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‘Your turn first.’

The boy’s intense glare sends chills down my spine; he’s watching, waiting. He’s inspecting my face, every detail scrutinised. I move the small horse-shaped piece. He frowns.

‘You can’t do that,’ he says with a cold bluntness that rivals his Master’s. My composure falters and my stomach sinks. The ice demon is a bad influence.

The unfamiliar pieces spread out before me, each one foreign and completely meaningless. ‘You’d better go first then. I seem to be having some trouble remembering the rules.’

The chair screeches as Xander stands abruptly. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

‘I’m fine, Xander. No need to worry. I’m just tired today.’

His face darkens. ‘It’s not just today though. It was yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that too.’ Nausea ripples through me. I stumble out of my chair, lurching. Days, he said. Surely not. We’ve only been here… how long have we been here? I’m not even sure when we arrived. Where were we before here?

Everything is fine. Don’t listen to the boy, listen to me.

‘I think I need some fresh air.’ I gasp, finally aware of the sweet voice ringing through my head. It must be from this house. Something is not right.

Xander takes my hand, squeezing it tightly. A welcome distraction to pull me out of my thoughts. ‘I’m coming with you,’ he says.

I give a defeated smile but his concern remains written on his face. The demon boy leads me outside and down the cliff onto the beach. I’m glad he knows the way because I don’t. For quite some time afterwards, we walk the shoreline in stiff silence. Xander opens his mouth to speak but another voice fills the space. A distant, male voice.

‘Hey, you’re back,’ it says, huffed and panting. A guy jogs up, surfboard underarm. I glance around behind me. He’s talking to me. My cheeks flush at his half-naked torso. Xander makes an audible sound of annoyance. The guy lifts up his surfboard, stabbing it into the sand beside him. Clearly, he means to chat. ‘I’m glad I got to see you again. I’m really sorry about last time.’

I freeze. I have no idea who this person is. ‘Oh. That’s okay.’

Awkward and desperate, I look over to Xander but he stares back, expectantly, as if he’s seen this surfer before and is waiting for our conversation to end. With his free hand, he rubs the back of his neck nervously. ‘No, it’s not. My friend was really rude to you – it wasn’t cool. Just so you know, me and her, we’re not like that or anything.’

My breath is held hostage in my chest as my hands form tight fists in my clothing. Panicked, I glance again to Xander next to me. Clearly, he knows more about this interaction than I do. He could at least help me out. The demon child’s eyes grow wide, dots connecting in the back of his mind. ‘His name is Bryce. He can’t hear or see me. Just tell him that you hope his friend is okay and then say goodbye.’

Completely at a loss, I take the boy’s advice. ‘Thanks, Bryce. I appreciate it. I hope she’s feeling better. Sorry, I have to go but have a nice day. I’m sure I’ll see you around.’ I release my fists as Bryce returns my smile. Not allowing the conversation to reignite, I stride off with Xander at my heels. When out of earshot of the surfer, I spin to face the demon child, barely able to hold myself together. ‘Something’s wrong, Xander. Something’s happening to me.’

‘I know,’ he answers, not missing a beat.

‘Do you know what it is?’

He shakes his head. ‘No, but we should tell Master. He might be able to contact Heret-Kau.’

Everything is okay. It’s nothing to worry about. Just relax.

I bring my hands to my head. ‘No, it’s not okay. Stop telling me it’s okay. It’s that voice again.’

Xander stills. ‘What voice?’

‘There’s a voice in my head, a woman’s. It keeps telling me things – keeps trying to convince me that things are fine, b-but they’re not. They’re not fine. I know they’re not. She’s doing something to me. It’s like sometimes I’m not here. Xander, please Xander, you have to tell Will. I’m not sure how long I–’

The plants were so beautiful in this greenhouse. Grand stalks that bloomed equally impressive flowers graced the sides of the small stone path that led throughout the garden. Enchanting to say the least. I could never get enough of this place.

Often, I would come here in secret, those few nights before the wedding. A tranquil place to think. Although beautiful in the day, the garden remained equally exquisite at night, the moonlight beaming through the glass above. If there were ever a garden with fairies, it was this one.

Now, the plants have all but disappeared, disintegrated to nothing but fertiliser for the soil. The once crystal-clear stream has, for what’s left of it, turned green and murky. The whole area is barren and lifeless. Nature’s vindictive game. Beauty never lasts forever. A few of those giant stalks have remained standing, although skeletons of their previous appearance. Wasted away to practically nothing, almost like ghosts. I smirk. Almost like me.

Leaning closer, I touch the rough stalk, surprised and somewhat impressed with its perseverance. The stone under foot gives way, leaving me to stumble awkwardly into the stagnant stream. The fright ripples through my body and for a moment, I feel my head clear.

My hands fly to my face, wiping off the mud and flicking it away. Standing, I feel an unusual tug. A dress. I’m wearing a dress. I don’t wear dresses. Why am I wearing a dress? I run to the door, breaking out of the stifling tomb of dead plants. Why am I even here? I was just at the beach with Xander. My chest tightens, breath shallow. I raise my hand; it moves sluggishly, unwilling. My sight moves in patches, the images echoing, unable to keep up with the action. Have I been drugged?

Siara, that’s enough. That’s enough now. You’re tired, let me help you.

I shake my head. ‘You’re Charlotte, aren’t you?’

The voice quietens for a moment.

Everything will be okay if you just let me have control.

‘You didn’t answer my question,’ I snap, ‘and I don’t believe you.’ Dazed, my eyes find their way to the dark sky. The wind seems to whisper secrets as it swirls through the garden. ‘I won’t let you do this. William will notice, he–’

He will do nothing. He doesn’t care about you; I’m the only thing he cares about. Your role is over, now my role begins. I’m the ticket to his freedom.

I grit my teeth. ‘Fine. But when Heret-Kau finds out, she–’

Charlotte laughs, the cackle reverberating throughout my head like haunting echoes in a chamber.

Oh, sweet naive girl, who do you think planned this? Surely you realised the more of those pills you ate, the more I appeared.

I say nothing, my voice trapped in my throat. It’s true. I should’ve noticed. Why didn’t I notice? I can feel Charlotte’s smug triumph at my silence.

I guess not. It doesn’t matter now anyway. I’ve had enough of this. Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make sure to relay your goodbyes to your froggy friend. Now then.

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