Center for Genetics and Society, 256
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 23, 42n, 175, 223, 277, 295
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 295n
cervical caps, 80
cervical fluid (cervical mucus), 105, 106, 110, 111, 113, 117, 118
Cerviva, 105
cervix, 20, 80, 105–6, 110
Chara, Alta, 200
chemotherapy, 49, 50, 93, 261, 262, 321, 324, 325
Chen, Christopher, 46, 47
Chen, Serena, 3, 5, 6, 45n
childbearing, age at, xvi, 13, 17, 26, 31, 41–43, 51, 277
childbirth, 55–56
chimpanzees, 30n
China, 204n
Chinese hamsters, 216
chlamydia, 24, 26
Chopra, Priyanka, 15
chromosomal abnormalities, 30, 149, 300, 304, 306n, 325n
chromosomes, 232
cleansing wipes, 20
Cleghorn, Elinor, 140
CLIA (see Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments)
climate change, 276, 277
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), 295n
clinical trials, 50, 122
Clinton, Chelsea, 185
clitoris, 22, 23n, 142
Clomid, 214–15
clomiphene, 214–15
Clue, 116, 118–21, 123
Clue Plus, 119
CMS (see Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
coffee, 66, 92, 135, 265
Colbert Report, The (television show), 23
College of American Pathologists (CAP), 294–95
Collura, Barbara, 54
colon cancer, 221
Colorado, fertility treatment insurance coverage in, 193
Comonte, Tara, 319