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* d-fici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, fail; revolt, desert

d-fg, -ere, -fx, -fxum, fix, fasten, drive down

d-fni  (4), bound, limit, define

d-fnti, -nis,f., definition

d-flagr  (1), burn down, consume by fire; be destroyed by fire

d-fle, -re, -flv, -fltum, weep for, bewail

d-flu, -ere, -flux, -fluxum, flow down, flow away, vanish

dfrm  (1), disfigure, spoil

d-fungor, -, -fnctus sum, perform, discharge, complete; die

d-glti  (4), swallow down (EL)

dg, -ere, dg(d-ag), pass (time or life), live

dehinc,adv., lit. from here; thereupon, henceforth

d-ici, -ere, -ic, -iectum, throw down, ward off, avert

dein,adv. = deinde

* deindeordein,adv., from there, then, next, in the second place

* dlectti, -nis,f., delight, pleasure

* dlect  (1), delight, please, interest

d-lg  (1), assign, delegate

dle, -re, -v, -tum, destroy, wipe out, erase

dlberti, -nis,f., deliberation, consideration

d-lber  (1), weigh carefully, consider

dlict, adv., luxuriously

dlictus, -a, -um, charming, luxurious, dainty, fastidious

dliciae, -rum,f., usually only in pl., delight, pleasure; sweetheart, darling

d-lig  (1), bind

d-lig, -ere, -lg, -lctum, pick out, choose, select

d-lr  (1), be mad, insane, rave

Dlos, -, f., a small island of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea, sacred as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis (Diana)

dlbrum, -, n., shrine, temple

d-migr  (1), emigrate, depart

d-minu, -ere, -minu, -mintum, diminish

d-missus, -a, -um (partic. of dmitt ), lit. lowered; low, weak, humble, downcast

d-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum,lit. send down; thrust or plunge into, lower, let down

dm, -ere, -dmps, -dmptum, take away, remove

dmum,adv., at length, at last

dnrius, -, m., a Roman silver coin

* dnique,adv., finally, at last

dns, -ntis,m., tooth

dnsus, -a, -um, thick, dense

d-nd  (1), lay bare, denude

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