Apple, 51–53, 57, 195
Arizona, embryo custody in, 298–99
Arkansas, fertility treatment insurance coverage in, 194
ART (see egg freezing; embryo freezing; in vitro fertilization)
artificial intelligence (AI), 116, 322
artificial ovaries, 322
artificial wombs, 322
As a Woman podcast, 279
ASRM (see American Society of Reproductive Medicine)
assisted reproductive technology (ART), 43–44, 93 (see also egg freezing; embryo freezing; in vitro fertilization)
at-home pregnancy tests, 123–25, 131–33, 261
Atlantic, The, 124
attrition rates, 173–85, 231, 269
Australia, 46
autologous cycles, 4
Ava Fertility Tracker, 117
Babies of Technology: Assisted Reproduction and the Rights of the Child (Mason and Ekman), 328
bacterial vaginosis, 20
Bartasi, Gina, 4, 183–86
basal body temperature (BBT), 106, 110–13, 117, 118, 119
Baylor University Medical Center, 321
BBT (see basal body temperature)
Bicknell, Kati, 107–15, 148
Biden, Joe, 198
bilateral dermoid cysts, 89n
biological clock, 27, 44, 57, 98, 165, 211, 255, 270, 271, 278
BIPOC people, 185, 202–4, 206
birth control pills (see contraception)
birth defects, 300, 301
Birth of the Pill, The (Eig), 38
birth rates, 41–42, 43n, 277, 295
birth weight, 173n
Black women
maternal and reproductive health of, 202–4
salaries of, 42
blastocysts, 173–74
bloating, 72, 161, 213, 217
blood clots, 81
blood work, 35, 63, 67, 92, 212, 213, 218, 295n