The German contained in here written using easy-to-understand grammer and vocabulary that both, those at the beginner and intermediate levels can understand, appreciate, and learn from.
Some stories, espcially the ones you find towards the end of the collection are more focused on dialogue. These stories contain loads of natural dialogue, so you can learn conversational German as you read. This is doubly beneficial as you will improve your speaking ability as well.
Each chapter includes summaries of the plot, word reference lists, and reading comprehension questions, so help is there when you need it.
Particularities of using and reading the text Some particularities include the letter ß. This letter, also known as "sharp S" has become quite obsolete in modern German literature, and is getting more substituted by the common form ss (double ss); for a better readability and a better general understanding I have only used the German double ss form.
In German many words are written together with so called word links; which had become the norm rather than execption, especially after the various grammar and spelling reforms over the last decades, and although some of the German scholars still detest the new rules, word links are an important part of the German language. Therefore, we have used as many word links as possible to give the reader a better understanding of the context and to show examples of how the language structure can be used in an understandable yet progessive fashion.
What can be done if you don’t understand
1. The first step is to see if you recognize the word in any way. If you’re a native English or Spanish speaker, you will probably recognize certain elements of German vocabulary.
2. Read the sentence again and again. You can often glean the meaning of a word simply using the context of the sentence and the rest of the story. Take a guess at the meaning of the word; it’s not as difficult as you think! If you understand the general meaning of the story, it’s usually enough to recognize the smaller parts.
3. When all else fails, use the vocabulary list. This is a final move sort of tactic; the previous steps are better designed to help you actually learn German without an aid. Your reading will improve drastically as you develop this skill.
How the material can help you
You come across a bolded word. What does it mean? It means, these are important words and their definitions in English are given at the chapter’s end. This takes out the need to use a dictionary completely, which is not only tedious, but will take your focus off of the story.
Second, at the end of each story you find plot summaries, which can help you ensure you do not overlook any important details.
Finally, every chapter contains a set of comprehension questions to test your own understanding of the chapter. Plus, they give you some added motivation to read in-depth and not try to skim over anything.
What you need to know about German classic short storiesThe German short story – Origin and today's value
Already for decades, short stories have been an own art form in literature. But that has not ever been like this.
As its history proves the commencement of the American short story is very important, though there are strictly speaking three different reception phases to be distinguished.
After the early reception of the short story in 1900, the new reception in the twenties and the problematic incident during the Nazi-time, new interest in short stories came up after 1945 as a changing in speech, literature and moral values has been required. In that context the adoption of the short story seemed to be contemporary from the point of view of authors, readers and educators and made the short story to the most popular narration form until the balance between the different forms shifted about twenty years later.
In Germany the novelette and the short story are basically distinguished. Traditionally the novella is an opposite pole which has only artistic characteristics.
After 1945 the term "Kurzgeschichte" (short story) began to establish for an artistically sophisticated form, which differs to other kinds of prose texts.
Instead of dominating literature, the short story became an inherent part of literary life.
Famous American writers like Hemingway, who has inspired many German writers until these days, enabled new interest in short stories in the fifties and sixties.
Meanwhile short stories have "grown up":
Nowadays critics do not refer short stories anymore to a "humble form" of germanophone media.
Short stories are becoming popular more and more, especially younger generations like these entertaining short narrations and use their contents increasingly for own individual Volume I
Beginners & Intermediate Level
1. Abenteuer in der Sauna
Herr Schmidt ist ein Geschäftsmann. Er hat einen kleinen Imbiss in einem Bahnhof, dort verkauft er frittierte Schnitzel und Pommes.
Er hat viele Stammgäste, die meisten Kunden mögen seine Gerichte.
Nach Feierabend geht er häufig in eine Sauna und entspannt sich.
Vor einiger Zeit ging Herr Schmidt wieder in die Sauna. Eigentlich ist es eine Saunalandschaft, wie man sie häufig in Deutschland in Städten findet.
Eingerichtet mit mehreren Saunen und Schwimmbad. An diesem Tag schien die Temperatur in der Kräuter Sauna besonders hoch. Herr Schmidt saß schon ganz im Schweiss gebadet auf der Sauna Bank als die Tür aufging. Ein Mann kam herein. Herr Schmidt erkannte den Mann sofort.
Er war ein Kunde. Allerdings mochte er den Kunden nicht. Der Kunde hatte ihn einmal denunziert, weil der Kunde meinte, sein Imbiss sei dreckig. Auch der andere Mann erkannte Herrn Schmidt.
Der Mann lächelte: "Guten Abend Herr Schmidt, wie geht es Ihnen?"
" Alles in Ordnung, vielen Dank", antwortete Herr Schmidt.
"Schwitzen reinigt den Körper", sagte der Mann.
Herr Schmidt hatte genug für heute und verließ die Sauna. Er ging duschen. Diesmal duschte Herr Schmidt lange, er ärgerte sich über den Mann. Nach dem duschen ging Herr Schmidt in die Umkleidekabine, einen großen Raum mit vielen Schränken.
An einem Haken hingen die Handtücher. Herr Schmidt trocknete sich ab, das Handtuch war nass, aber er fühlte sich jetzt besser. Langsam verliess Herr Schmidt die Saunalandschaft. Draussen vor der Tür stand der Kunde, den er in der Sauna traf.