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* Cnsnus, -a, -um, of Consa, a city in south central Italy

cn-scend, -ere, -scend, -scnsum, ascend, mount, climb, go on board

cn-scientia, -ae,f., lit. knowledge (in oneself), consciousness, conscience

cn-scius, -a, -um,lit. having knowledge with another; cognizant of, aware, conscious; m. and f. as a noun, accomplice

cnsecr  (1), dedicate, consecrate

cn-sector, -r, -tus sum, follow, pursue, strive after

cn-sensc, -ere, -senu, become old, grow weak, lose power

cn-snsi, -nis,f., agreement, harmony

cn-sentneus, -a, -um, agreeing with, suitable; reasonable, consistent; cnsentneum est, it is reasonable (+ inf. or ut-clause as subject)

cn-senti, -re, -sns, -snsum, agree, be of one accord

* cn-sequor, -, -sectus sum, follow, result; follow up, pursue; gain

cn-ser, -ere, -seru, -sertum, connect, join, bind, engage in battle

* cn-serv  (1), save, preserve; maintain, observe

cnsdert, adv., thoughtfully, carefully

cnsdertus, -a, -um, thoughtful, considerate

cnsder  (1), contemplate, consider, weigh

cn-sd, -ere, -sd, -sessum, sit down, take up a position

* cnsilium, -, n., counsel, advice, plan, purpose; judgment, wisdom; council, panel (of jurors)

* cn-sist, -ere, -stit, take one’s stand, halt, stop, stay; be based on, consist of (+ in + abl.)

cnsltor, -ris,m., consoler

* cnsl  (1), comfort, console (According to Lewis and Short this active form is anteclassical and very rare. The regular class. form is the deponent cnslor.)

cnslor, -r, -tus sum, console, comfort

cnsors,gen. -sortis, sharing in; as a noun, a sharer in, partner

cn-spectus, -a, -um (partic. of cnspici, to view), visible

cn-spectus, -s,m., sight, view

* cn-spici, -ere, -spex, -spectum, look at, observe; pass. often = be conspicuous

cn-stns,gen. -stantis, standing firm, steady, constant, steadfast

* cnstantia, -ae,f., firmness, steadfastness, strength of character

cn-stern, -ere, -strv, -strtum, confound, alarm, terrify, dismay

* cn-stitu, -ere, -u, -tum, place, establish, arrange; determine, decide

* cn-st, -re, -stit, -sttrus, stand firm; consist of, be composed of, depend on; cost; cnstat, impers., it is agreed; rati cnstat, the account balances

cn-string, -ere, -strinx, -strictum, bind, fasten

cn-susc, -ere, -suv, -sutus, be accustomed

cnsuetd, -dinis,f., custom, practice, way of life, close and personal relationship

* cnsul, -ulis,m., consul

cnsulris, -e, of a consul, consular; cnsulris, -is, m., an ex-consul, a person of consular rank

cnsultus, -s,m., consulship

* cnsul, -ere, -u, -tum, deliberate; consult; + dat., have regard for, look out for the interests of

cnsultti, -nis,f., deliberation, inquiry, asking for advice

cnsult  (1), consider carefully, weigh, ponder

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