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Non concupisces domum proximi tui; nec desiderabis uxorem 30 eius, non servum, non ancillam, non bovem, non asinum, nec omnia quae illius sunt. (Exodus 20.1–17)

Job on the Inaccessibility of Wisdom

Sapientia vero ubi invenitur?

Et quis est locus intellegentiae?

Nescit homo pretium eius,

35 nec invenitur in terra suaviter viventium.

36. Abyssus: abyss, bottomless gulf, void; here personified.

Abyssus…mecum (37): an example of the parallelism which is one of the major characteristics of Hebrew poetry; the second line of a couplet repeats the thought of the first with different words or expresses a similar idea. This can be observed in the first two lines of this excerpt (32–33) and elsewhere throughout the passage.

38. aurum obryzum: pure gold; with non dabitur, the point is that true wisdom cannot be bought for any price.

39. appendetur:will be weighed out; similarly expendo, from which derives Eng. “spend,” both words reflecting the means of exchange (commutatio) before the invention of coinage.

40. tinctis…coloribus: probably another reference to gold, for which India was known.

41. lapidi: dat. (with the compound vb. conferetur) of lapis, stone; with the adj. sardonycho, of sardonyx.

42. ei…ea (43): i.e., sapientia.

vitrum:glass; here, fine glass, like our crystal.

44. excelsa: heights.

eminentia: n. pl. of eminens, things that stand out, project, are lofty; here = lofty peaks.

memorabuntur: memorare,to mention, recount.

45. occultis:secret places.

47. tincturae: tinctura,dyeing, tinting, here color (perhaps again of gold—cp. tinctis…coloribus, 40—or some other precious material).

mundissimae: mundus,clean, pure.

48. unde…intellegentiae (49): a recapitulation of the questions in 32–33.

50. abscondita est: abscondere, to conceal.

51. volucres: volucer (avis), bird.

latet: latere + acc. = to escape the notice of, be concealed from.

52. perditio: postclassical, destruction, ruin.

56. intuetur: intueri, to look at, contemplate, consider.

58. pondus: weight.

59. mensura: measure.

60. pluviis: pluvia, rain.

61. procellis: procella, storm.

65. ecce: interj., look, see, behold.

Abyssus dicit, “Non est in me”

et Mare loquitur, “Non est mecum.”

Non dabitur aurum obryzum pro ea,

nec appendetur argentum in commutatione eius.

40 Non conferetur tinctis Indiae coloribus

nec lapidi sardonycho pretiossimo vel sapphiro.

Non adaequabitur ei aurum vel vitrum,

nec commutabuntur pro ea vasa auri.

Excelsa et eminentia non memorabuntur comparatione eius;

Are sens

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