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al, -ere, alu, alitum (altum), nourish, bring up, rear

Alps, -ium,f. pl., the Alps

Alpnus, -a, -um, Alpine

altria, -ium,n. pl., altar

* alter, -era, -erum, one of two, the other (of two), second

altercti, -nis,f., dispute, quarrel

altitd, -dinis,f., height

altor, -ris,m., foster father

altus, -a, -um, high, deep; altum, -, n., height, heaven; depth, the deep, the sea; adv. alt 

alumnus, -, m., foster son, pupil

alveus, -, m., trough, tub

ambilis, -e, lovable

amns,gen. -antis, loving, friendly; amns, -antis, m.lf., a loving person, lover

amrus, -a, -um, bitter

ambgs, -um,f. pl., ambiguous words, riddles

ambitus, -s,m., a going around; an (illegal) canvassing for votes, bribery

* amb, -ae, -, both

ambul (1), walk about

amb-r, -ere, -uss, -ustum, scorch; burn up, consume

 -mns, gen. -mentis, out of one’s mind, mad

 mentia, -ae, f., madness, folly

* amcitia, -ae,f., friendship

amictus, -s,m., robe, veil

* amcus, -a, -um, friendly, kind; amcus, -, m., a friend

 -missi, -nis, f., loss

*-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum, send away = let go, lose

amnis, -is,m., stream, river, current

* am  (1), love, like; admire, approve

amoenits, -ttis,f., pleasantness, charm

amoenus, -a, -um, pleasant, lovely, charming

* amor, -ris,m., love, affection; passion

 -move, -re, -mv, -mtum, move away, withdraw

amplector, -, -plexus sum, embrace

amplitd, -dinis,f., size, breadth

amplus, -a, -um, large, spacious, ample, splendid

Amlius, -, m., brother of Numitor and usurper of his throne

* an,conj., in double questionsutrum…an, whether…or; in indirect simple questions, whether; haud sci an, nesci an, I do not know whether = I am inclined to think, probably, perhaps

anceps,gen. -cipitis,lit. with two heads; uncertain, doubtful; on both sides

* ancilla, -ae,f., maidservant

 nfrctus, -s, m., turn, bend

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