C.,abbr. ofGaius,a praenomen
cacmen, -minis,n., top, peak
* cad, -ere, cecid, csum, fall, happen, perish
cadcus, -a, -um, falling, frail, perishable
* caecus, -a, -um, blind; obscure, uncertain
* caeds, -is,f., lit. a cutting; slaughter, murder
* caed, -ere, cecd, caesum, cut, beat, slay
caelestis, -e, heavenly, celestial
caelitus,late Lat. adv., from heaven
* caelum, -, n., sky
caeruleus, -a, -um, blue, dark blue
Caesar, -aris,m., a cognomen; especially Gaius Julius Caesar
calamits, -ttis,f., misfortune, disaster, loss
calcementum, -, n., shoe
calc (1), tread on
Calendae, -rum,f. pl., the calends = the first day of a month
calidus, -a, -um, hot
clg, -inis,f., mist, fog, vapor, gas
callidits, -ttis,f., skill; shrewdness
callidus, -a, -um, skilful, shrewd, crafty, cunning
calor, -ris,m., heat
calumnia, -ae,f., deceitful pretense, chicanery, false statement
calumnior, -r, -tus sum, accuse falsely, misrepresent
Calymn, -s,f., an island of the Sporades in the Aegean Sea off the southwestern coast of Asia Minor
campester, -tris, -tre, like a field (campus), level
campus, -, m., field, plain
candidus, -a, -um, gleaming white
Cannius, -, m., a Roman name
canis, -is,m.lf., dog
Cannae, -rum,f. pl., a town in southeastern Italy where Hannibal disastrously defeated the Romans in 216 B.C.
Cannnsis, -e, of Cannae
* can, -ere, cecin, cantum,sing, compose (poems)
* cant (1), sing, celebrate in song
cantus, -s,m., song
cnus, -a, -um, gray; old
Canusium, -, n., a town in Apulia in southern Italy
capx,gen. -cis, able to hold; receptive, fit for
capess, -ere, -v, -tum, seize eagerly, enter upon
capillus, -, m., hair, hair of the head; pl., the hair