Bibit servus cum ancilla,
250 Bibit velox, bibit piger,
Bibit albus, bibit niger,
Bibit constans, bibit vagus,
Bibit rudis, bibit magus,
Bibit pauper et aegrotus,
255 Bibit exul et ignotus,
Bibit puer, bibit canus,
Bibit praesul et decanus,
Bibit soror, bibit frater,
Bibit anus, bibit mater,
260 Bibit ista, bibit ille,
Bibunt centum, bibunt mille.
Parum centum sex nummatae
Durant, ubi immoderate
Bibunt omnes sine meta,
265 Quamvis bibant mente laeta.
Sic nos rodunt omnes gentes,
Et sic erimus egentes.
Qui nos rodunt confundantur,
Et cum iustis non scribantur.
Vita Vana
Carmina Burana 24. On the vanity of our earthly lives; the rhyme scheme is AABCCB, with lines 3 and 6 of each stanza ending in -a, and the meter is trochaic, with two trochees in lines 1, 2, 4, and 5 of each stanza and 3 112 trochees (7 syllables) in lines 3 and 6. The last stanza has an additional three lines repeating the metrical pattern of the first three.
270 Iste mundus
Falsa praestat gaudia,
Quae defluunt
Et decurrunt
275 Ceu campi lilia.
Res mundana,
Vita vana
Vera tollit praemia,
Nam impellit
280 Et summergit
Animas in Tartara.
284. patria: here, world, i.e., on earth.
287. quercus: oak tree.
folia: folium,leaf.
291. frangit: frangere, to break, here used intransitively.
transit: a play on transitoria.