* con-d, -ere, -did, -ditum, put together, found, establish, build; compose; lay away, bury
con-dole, -re, -u, -itrus, feel great pain, suffer greatly; + dat., suffer with another (EL)
* cn-fer, -ferre, -tul, colltum, bring together, compare, devote, apply; s cnferre, betake oneself, go
* cn-fertus, -a, -um, closely packed, dense, crowded
confessi, -nis,f., confession, admission
cnfessor, -ris,m., one who confesses Christianity, a martyr (EL)
cn-fici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, accomplish, finish, produce; wear out, weaken, exhaust, destroy
* cn-fid, -ere, -fsus sum, have confidence in, trust, be confident
cn-frm (1), make firm; assert, affirm
cn-fiteor, -r, -fessus sum, confess, acknowledge
cn-flct (1), lit. strike together; ruin; be tormented, be afflicted
cn-flg, -ere, -flx, -flctum, collide, clash, fight
cn-fl (1), lit. blow together; melt metals; forge, produce
cn-flu, -ere, -flux, flow together, stream in, flock together
cn-frm (1), form, shape, fashion
cn-fort (1), strengthen greatly (EL)
cn-fove, -re, -fv, -ftum, to warm, cherish, foster
cn-fring, -ere, -frg, -frctum, break to pieces, destroy
cn-fugi, -ere, -fg, flee (to), take refuge, have recourse (to)
cn-fund, -ere, -fd, -fsum, confuse, disturb, confound
cnft (1), check, repress, silence
con-gltin (1), glue or cement together, bind closely
con-gredior, -, -gressus sum, come together, meet; fight
con-greg (1), collect into a flock or herd; gather together
con-gru, -ere, -u, come together, agree, harmonize
* con-ici, -ere, -ic, -iectum, throw together, cast, force; conjecture
con-iectra, -ae,f., conjecture, inference
con-incti, -nis,f., a joining; union, association, bond; intimacy
* con-inctus, -a, -um (partic. of coniung ), joined together, united
* con-iung, -ere, -inx, -inctum, join together, unite
* coninx, -iugis,f., wife; sometimes m., husband
con-ir (1), swear together; conspire
cnor, -r, -tus sum, try, attempt
con-queror, -, -questus sum, complain (loudly), lament, deplore
con-quisc, -ere, -quiv, -quitum, become quiet, find rest
con-qur, -ere, -qusv, -qustum, search out
cn-salt (1), greet, salute
cnsnsc, -ere, -snu, become healthy, get well, heal
cn-sanguineus, -a, -um, of the same blood, related; as a noun, brother, m., sister, f.