d-trah, -ere, -trax, -tractum, take away, remove
dtrmentum, -, n., loss, damage, harm
d-trd, -ere, -trs, -trsum, thrust down or away, dislodge
d-trunc (1), lop off; behead
* deus, -, m., god; voc. = deus
d-vst (1), lay waste, devastate
d-vius, -a, -um, out of the way, off the road; dvium, -, n. (sc. iter) a byway
d-vol (1), lit. fly down; rush down
d-volv, -ere, -volv, -voltum, roll down, fall headlong
dvti, -nis,f., a consecrating or vowing (espec. of one’s life) in class. Lat.; piety, devotion in EL
d-vove, -re, -vv, -vtum, vow, consecrate; curse
* dexter, -tra, -trum (or -tera, -terum), right, on the right
dextra, -ae,f. (sc. manus), right hand
diabolus, -, m., devil (EL)
diaeta, -ae,f., room
Dina, -ae,f., virgin goddess of the moon and of the hunt, sister of Apollo
dici, -nis,f., authority, control, sway
* dc, -ere, dx, dictum, say, tell, speak; call, name; proclaim, appoint
* dicttor, -ris,m., dictator
dictit (1), say repeatedly, over and over
dict (1), dictate; compose
dictum, -, n., lit. thing said; a word; proverb
* dis, di , m.lf., day; (period of) time; in dis, from day to day; ad diem, at the appointed time, punctually
dif-ferentia, -ae,f., difference
dif-fer, -ferre, dis-tul, dltum, differ, be different; report, circulate; put off, postpone
* dif-ficilis, -e, not easy, difficult, hard; surly, obstinate; compar. difficilior; superl. difficillimus; adv. difficiliter or post-Augustan difficile
dif-fugi, -ere, -fg, -fugitum, flee in different directions, disperse
dif-fund, -ere, -fd, -fsum, pour forth in all directions, spread out, extend
digitus, -, m., finger
* dignits, -ttis,f., worth, merit, honor, dignity, prestige
dignor, -r, -tus sum, to deem worthy; deign, condescend
* dignus, -a, -um, worthy (of + abl. or gen.)
d-gredior, -, -gressus sum, depart
d-lctus, -s,m., a levy
dligns,gen. -entis, careful, assiduous, industrioius, diligent; adv. dligenter
* dligentia, -ae,f., carefulness, attention, diligence
* dlig, -ere, -lxi, -lctum, [lit. choose out] value, esteem, love,
dmicti, -nis,f., fight, combat, struggle
dmic (1), fight, struggle