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Nate’s gentle voice soothes me as he holds my face in his hands, his eyes filled with concern. “It’s okay, baby. You don’t need to say anything more if you don’t want to,” he reassures me, offering comfort and understanding in his words and touch.

I had been carrying a secret for a long time, but knew it was time to let it out. I gather my courage and recount the horrifying incident involving the notorious Ackley twins. I describe in detail their malicious actions–how they forced vodka down my throat, raped me, hurt me, and then washing me with bleach to get rid of any evidence. The memory of that night still haunts me, but I know that sharing it is the first step towards healing.

Cain cracks his knuckles in anger, steps out of the car, and delivers a forceful punch to the side of the vehicle, producing a loud thud.

Tears stream down my face. “I’m sorry,” I wail.

Cain gets back in the car and slams the door shut. His face is tense as he grips the steering wheel tightly. His breathing is heavy and he lets out a frustrated grunt. Mike reaches out and takes my hand, trying to comfort me. He speaks softly, “It’s not your fault. Don’t ever blame yourself, Tessie.”

I break down into tears and plead, “Can we please go home?” I say, my voice quivering with emotion. Nate’s face softens with concern as he gently responds, “Of course, baby. Let’s get you home.”

I feel an overwhelming sense of safety. I never imagined I would ever reveal what had happened with the Ackley twins to anyone, but in that moment, I found myself opening up to them. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I know they would never let anything like that happen to me again.


I am feeling an intense anger surge. It feels like a volcano of emotions is bubbling inside me and I have a strong urge to hurt anyone and everyone to let out all the frustration. I was acquainted with the Ackley twins. Their parents are wealthy and own a considerable portion of the area. However, the twins are known to be entitled and arrogant, often taking advantage of their privileged status. Several girls had come forward with allegations against them, but the charges were always dropped before they ever reached the courtroom. Either they were paid off or would end up mysteriously killing themselves.

However, this time, they hurt my princess.

This time, they pay.

I walk into Tessie’s room and find Mike cradling her in his arms while she is fast asleep. Seeing me, Mike nods his head and I nod back in acknowledgment. Quietly, I exit the room, careful not to make any noise that might disturb Tessie. I begin to look around for Nate, but he is nowhere to be seen. It’s only after a few moments that I catch sight of him outside, smoking a cigarette. Stepping out of the house, I close the front door behind me. I approach him and watch as he paces back and forth, dragging on his cigarette with an air of determination. “I wanna kill them, Cain,” he says, his voice low and filled with intensity.

I reach out and firmly grasp his shoulders, halting his restless pacing. His hand loosely holds the cigarette. I take from him and bring to my lips. It’s been years since I last smoked, but the familiarity of the sensation hits me all at once. I exhale the smoke with ease, feeling its warmth in my chest. With a deep voice, I say, “We will kill them. Tonight.”

I pass the cigarette back to him and he eagerly takes another drag, his eyes closing in blissful satisfaction. With a nod of his head, he conveys his agreement.


I slowly awaken from my sleep and feel a tapping on my shoulder. The sound of Mike’s voice breaks through the haze of my slumber. I open my eyes to find him standing beside the bed, dressed entirely in black. In his hands, he holds two skull masks. “We have one final surprise for your birthday, Tessie,” he says with a warm smile, extending his hand to help me sit up. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look at him curiously, wondering what this surprise could be.

Mike helps me slowly get out of the bed. He tells me that I need to wear all black and proceeds to help me change my clothes while putting some boots on. I’m still feeling sleepy and disoriented, struggling to make sense of what’s going on. We make our way to Cain’s Jeep. I inquire about the whereabouts of Cain and Nate, but Mike doesn’t provide a direct answer. Instead, he hints that I will discover their location soon enough. He hands me the skull mask and I take a moment to scrutinize it. It has a pair of menacing, wide-open eye holes that seem to peer into one’s soul. Its perfectly molded teeth, sharply defined and arranged in a sinister grin, complete the eerie effect. I try to make sense of what’s happening.

We venture down winding, country back roads, the car kicking up dust as we follow a dirt path deep into the heart of the forest. The moonlight casts an eerie glow over the trees, illuminating our way. Usually, I would feel terrified, but with Mike by my side, I feel safe and reassured.

Mike’s voice trembles as he speaks. “Now listen, don’t be scared. When we turn this corner, you might see something you don’t like. Tell me if you want me to drive away and we will leave.”

I feel a knot in my stomach and my palms start to sweat. I hold onto the car door handle tight, bracing myself for what’s to come. Suddenly, Mike puts on the skull mask. “Put the mask on,” he says, his voice muffled by the mask. My heart races as I put on the mask, not knowing what to expect around the corner.

We make the turn and the headlights of our Jeep illuminate what lies ahead, revealing a scene obscured by the dense trees. My eyes focus on the Ackley twins, who have been bound, gagged, and left on the ground with their faces bloodied. Standing alongside them are two individuals dressed entirely in black, their faces concealed by skull masks. I try to make sense of what is happening before me.

I can’t help but feel apprehensive. I ask Mike, “Is that Cain and Nate?” He reassures me, saying, “Yes. You have nothing to worry about. Remember to tell me if you want to leave,” he says, emphasizing his concern for my safety. We pull up to Cain and Nate as one of them steps forward to open the car door. As soon as he addresses me as princess, I know it is Cain. He holds out his hand, saying, “The final present for my princess.”

The bright headlights illuminate the scene, revealing the Ackley twins kneeling on the ground with their eyes covered and hands tied together with rope. However, what catches my attention is the sight of two deep holes dug right behind them. I can tell they have already been beaten; their blood paints every surface of their skin.

Cain takes my hand and leads me toward a tree. On the ground lies a soft blanket adorned with an array of interesting tools. My eyes scan the objects, spotting a sharp-edged ax, a shiny knife that gleams in the light, a gun, a trusty screwdriver, and many other items. Each item seems to hint at a different purpose.

Cain leans in and whispers in my ear, “You get to choose how they die.” I feel my heart race and I gulp nervously. I turn to him and stutter, “I won’t let you do this for me.” My voice trembles as I speak. Nate places his hand on my back and says, “It’s a birthday gift.”

Standing there, my heart racing with anticipation. I hear the faint sound of crying coming from

the direction of the Ackley twins. In front of me stand the trio, their faces completely obscured by eerie skull masks. I can’t believe they are willing to go through with this for my sake. The gravity of the situation hits me like a ton of bricks. I feel both grateful and terrified at the same time.

Mike reassures, “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to take you away before they are killed. But if you want to watch them die, we can stay.” Nate, however, firmly interjects, “No, no. You will take her away.”

The moon casts a pale glow on the tools spread out on the blanket. I lean down to pick up the knife; its blade gleams in the dim light. I hand it to Cain, he gives a low growl of approval.

“Make it painful,” I say, my vision blurring with tears. It’s not the twins that I’m crying for, but the anguish they have inflicted upon me. The pain they caused was unbearable.

I hear a sinister chuckle escape the trio’s lips. Cain whispers, “That’s my girl,” in a low, menacing voice, making my heart skip a beat.

One of the Ackley twins remarkably manages to free themselves from the tight gag wrapped around their mouth. His voice dripping with contempt, he shouts out at us, “You are nothing but a bunch of pussies. You won’t do shit. Do you even have the slightest idea of who we are?”

Nate rolls up his sleeves and approaches him. Under his breath, he mutters, “Yeah. You’re rapists. Now shut the fuck up.” He throws a punch at him, landing a blow straight to his face. He proceeds to put the gag back into the twin’s mouth.

I feel a sense of apprehension creep up on me. Shaking my head, I try to refuse their offer. “You can’t do this for me,” I say, hoping to dissuade them. But Nate cuts me off, his voice firm and unyielding. “You don’t have a choice,” he declares. “We are doing it whether you like it or not.” His words hang in the air.

Feeling a mix of emotions, Mike suddenly speaks up and grabs my hand. “If anything, we are doing the world a favor by getting rid of two assholes who have raped other girls, not just you,” he says with a determined yet solemn expression on his face.

Cain speaks up, his tone serious. “They have raped other girls,” he says, his voice lowering, “but what’s worse is that before the case could even go to court, the charges are dropped and they get away with it,” Cain explains.

I shift my gaze towards the twins, but I don’t feel any sympathy for them. I turn my head back to the trio and let out a blunt “Ok...” before adding, “Just be careful…I think it’s time for us to leave now, Mike.”

Cain cracks his neck and a deep and sinister chuckle emanates from his throat. Mike’s reassuring grip on my hand comforts me as he helps me into the Jeep and heads to the driver’s side. We take off the skull masks and drive down the bumpy, dirt track. Mike’s hand tightly grips my thigh. His voice oozes with confidence as he assures me, “It’s ok...They’re only getting what they deserve.” My nervousness takes over as I ask, “Will Cain and Nate be ok?” Mike chuckles and responds, “It’s not their first rodeo.”

Driving through the dense forest, thunder echoes in the distance. Suddenly, I feel an inexplicable urge deep inside me. Gasping for breath, I blurt out, “Stop. Turn around. Go back.” But Mike disagrees, “No, Tessie, we can’t stop it. It’ll be too late.” I clarify, “I don’t want to stop it. I want to watch.” Mike brings the car to a stop. He leans over and places his hand on the back of my headrest. “Are you absolutely sure about this?” he asks, his eyes glistening with concern.

My heart races. I take a deep breath and nod my head in agreement. Mike swiftly turns the car around and we begin to drive back toward Cain and Nate’s location. I can feel my hands trembling with nervousness, but my desire to witness the twins’ deaths overpowers my fear. Deep down, I know I need to see it, no matter how scared I am.

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