* capi, -ere, c
, captum, take, receive, get, capture
* Capitlium, -
, n., the Capitoline Hill in Rome
capra, -ae,f., a she-goat
* captvus, -a, -um, captured in war; capt
vus, -
, m., a captive, prisoner
capt (1), freq. of capi
, try to take, snatch at, pluck at, desire
Capua, -ae,f., city in Campania
* caput, capitis,n., head, life
card, -inis,m., hinge
* care, -
re, -u
, be without, lack; be deprived of, miss; + abl.
* carits, -t
tis,f., dearness, love, esteem, affection; high price
* carmen, -minis,n., song; lyric poem
carnlis, -e, fleshly, carnal (EL)
car, carnis,f., flesh
* carp, -ere, carps
, carptum, pluck, gather, make use of, enjoy; tear to pieces, censure, slander, revile
nsis, -e, Carthaginian
, -inis,f., Carthage, famous city and rival of Rome in north Africa
* crus, -a, -um, dear
Cassius, -, m., Cassius, especially C. Cassius Longinus, the assassin of Julius Caesar
cassus, -a, -um, empty, hollow, useless, vain
castellum, -, n., fort
(1), reprove; punish
* castra, -rum,n. pl., camp; castra p
nere, pitch or make camp
* csus, -
s,m., lit. a falling or fall (cad
); accident, chance; misfortune; c
, abl., by chance
catna, -ae,f., chain
Cat, -
nis,m., famous cognomen, especially Cato the Censor and Cato of Utica, his Stoic grandson
* causa, -ae,f., cause, reason; sake; case, situation; excuse, pretext; caus with a preceding genitive, for the sake of, on account of
cautus, -a, -um, cautious, careful; secure
cavea, -ae,f., excavated place; auditorium, theater
* cave, -
re, c
, cautum, beware of; take care, see to it (that)
-ce,demonstrative enclitic added to some pronouns (and adverbs):
huius-ce bell, of this (here) war
, -ere, cessi, cessum, go, withdraw; yield to, submit, grant
, -
nis,f., crowded assembly; festival, celebration
celebrits, -t
tis,f., large crowd, crowded condition; frequency; fame
celebr (1), celebrate; honor, make famous
(1), hide, conceal
celsus, -a, -um, high, lofty, noble
cna, -ae,f., dinner
(1), dine
* cnse
, -
re, c
, c
nsum, estimate, think, judge; advise, vote, decree