A garter of my heart’s desire!
That you may see how I would fain
Do all I can to ease your pain,
We shall not lose a single minute;
I know her room—thou shalt enjoy thee in it.
And I shall see her?—have her?
She’ll be with a neighbor—better so.
Meanwhile, unhindered thou may’st go,
And on the hope of joys that wait thee,
Within her atmosphere may’st sate thee.
Can we go now?
No; we must wait till night.
Go fetch a present for my heart’s delight. [Exit.
Presents already! good!—a lover should not loiter!
I know some dainty spots of ground,
Where hidden treasures can be found;
I will go straight and reconnoitre. [Exit.
Scene V.
A small neat Chamber.
Margaret. [Plaiting and putting up her hair.]
I wonder who the gentleman could be,
That on the street accosted me to-day!
He looked a gallant cavalier and gay,
And must be of a noble family;
That I could read upon his brow—
Else had he never been so free. [Exit.
Enter Faust and Mephistopheles.
Come in—but softly—we are landed now!
Faust. [after a pause]
Leave me alone a minute, I entreat!
Mephistopheles. [looking round about]