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Mike and I put our skull masks back on and drive up to Cain and Nate. To my horror, I notice that one of the twins is missing. I look around and I can see Cain and Nate’s skull masks covered in blood. Before I can even get out of the car, Nate runs up to us and slams the door shut. “Get her out of here, now!” he shouts.

“She wants to watch,” Mike protests, hanging out his window. But Nate is adamant. “She’s not seeing this!” he shouts.

I peer out of the open window. “I need to see them die,” I whisper, my voice barely audible. Suddenly, Nate opens the car door. He looks at me with a mix of concern and understanding. “I promised you that you would never see death again,” he says gently, his words piercing through the silence.

I swiftly step out of the car and my ears pick up the sound of the one twin crying. I notice Cain standing beside him, holding the knife.

I cannot help but ask, “Where is the other twin?” Without a word, he takes my hand and leads me towards one of the holes in the ground. I lean over and catch a glimpse of the other twin’s dead body. Suddenly, the strong, pungent aroma of vodka and bleach overwhelms me, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

Cain approaches with the knife and a bottle of vodka in his hands. His voice is devoid of emotion as he utters, “We are just doing what they did to you, princess.” We make our way towards the second twin. The scene is tense and unsettling.

Nate’s voice is barely audible as he whispers in my ear, “If you want to leave, just say the word, baby.” The sound of thunder steadily increases, growing louder and closer with each passing moment. The air is thick with the fragrance of rain, teasing us with the promise of its imminent arrival.

I look at the twin kneeling on the ground and I can tell it is Porter from the tattoo on his neck. Mike grabs his hair, pulls his head back, and spits on him. Cain joins in, holding the sharp blade to Porter’s throat. Nate takes the bottle of vodka from Cain and opens it.

Mike removes Porter’s gag, but as soon as he does, Porter gasps and cries, “Please, stop!” His voice is weak and trembling.

Nate chuckles darkly. “You don’t seem to understand the meaning of the word stop or no, do you?” he sneers, his tone dripping with malice.

Mike pinches Porter’s nose so he has to open his mouth to breathe. Nate lifts a bottle of vodka and begins pouring it down Porter’s throat as if it were water. He lets out exaggerated gagging noises.

I watch the trio standing there around Porter, the holes in their skull masks revealing a menacing glint in their eyes.

Cain turns his head towards me and gives a quick nod. He swiftly removes the blade from Porter’s throat. He leans down, his hand reaching for a nearby bottle of bleach with urgency.

Porter’s eyes fall on the bottle of bleach and his voice erupts into a piercing scream, filling with desperation and fear. His words are broken, almost incoherent, as he pleads desperately, “No! NO! PLEASE!” The sound of his voice echoes through the forest, carrying with it the weight of his terror.

“Beg all you want, buddy. You are going to die just like your brother. The difference is he didn’t know what was coming. You do...” Mike explains in a deep, jarring voice.

Thunder rolls in more quickly, drowning out Porter’s screams. I glance between the trees; flashes of lightning illuminate the distant trees, casting an eerie glow over the surrounding landscape.

Cain reaches out and hands Nate the bottle of bleach. He drops the vodka bottle, takes the bleach, and starts pouring the bleach all over Porter’s face. A sudden piercing scream escapes from Porter’s mouth as he struggles.

The smell of strong bleach hits my nostrils, making me want to gag.

Cain holds the blade against Porter’s throat again. “Bleach to clean evidence, right…?” he whispers with a hiss in his voice.

Nate positions the bleach bottle over Porter’s open mouth and slowly starts pouring the bleach. Mike stands behind Porter and holds his head still to avoid any spillage. Nate raises his voice and commands, “DRINK THE BLEACH, ASSHOLE!” he shouts.

Porter’s cries echo through the air, accompanied by a gurgle that chills me to the bone. His eyes, wide with fear, now roll back into his head, the whites stark against the backdrop of his pale, lifeless face.

In the tense silence that follows, Nate takes a step back. Without hesitation, Cain steps forward, his movements calculated and precise, a steady hand reaching for the blade at his side.

In one swift motion, Cain’s hand moves with lethal intent, the blade slicing through Porter’s throat with swift precision—crimson-red blood spills from the wound.

The metallic scent of blood hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid stench of bleach and the musty odor of damp earth.

A heavy silence descends upon us, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves in the wind.

Mike swiftly releases his grip on Porter’s head and forcefully pushes his body down with all his might. Porter’s body falls into the dug hole. Mike lifts his mask and spits down at his body.

Nate drops the bleach bottle and rushes towards me with open arms. Without a word, he tightly embraces me, holding me close to his chest. “It’s over, baby,” he whispers softly in my ear. Despite his comforting words, no tears in my eyes or emotions stir inside me. It’s as if I am a void with no feelings to express.

I just witnessed death once again. I should feel scared, traumatized, and overwhelmed with emotions, but strangely, I feel nothing. It’s as if my mind has shut down and I’m unable to process what I saw. The world around me seems to have lost its colors and I feel numb as if I’m watching everything from behind a thick glass.

My heart begins to race as the trio surrounds me. Each one of them is in a black shirt, sleeves rolled up, with blood splatters all over them. The sight of their skull masks never fails to stir something deep within me. Perhaps it’s the sense of danger they exude, their unwavering loyalty towards me also leaves me feeling invigorated and empowered. Knowing they are willing to go to any lengths to protect and serve me is a feeling unlike any other. In a sudden move, I take off my mask and toss it to the ground, feeling a mix of fear, anger, and confusion. I can’t quite put my finger on what I’m feeling, but I know I need to feel something.

The sound of raindrops falling on the leaves filled my ears. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops slowly turns into a fierce downpour and the thunder adds to the natural symphony. Feeling a bit lost in my thoughts, I mutter to myself, “I need to feel something.” Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. It’s Cain. He asks me with concern, “What do you want?” My heart is racing and I blurt out, “I want you three to fuck me like you did earlier before we went to the restaurant.” As soon as I say this, the rain starts pouring down even harder, the drops falling between the trees seem to form a veil around us. The thunder grows louder, but I don’t care. All I want is to feel alive again.

Nate’s voice sounds concerned as he speaks to me, “Baby, you’ve just seen something horrible. You don’t know what you want. It’s a shock.” But I can’t focus on his words. I see Cain, his eyes peering from behind his skull mask. I mumble in response, “No. It’s not shock. I need you three.” Cain’s attention fixes on me and he leans in, asking in a soft voice, “Are you sure, princess?”

“Please…” I beg, my breaths coming in short gasps as I look up at Cain with desperation in my eyes. Without a moment’s hesitation, he scoops me up. His strong arms encircling my waist as my legs lock around his hips. I feel the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as he presses me up against the rough bark of a nearby tree, the wetness of the wood sending shivers down my spine.

Cain slowly lifts his mask, revealing his face. He rests the mask on top of his head and begins to kiss my neck. The sensation of his lips on my skin makes me moan, making me feel both nervous and excited at the same time.

Cain whispers in my ear and I can feel his warm breath on my skin. He seems concerned and asks, “Princess, are you sure you want this right now after what happened?” I nod my head in response, letting him know that I want to go through with it. He gently sets me down on my feet and takes my hand in his, leading me towards a nearby blanket where the necessary tools are laid out. Nate picks up the tools and heads towards the Jeep. I can hear raindrops hitting the leaves above us. The trees provide us with a much-needed shelter, preventing the rain from pouring down on us. The storm intensifies and the thunderous roar echoes through the forest. Occasional flashes of lightning light up the surroundings, making everything visible for a few brief moments. Mike turns on some loud music from the car and Sleep Token’s The Summoning fills the air, adding to the already intense atmosphere.

We all gather on the blanket. Cain poses a question, “Who do you want inside your ass?” I shift my gaze towards Mike and give him a subtle nod of approval. Cain follows up with another question, “Ok. Who do you want fucking your pussy?” I smile at him. “That leaves Nate in that pretty mouth,” he concludes after a brief pause, swiping his finger over my lips.

I feel Cain’s lips on mine. He leans in and whispers, “You’re such a dirty girl.” I can’t help but feel a rush of excitement at his words.

“I think the masks are what does it for me,” I whisper with a chuckle.

Mike helps me out of my clothes. A sudden gust of cold wind envelops me, making me shiver involuntarily.

Nate snaps his fingers to the ground. I immediately drop down to my hands and knees. Mike steps around me and positions himself behind me.

Mike leans closer towards my ass and I feel his breath. I look back and notice that his mask is positioned upwards and resting on the top of his head. I watch as he spits on my asshole and proceeds to lick it.

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