”

“So fucking what? Keep going.”

My vision slowly fades to blackness.

I slowly open my eyes and I look up. They’ve switched and now I’m being held down by Porter. A sharp pain shoots through my body, spreading like wildfire and making it hard to move. I can feel the ache in every muscle and joint.

I hesitate to look downwards, already aware of the sight that awaited me. There it was–the image of Royce between my legs.

Royce is now inside me.

“Porter, hold her legs open!” Royce demands, “She keeps trying to move away,” he says, his voice laced with frustration.

Porter releases his grip on my arms and reaches for my legs. I attempt to hit him, but my body is weak and powerless. My efforts are in vain as he holds down my legs, leaving me helpless.

Tears pour out my eyes down my cheek. The room spins.

I’m struggling to speak. All that comes out is “St...sto…”

I hear them let out an evil laugh.

Once again, I feel the weight of exhaustion taking over me. I shut my eyes to give in to the darkness.

I don’t want to wake up.

Please, don’t let me wake up.

Let me die.

I hear water striking the surface of the shower tray. Slowly, I open my eyes, still feeling fuzzy. I blink and try to focus. I realize I have been placed into the shower. I sit there and I see two figures standing over me, vigorously rinsing my blood away from their bodies.

“Here, Porter, some bleach. Clean her. We don’t want any evidence,” I hear.

My body is being drenched under the shower stream of water.

My entire body is in pain as if every nerve ending is on fire. The burning sensation spreads throughout my limbs as bleach is poured over me and I can hardly bear it. My eyes are heavy and drooping, I can barely keep them open. Suddenly, I feel myself drifting away as if the darkness is calling me again. I let go and allow it to take me, enveloping me completely.

Weakness drowns my body, struggling to open my eyes. My body feels completely numb and motionless. A chill runs down my spine. The cold seeped into my bones, leaving me shivering uncontrollably. Droplets of cold water splash on my head, adding to my discomfort. I realize with a jolt that I am slumped in the shower tray, my abused body aching all over. I am bruised, naked, and can feel the chemical burns from the bleach. I instinctively curl up, bringing my knees close to my chest, and let out a heart-wrenching cry as tears stream down my face.

I had been raped.



I stand frozen in place, my eyes fixed on the identical faces of the twins standing before me. My heart aches with a mixture of sorrow and fury. The tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but I clamp down on them with all my might. I can’t let them see me cry; I can’t let them think they have any power over me.

As the twins shift closer, their faces twisted into cruel sneers and I feel a wave of dread wash over me. “Oh look, it’s Ness,” one of them says. They don’t even remember my name or the pain they caused.

I force myself to avoid their gaze, keeping my eyes fixed on the ground beneath my feet. I need to get away, to escape the memories that flood my mind. I try to walk past them, but one of the twins blocks my path, a smug grin spreading across his face. I’m trapped, unable to move forward.

One sneers and asks, “Have you enjoyed our father’s new restaurant?” My heart starts racing and my breathing intensifies as I feel their mocking stares.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder as one of the twins touches me. The touch sends a chill down my spine and I can’t help but shudder involuntarily. My eyes well up with tears and I feel a lump form in my throat. Without a word, I turn around and make a beeline for the exit. I could hear Mike calling out my name behind me, but I don’t stop. I run out of the restaurant and fall to my hands and knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

The nausea churns in my stomach as I try to steady my breathing. The trio surround me, staring at me with panic etched on their faces. Cain’s voice breaks through my thoughts, demanding to know what’s wrong. My words get stuck in my throat as I struggle to express myself. Nate kneels beside me, his reassuring presence calming my racing heartbeat. The tears that well up in my eyes blur my vision as I look at him. In a fragile voice, I tell them I need to leave. Nate picks me up gently, cradling me in his arms. Cain’s voice echoes in the background, asking me questions, ready to deal with anyone who has wronged me.

Nate gently places me in the car’s back seat, taking a seat right next to me. Mike slides in on the other side while Cain takes the driver’s seat with a stern expression. He turns around, staring at me. I rest my head on Nate’s chest, tears streaming down my face. He immediately wraps his arms around me while Mike softly strokes my arm in a comforting manner. Nate’s warm voice breaks the silence, “Baby, please tell us what’s wrong. We’re here for you.”

My heart is heavy as I utter, “The Ackley twins.” My tears flow uncontrollably, their salty trails reaching my lips. Cain’s voice breaks my thoughts, “Did they hurt you in the restaurant?” The anger in his voice echoes in the Jeep, making me shiver. I try to compose myself and lift my head from Nate’s chest. I look at Cain through bleary eyes and break down in sobs again. The memories of what happened flooded my mind, making it hard to speak. Cain’s concern is palpable as he presses, “What did they do to you, Tessie?”

I notice my voice trembling as I try to speak, struggling to form the words. “Two years ago. They...They…” I hesitate, feeling a lump form in my throat. Suddenly, Mike’s arms are around me, holding me tightly. I bury my face in his chest, grateful for his support. His voice is barely above a whisper as he pleads with me. “Please don’t say what I think you’re about to say.”

“They…ra…ra…" I stutter, choking back sobs as I cling to Mike’s chest.

“They raped you, didn’t they?” Cain seethes, his voice thick with anger.

I raise my head, breaking away from Mike’s comfort, and nod in agreement. This triggers Cain, who clenches his fist in anger and demands to know what happened. His sudden outburst alarms Nate, who barks at him not to ask that, but Cain’s need for answers outweighs any concern for his own composure. “I NEED TO KNOW!” he shouts back, his voice laced with fury.

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