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* d-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum, send away, send forth; let go, release, forgive

d-move, -re, -mv, -mtum, move apart, separate

drepti, -nis,f., plundering

d-rig, -ere, -rx, -rctum,lit. guide straight, arrange, direct

dir-im, -ere, -m, -mptum, take apart, separate, break up, end, disturb

d-ripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum, tear apart, plunder, rob

d-rump, -ere, -rpi, -ruptum, break apart, burst

ds = des

dis-(di-, dif-, dir-),prefix = apart, away, not

dis-cd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, go away, depart

dis-cern, -ere, -crv, -crtum, separate; distinguish, discern, decide

discidium, -, n., disaffection, alienation

disciplna, -ae,f., training, discipline, instruction

discipulus, -, m., pupil; disciple

* disc, -ere, didic, learn

* dis-cordia, -ae,f., disagreement, dissension, strife

dis-cord (1), disagree, quarrel

di-scrb, -ere, -scrps, -scrptum, distribute, assign

* discrmen, -minis,n., distinction, turning point, crisis, critical moment, peril

dis-crmin(1), separate, divide

dis-cursus, -s,m., lit. a running about to and fro, mad rush

dis-cuti, -ere, -cuss, -cussum, shatter, scatter, destroy

dis-pr,gen. -paris, unequal

di-sperg, -ere, -spers, -spersum, scatter, spread abroad

dispers, adv., here and there

dis-pn, -ere, -posu, -positum, distribute, station at intervals

dis-putti, -nis,f., discussion

* dis-put  (1), discuss, examine

dis-snsi, -nis,f., disagreement, dissension

dis-ser, -ere, -seru, -sertum, discuss, argue

dis-sip  (1), scatter

dis-solv, -ere, -solv, -soltum, dissolve, separate, release

dis-sonus, -a, -um, discordant, confused

dis-tine, -re, -tinu, -tentum (dis, apart, + tene ), hold apart, separate; hinder, distract

di-st, -re, stand apart, lie at a distance, be distant

dis-trah, -ere, -trax, -tractum, draw apart, distract

* di, adv., long, for a long time; compar. ditius;superl. ditissim 

dus, -a, -um:seedvus

ditinus, -a, -um, lasting, of long duration

diturnus, -a, -um, long-lasting

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