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d-nnti  (1), announce, declare, proclaim, threaten; not denounce

de-orsum,adv., downward, down, below

d-pecltor, -ris,m., plunderer, embezzler

d-peclor, -r, -tus sum, plunder, rob

d-pell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum, drive away, ward off

d-plr  (1), weep, bewail, bewail the loss of, complain of

* d-pn, -ere, -posu, -positum, put down, deposit; lay aside, give up, abandon, get rid of

d-port  (1), carry off

d-positum, -, n., deposit, trust

d-precor, -r, -tus sum, avert by entreaty

* dprehend, -ere, -hend, -hnsum, seize, arrest; detect, observe, understand

d-prim, -ere, -press, -pressum, press down, depress, sink

d-ripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum, snatch away, pull down

d-ruptus, -a, -um, steep

* d-scend, -ere, -scend, -scnsum, descend, go down

d-scrpti, -nis,f., definition, description

* d-ser, -ere, -seru, -sertum, desert

dsertus, -a, -um (partic. of dser ), deserted, lonely

* dsderium, -, n., longing (especially for what one misses or has lost), desire

* dsder  (1), long for, miss, desire; require; lose

d-sd, -ere, -sd, sink, give way

d-sign  (1), mark out, signify; elect; dsigntus, -a, -um, as adj., chosen, elect

d-sili, -re, -sili, -sultum, leap down

* dsin, -ere, -si, -situm, cease, stop, leave off

dsoltus, -a, -um, forsaken, desolate

d-sprti, -nis,f., hopelessness, despair

d-spr  (1), give up hope, despair

d-spicientia, -ae,f., contempt

d-spici, -ere, -spex, -spectum, look down on, scorn, despise

d-spoli  (1), plunder, rob

dspnsti, -nis,f., betrothal (EL)

dspns  (1), betroth

dstin  (1), determine, resolve, intend, destine

d-stitu, -ere, -stitu, -stittum, set down; leave, abandon

d-stittus, -a, -um (partic. of dstitu ), forsaken, helpless

d-stru, -ere, -strux, -structum, tear down, destroy

* d-sum, -esse, -fu, -futrus, be wanting, fail (+ dat).

d-super,adv., from above, above

d-terre, -re, -u, -itum, frighten away, prevent, hinder

dtestbilis, -e, detestable, abominable

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