circum-spect (1), look around, look at
circum-st, -re, -stet, stand around, surround
circum-veni, -re, -vn, -ventum, surround, encircle
cithara, -ae,f., a stringed instrument, lyre
cito,adv., quickly; compar. citius;superl. citissim
cit (1), arouse; call, summon, cite
citr, adv., to this side
cvlis, -e, civil, pertaining to citizens
* cvis, -is,m.lf., citizen
* cvits, -ttis,f., state; citizenship
* clds, -is,f., injury, damage; calamity, disaster, slaughter, destruction
* clam,adv., secretly, privately
clmit (1), frequentative of clm, cry out (over and over)
* clm (1), cry, shout
* clmor, -ris,m., shout, outcry, clamor, applause, noise
clrits, -ttis,f., clearness, brightness
* clrus, -a, -um, bright, clear; famous, illustrious
* classis, -is,f., fleet, navy
* claud, -ere, claus, clausum, close, shut
clrus, -, m., the clergy (ML)
clins, -entis,m., dependent, client, follower
clvus, -, m., slope; hill
Clsnus, -a, -um, of Clusium, a city in Etruria
Clytaemnstra, -ae,f., Clytemnestra, wife and murderess of Agamenmnon
Cn.,abbr. of the praenomenGnaeus
co-aedific (1), build on
co-agit (1), shake together (EL)
cocles, -itis,m., one-eyed man; Horatius Cocles, who held the Tiber bridge against the Etruscans
coctilis, -e,lit. baked; made of brick
cdicillus, -, m., writing tablet
co-e, -re, -i, -itum, go together, meet, assemble; be joined
* coep, -isse, coeptum,defective verb in perf. system only, began
coerce, -re, -u, -itum, curb, check, repress
coeptum, -, n., work begun, undertaking
coetus, -s,m., a meeting, assembly
cgitt, adv., thoughtfully, deliberately
* cgitti, -nis,f., thinking; thought, plan, purpose, design
* cgit (1), think, ponder, intend, plan
cognti, -nis,f., relationship, family, connection
* cogniti, -nis,f., acquaintance with, knowledge of, consideration; legal inquiry, investigation