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cognitor, -ris,m., attorney; witness to one’s identity

cognmen, -nminis,n., surname, which follows thepraenomenand thenomen

* cognsc, -ere, cognv, cognitum, become acquainted with, learn, recognize; in perf. tenses, know

cg, -ere, cog, coctum (coag), drive or bring together, assemble; force, compel

co-haere, -re, -haes, cohere, adhere, hang together

co-hres, -dis,m. lf., coheir

cohors, -ortis,f., division of soldiers; retinue, band, crowd

Colltnus, -, m., L. Tarquinius Collatinus, colleague with Brutus in the first consulship at Rome

col-lti, -nis,f., lit. a bringing together, a comparison

col-laud  (1), praise highly

* collga, -ae,m., partner in office, colleague

* col-lig, -ere, -lg, -lctum (conleg), gather together, collect; infer, suppose

collis, -is,m., hill

collum, -, n., neck

* col, -ere, -u, cultum, cultivate, cherish, honor, worship

color, -ris,m., color

coluber, -br, m., serpent, snake

coma, -ae,f., hair (of the head)

* comes, -itis,m.lf., companion, comrade

comittus, -s,m., attendance, retinue, escort

* comitium, -, n., assembly place; comitia, -rum,n. pl., public assembly, an election

comit  (1), accompany, attend

commetus, -s,m., provisions, supplies

commemorti, -nis,f., mention, remembrance

* commemor  (1), mention, relate

commentrius, -, m., memorandum, commentary; record

commentti, -nis,f., meditation, study, preparation

commentcius, -a, -um, invented, fictitious

commentor, -r, -tus sum, study, consider, practice (something oratorical or literary)

com-minus,adv., hand to hand, at close quarters

* com-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum, commit, entrust; be guilty of; allow it to happen (that)

commodits, -ttis,f., advantage, comfort

commod  (1), furnish, lend

commodum, -, n., convenience, advantage

* commodus, -a, -um, suitable, advantageous, favorable, agreeable, easy, pleasant; adv. commod 

* com-move, -re, -mv, -mtum, move greatly, stir, affect; disturb, alarm

commnic  (1), make common, share, communicate, confer

com-mni  (4), fortify on all sides

* commnis, -e, common, general, universal, public; adv. commniter, jointly, together

commnits, -ttis,f., community, fellowship

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