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angelicus, -a, -um, of an angel, angelic

angelus, -, m., messenger, angel (EL)

Angl, -rum,m. pl., the Angles

anguis, -is,m.lf., snake

angustiae, -rum,f. pl., the narrows, defile, strait; distress, straits

* angustus, -a, -um, narrow; base, mean

anhlitus, -s,m., gasping, panting, breathing

* anima, -ae,f., breath; soul, principle of life, life; soul of the dead, ghost

* anim-advert, -ere, -vert, -versum, give attention to, notice, observe, consider; punish

animal, -lis,n., living creature, animal

animns, -antis,m.lf., a living being, creature, animal (= animal)

* animus, -, m., soul, spirit, courage, mind; in animhabreoresse, to be resolved

ann-in compounds: seeadn-

annlis, -e, annual; annls, -ium, m. pl., yearly records, annals

anniversrius, -a, -um, annual

* annus, -, m., year

an-qur, -ere, -qusv, -qustum, seek, search after

* ante,adv. and prep. + acc.: adv., forward, previously, before, ago; prep., before (in time and space), in front of

* ante, adv., before, formerly

ante-cell, -ere, excel, surpass

ante-cessi, -nis,f., antecedent, cause

ante-e, -re, -i, -itum, go before, precede; excel

ante-gredior, -, -gressus sum, go before

ante-pn, -ere, -posu, -positum, place before; prefer

antequam,conj., before

antquits, -ttis,f., antiquity, men of old, the ancients

* antquus, -a, -um, old-time, ancient, antique

Antium, -, n., Antium (modern Anzio)

Antnius, -, m., Antony

antrum, -, n., cave

*nulus, -, m., seal ring

anus, -s,f., old woman

* aper, apr, m., wild boar

* aperi, -re, aperu, apertum, open, uncover, reveal

apert, adv., openly

apertus, -a, -um, open, uncovered; clear, evident; apertum, -, n., an open space

Apoll, -inis,m., Apollo

apostolicus, -a, -um, apostolic (ML)

ap-partus, -a, -um, elaborate, magnificent, sumptuous

ap-partus, -s,m., preparation, splendor, magnificence

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