at-toll, -ere, raise or lift up
at-tonitus, -a, -um, thunderstruck, astonished
* auctor, -ris,m., author, leader, supporter, originator, founder, instigator
* auctrits, -ttis,f., authority, power, influence, decision, bidding; official record
* audcia, -ae,f., daring, insolence
audx,gen. -cis, bold, daring
* aude, -re, ausus sum, dare
* audi (4), hear, learn; listen to, obey; examine a case in court
audtus, -s,m., hearing
* au-fer, -ferre, ab-stul, ab-ltum, carry away or off, remove, steal; destroy
au-fugi, -ere, -fg, flee away, escape
* auge, -re, aux, auctum, increase, enlarge
augurium, -, n., augury, interpretation of omens; omen
auguror, -r, -tus sum,lit. prophesy by augury; conjecture, surmise
augustus, -a, -um, revered, august
* aura, -ae,f., air, breeze, wind
* aureus, -a, -um, of gold, golden
* auris, -is,f., ear
aurra, -ae,f., dawn; Aurra,goddess of the dawn
* aurum, -, n., gold
auspicium, -, n., divination from omens given by birds, auspices; omen
* aut,conj., or; aut…aut, either…or
* autem,postpositive conj., however; moreover
auxilium, -, n., aid, assistance
avritia, -ae,f., greed, avarice
avrus, -a, -um, greedy, avaricious; adv. avr
avna, -ae,f., wild oats; shepherd’s pipe
Aventnum, -, n., Aventine Hill in Rome
ave, -re, desire
Avernus, -a, -um, of Avernus, the infernal regions, or Hades
-vert, -ere, -vert, -versum, turn away
avidus, -a, -um, eager, desirous, longing; greedy, avaricious
avis, -is,f., bird; omen
avtus, -a, -um, ancestral, hereditary
avunculus, -, m., uncle (on mother’s side)
Babylnius, -a, -um, Babylonian
Baccha, -ae,f., a Bacchante, female worshipper of Bacchus
Bacchus, -, m., god of fertility, wine, and literary inspiration