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* ap-pre, -re, -u, -itum, be visible, appear

* appell  (1), call, name, address

ap-pend, -ere, -pend, -pnsum, weigh out

Appennnus, -, m., the Appennines, a mountain range extending through the length of Italy

appetenter,adv., graspingly, greedily

ap-petti, -nis,f., desire

* ap-pettus, -s,m., longing, desire

* ap-pet, -ere, -petv, -pettum, strive after, desire, seek

Appius, -a, -um, Appian; Via Appia, the Appian Way, first of the great Roman roads, regna virum, begun by Appius Claudius, censor in 312 B.C., to connect Rome and Capua and ultimately extended to Brundisium

ap-plicti, -nis,f., attachment, inclination

ap-port  (1), carry, bring to

ap-positus, -a, -um, suitable, appropriate

ap-prob  (1), approve

ap-propinqu  (1), approach, draw near, be at hand

ap-propi  (1) = appropinqu  (EL)

aprcus, -a, -um, sunny, warm

* apt  (1), prepare, make ready, adjust

* aptus, -a, -um, suitable, appropriate, fit

* apud,prep + acc., among; at; at the house of, in the presence of, with

* aqua, -ae,f., water

aquil, -nis,m., north wind; north

artor, -ris,m., plowman, farmer, tenant

arbiter, -tr, m., arbiter, judge

arbitrtus, -s,m., decision, discretion, choice, pleasure

arbitrium, -, n., judgment; choice, power, opportunity

* arbitror, -r, -tus sum, judge, think, believe

* arbor, -oris,f., tree

arboreus, -a, -um, of a tree, arboreal

arce, -re, -u, shut in, keep away, restrain, debar, prevent

arcess, -ere, -v, -tum, call, summon, derive, obtain

Archimds, -is,m., famous Greek scientist, killed at the capture of Syracuse in 212 B.C.

Ardea, -ae,f., a town in Latium

*rde, -re,rs,rsum, be on fire, burn, blaze; be inflamed or aroused.

arduus, -a, -um, steep, high, lofty, difficult

area, -ae,f., open space, courtyard, public square

 rns, gen. -entis, dried up, parched

Arethsa, -ae,f., name of a spring at Syracuse

argentria, -ae,f., banker’s shop or business

argentum, -, n., silver; money

argumentum, -, n., proof, argument; subject, story, theme

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