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dr  (1), harden; endure; remain, last

drus, -a, -um, tough, strong, hard, harsh, cruel; adv. dr  and driter

* dux, ducis,m. lf., leader, guide, commander



ebur, eboris,n., ivory

* ecce,interj., look, see, behold

Ecclsiasts, -ae,m., the Preacher, one who addresses the assembly (EL)

ecquid,interrogative conj., whether

 -dc, -ere, -dx, -dictum, proclaim, declare, decree

 -dictum, -, n., decree, proclamation

 -d, -ere, -did, -ditum, give forth; give birth to; tell, publish

 -doce, -re, -docu, -doctum, teach thoroughly, instruct

 -duc  (1), rear, educate

 -dc, -ere, -dx, -ductum, lead out

effmint, adv., effeminately, in unmanly fashion

* ef-fer, -ferre, extul,ltum, carry out, lift up, extol, praise; pass., be carried away, be puffed up

* ef-fici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, accomplish, bring about, cause

ef-flrsc, -ere, -flru, blossom, flourish

* ef-fugi, -ere, -fg, -fugitum, flee away, escape, avoid

ef-fugium, -, n., escape

ef-fund, -ere, -fd, -fsum, pour out

ef-fs, adv., far and wide, extensively

* ege, -re, egu, be in need, need, lack, want; often + abl.

 -ger, -ere, -gess, -gestum, take away

* ego, me, 1st personal pron., I; pl. ns, nostrum/nostr, we, sometimes = I

*-gredior, -, -gressus sum, go out

 -gregi, adv. of  gregius

*-gregius, -a, -um,lit. out from the herd; uncommon, extraordinary, excellent, remarkable, distinguished

eia,interj. indicating surprise, joy, or exhortation, ah, ha, well then, come on

e-iaculor (1), shoot out, spurt forth

*-ici, -ere, -ic, -iectum, throw out, reject

 -lbor, -, -lpsus sum, slip away, escape

 -labrtus, -a, -um, lit. worked out; carefully finished

 lti, -nis, f., exaltation

 legns, gen. -antis, choice, fine, tasteful, refined; fastidious

elephantus, -, m., elephant; ivory

 -lev  (1), lift up, raise

*-lig, -ere, -lg, -lctum, pick out, select

 -loquentia, -ae, f., eloquence

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