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com-mtti, -nis,f., change; exchange

* com-mt  (1), change completely, alter; exchange

com-parti, -nis,f., preparation, acquiring; comparison

com-par  (1) [par, equal], to match, compare

com-par  (1) [parare], prepare, make ready, establish

compell  (1), call; rebuke, chide

com-pell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum, bring together, collect; drive, compel

comperi, -re, -per, -pertum, find out, learn, discover

compesc, -ere, -pescu, check, restrain

competns,gen. -entis, appropriate

com-pettor, -ris,m., competitor

com-place, -re, -placu, -placitum, please greatly

com-plector, -, -plexus sum, embrace

complexus, -s,m., embrace

com-plrtus, -s,m., loud wailing, lamentation

com-plrs, -a,pl., several, many

* com-pn, -ere, -posu, -positum, put together, compose

compos, -potis, in possession of, endowed with

com-positus, -a, -um,lit. put together; well arranged, prepared, calm

com-prehend, -ere, -hend, -hnsum, seize, arrest; perceive, comprehend

com-primo, -ere, -press, pressum, press together, embrace; restrain

compuncti, -nis,f., humility, remorse (EL)

cntus, -s,m., attempt

* con-cd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, depart; yield, grant, concede

concessus, -s,m.: only in abl. concess, by permission

con-cid, -ere, -cid, fall down in a heap, collapse, perish

concilitrx, -cis,f., uniter

concili  (1), bring together, win over, reconcile

concilium, -, n., council; assembly

con-cit  (1), stir up, excite

con-clm  (1), shout together, cry out, shout loudly

con-cld, -ere, -cls, -clsum, shut up, close, conclude

con-cordia, -ae,f., concord, unity, harmony

con-cupsc, -ere, -pv  or -pi, -ptum, long for, eagerly desire

con-curr, -ere, -curr, -cursum run or rush together, assemble

concurs  (1), run about, travel about

con-cursus, -s,m., a running together, attack, encounter

condemn  (1), condemn, blame

condici, -nis,f., agreement; condition, terms

conditor, -ris,m., founder

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