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baculum, -, n., staff

balineum, -, n., bath

barbarus, -a, -um, foreign, barbarian, uncivilized

basis, -is,f., pedestal, base

* betus, -a, -um, happy, fortunate, prosperous; blessed; adv. bet 

Blides, -um,f. pl., the Danaïdes, grand-daughters of Belus, condemned in Tartarus to draw water eternally

bellicus, -a, -um, of war, belonging to war

* bellum, -, n., war

blua, -ae,f., beast

* bene,adv., well, rightly; quite, thoroughly; compar. melius;superl. optim 

bene-dc, -ere, -dx, -dictum, speak well of, praise; bless (EL)

benedictus, -a, -um, blessed (EL)

beneficentia, -ae,f., beneficence, charity

beneficium, -, n., kindness, favor

* bene-(beni)volentia, -ae,f., good will, kindness, favor

benign, adv., kindly, in a friendly fashion

benignits, -ttis,f., kindness, friendliness, courtesy

benignus, -a, -um, kind, beneficent


Berecyntius, -a, -um, Phrygian (Berecyntus, a mountain in Phrygia)

bestia, -ae,f., beast, animal

* bib, -ere, bib, drink

bduum, -, n., a period of two days

bn, -ae, -a,distrib. numeral, two each, two (nouns normally pl.)

bis,adv., twice

blanditia, -ae,f., blandishment

bonits, -ttis,f., goodness

* bonus, -a, -um, good; worthy, loyal; bona, -rum, n. pl., good things, goods, property; compar. melior, -ius, better; superl. optimus, -a, -um, best, very good, excellent

Bots, -aeor-  (acc. -n), m., constellation of the Plowman

bs, bovis (pl. gen. boum; dat. and abl. bbus), m. lf., ox, cow

bracchium, -, n., arm, strictly the forearm

* brevis, -e, short, brief; shallow; brev, as adv. (sc. tempore), in a short time

brevits, -ttis,f., shortness; brevity, conciseness

Britannia, -ae,f., Britain

Brundisnus, -a, -um, of Brundisium, a port on the heel of Italy

Brutus, -, m., a famous cognomen: L. Junius Brutus, who freed Rome from Tarquinius Superbus and was elected to the first Roman consulship; M. Junius Brutus, assassin of Julius Caesar; D. Junius Brutus, a conspirator against Caesar

bulla, -ae,f., boss, stud; amulet

bustum, -, n., often pl., tomb

buxum, -, n., wood of the box tree

byssus, -, f., cotton, cotton or linen material (EL)

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