centuritus, -a, -um, divided into centuries (groups of 100)
cra, -ae,f., wax, writing tablet covered with wax
Cerelis, -e, of Ceres
Cers, Cereris,f., the Roman goddess of agriculture and grain
* cern, -ere, crv, crtum, see, discern, distinguish, decide
* certmen, -minis,n., contest, struggle, fight
* cert, adv., certainly, surely, at least
* cert, adv., with certainty, without doubt, really
* cert (1), fight, struggle, contend, compete
* certus, -a, -um, definite, certain, sure, fixed, resolved upon, reliable; aliquem certirem facere, to make someone more certain = to inform him; certior f , I am informed
cervcal, -lis,n., pillow
cess (1), delay
* cterus, -a, -um, the other, the rest, mostly in pl.; adv.
cterum, but, however
* ctus, -, m., whale (pl. = cte,a Greek neuter form, sometimes also used as a singular)
ceu,adv., as, just as
Chaos,nom. and acc. n., empty space, the lower world
charta, -ae,f., papyrus paper; letter, poem, document, etc.
chorus, -, m., choral dance; choral band, chorus
* Christinus, -, m., a Christian
* Christus, -, m., Christ
Chrsippus, -, m., Stoic philosopher
* cibus, -, m., food
Cicer, -nis,m.: (1) Marcus Tullius Cicero, orator, statesman, and author, 106–43 B.C.; (2) his son, Marcus Tullius Cicero; (3) his brother, Quintus Tullius Cicero
Cicons, -um,m. pl., a Thracian people
Cilix, -icis,m., a Cilician (from Asia Minor)
cing, -ere, cnx, cnctum, surround, gird (on)
cinis, -eris,m., ashes
* circ, adv., around, round about; prep. + acc., around, about
circuitus, -s,m., circular path, circuit
circulus, -, m., circle, circular space
circum,adv. and prep. + acc., around, near
circum-ar (1), plow around
circum-d, -are, -ded, -datum, put around; surround with
circum-fer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum, carry around, turn around
circum-flu, -ere, -flux, -fluxum, overflow; abound in, be rich
circum-fund, -ere, -fd, -fsum, pour around; pass., stream around, gather around
circum-lin, -ere, smear around, spread over, cover
circumpadnus, -a, -um, about the Po (river)
circum-pn, -ere, -posu, -positum, place around