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* exemplum, -, n., example, model

* ex-e, -re, -i, -itum, go out

exercitti, -nis,f., exercise, training, practice

* exercitus, -s,m., army

exsus, -a, -um:partic. ofexed 

ex-horre, -re, -u, shudder, shudder at

exhortti, -nis,f., exhortation

ex-ig, -ere, -g, -ctum, drive out; demand, require; complete

exiguus, -a, -um, scanty, small, little

eximius, -a, -um, extraordinary, excellent

ex-im, -ere, -m, -mptum, take away, remove

exstimti, -nis,f., judgment; good name, reputation

* exstim  (1), estimate, reckon, think, consider


exitisus, -a, -um, disastrous, destructive

* ex-itus, -s,m., a going out, departure, passage; end, death; result, outcome

ex-oner  (1), unburden, release

ex-opt  (1), desire (opt ) greatly (ex), long for

ex-orior, -r, -ortus sum, arise, spring up, come forth

ex-pallsc, -ere, -pallu, turn very pale

* ex-pedi  (4), let loose, set free; prepare, procure; be profitable, advantageous

expedtus, -a, -um, unimpeded, unencumbered, light-armed

ex-pell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum, drive out, expel

expergscor, -, -perrctus sum, wake up

experior, -r, -pertus sum, try, test, learn by experience

ex-pers,gen. -pertis (ex-pars), having no part in, free from (+ gen.)

expertus, -a, -um, experienced

* ex-pet, -ere, -petv, -pettum, seek after, strive for, desire


ex-pln  (1), explain

ex-plic, -re, -v  or -u, -tum, unfold, release, explain, set forth

ex-plor  (1), search out, ascertain; explrtus, -a, -um, certain, sure

* ex-pn, -ere, -posu, -positum, set forth, explain, expose

ex-prim, -ere, -press, -pressum, express, portray, describe

ex-prm, -ere, -prmps, -prmptum, disclose, tell

ex-pugn  (1), take by storm, capture

ex-qustus, -a, -um, diligently sought out, choice, exquisite

ex-sanguis, -e, bloodless, lifeless, pale

ex-sili, -re, -u, leap forth, start up

exsilium, -, n., exile

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