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argu, -ere, -u, -tum, make clear, show, prove

aridus, -a, -um, dry, parched, arid

arista, -ae,f., ear of grain

Aristaeus, -, m., a son of Apollo

Aristds, -is,m., Athenian statesman of the 5th cent. B.C.

* arma, -rum,n. pl., weapons, arms, armor

armtra, -ae,f., armor, equipment; a branch of military service

armtus, -a, -um, armed

* arm  (1), to arm

ar-ripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum, snatch, catch, lay hold of

arrogantia, -ae,f., arrogance, pride

* ars, artis,f., art, skill, occupation; arts,pl., liberal arts

artificium, -, n., skill; cunning, scheme

arvum, -, n., field

arx, arcis,f., citadel, stronghold

ascend, -ere, scend, -scnsum, go up, mount

ascnsus, -s,m., climbing up, ascent

Asia, -ae,f., Asia, the Roman province of Asia Minor

asinus, -, m., ass

aspectus, -s,m., appearance, aspect

asperg, -inis,f., spray, sprinkling

aspernor, -r, -tus sum, despise, reject

* a-spici, -ere, -spex, -spectum, look at, see

as-port  (1), carry away

asse-:see underadse-

assu-:see underadsu-

ast-:see underadst-

* at,conj., but, yet, on the other hand (an emotional, or surprise, adversative as compared withsed,which is rather a factual adversative)

 ter, tra, trum, black, dark; gloomy

Athnae, -rum,f. pl., Athens

Athninsis, -e, Athenian; Athninss, -ium, m. pl., the Athenians

* atqueorac,conj., and, and also, and even

at-qu, conj., yet, however; now

atrciter,adv., savagely, fiercely, cruelly

atrx,gen. -cis, cruel, fierce, harsh

at-tamen,conj., but yet

at-tend, -ere, -tend, -tentum,lit. stretch to; animum attendere, direct attention to, notice, attend to.

Atticus -, m., Titus Pomponius Atticus, business man and literary figure, long resident of Athens, Cicero’s close friend

at-tine, -re, -tinu, -tentum, pertain to, concern

* at-ting(ad-tang), -ere, -tig, -tctum, touch, reach, be related to

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