* crdlis, -e, cruel
* crdlits, -ttis,f., cruelty, severity
crdliter,adv., cruelly
cruenttus, -a, -um, stained with blood (cp. cruor)
cruentus, -a, -um, bloody
* cruor, -ris,m., blood, gore
* crux, crucis,f., the cross
cubiculum, -, n., bedroom
culmen, -minis,n., top, summit
* culpa, -ae,f., fault, blame
cultus, -s, cultivation; culture, civilization, style of living, refinement
* cum,conj., usually with subjunct., when, since, although; also with indic., when; cum…tum, both…and, not only…but also
cum,prep. + abl., with
cumult, adv., heaped up, abundantly, completely
cnctti, -nis,f., a delaying, hesitation
cncttor, -ris,m., delayer
cnctor, -r, -tus sum, delay, hesitate
* cnctus, -a, -um, all (together as a whole), whole
* cupidits, -ttis,f., desire, passion; avarice; partisanship
cupd, -inis,f., desire; Cupd, -inis,m., Cupid, son of Venus
cupidus, -a, -um, desirous, eager, greedy, avaricious, fond; adv. cupid
* cupi, -ere, -v, -tum, wish eagerly, desire, long for
cr,adv., why?
* cra, -ae,f., care, concern, anxiety
* cria, -ae,f., senate-house; in EL the court (e.g., of God)
Criati, -rum,m., the three Alban brothers who fought the three Horatian brothers
Cri, -nis,m., a Roman cognomen
Curius, -, m., Roman nomen; espec. the conqueror of Pyrrhus
* cr (1), care (for), cure, attend to, take care, see to it (that), manage; with gerundive, have a thing done
* curr, -ere, cucurr, cursum, run, hurry
currus, -s,m., chariot
* cursus, -s,m., a running, course, journey; racecourse
curvmen, -minis,n., a bending, an arching, curve
* custdia, -ae,f., custody, prison; a guard, sentinel
custdi (4), guard, preserve, observe
custs, -dis,m.lf., guard, watchman
Daedalus, -, m., legendary Athenian craftsman who built the labyrinth in Crete
* damn (1), condemn, censure