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* ex-sist, -ere, -stit, step forth, emerge, arise, appear; exist, be

exspectti, -nis,f., a waiting, anticipation, expectation

* ex-spect  (1), watch for, wait for, expect; wait to see, fear, dread

ex-spr  (1), breathe out, expire, die

ex-spoli  (1), plunder, rob

exstingu, -ere, -stnx, -stnctum, extinguish, destroy

ex-st, -re, be extant, exist

ex-stru, -ere, -strx, -strctum, heap up

ex-sul, -sulis,m. lf., an exile

ex-sul  (1), go into exile, be banished

ex-sult  (1), leap up, rejoice, exult, revel, boast

ex-surg, -ere, -surrx, get up, stand up

ex-suscit  (1), arouse

extempl, adv., immediately

* exterorexterus, -era, -erum, outside, outer, foreign; compar., exterior, -ius, outer, exterior; superl., extrmus, -a, -um outermost, farthest, last, extreme, the last part of

exterius,adv., seeextr 

externus, -a, -um, external

ex-terre, -re, -u, -itum, frighten, terrify greatly, alarm

ex-timsc, -ere, -timu, greatly fear

extr, adv. and prep. + acc., outside; compar. adv. exterius, on the outside, externally

ex-trah, -ere, -trax, -tractum, drag out

extrmus, -a, -um (superl. of exterus), outermost, furthest, last, extreme, the furthest part of; extrmum, -, n., outer edge, end


ex-ulcer  (1), lit. make very sore; aggravate, intensify


ex-r, -ere, -uss, -ustum, burn up


faber, -br, m., smith, carpenter, engineer

Fabius, -, m., a Roman nomen; e.g., Q. Fabius Maximus Cunctator, famous for his tactics of delay against Hannibal

Fabricius, -, m., a Roman nomen, especially a general against Pyrrhus

* fbula, -ae,f., story; play

factus, -a, -um, elegant, witty, humorous

facis, - , f., form, face, appearance

facil, adv. offacilis, easily; compar. facilius; superl. facillim 

* facilis, -e, easy

facilits, -ttis,f., facility, fluency; courteousness, affability, good nature

facinorsus, -a, -um, criminal

* facinus, -oris,n., a deed; a bad deed, misdeed, crime

* faci, -ere, fc, factum, make, do, accomplish, bring about; see to it (that), take care

* factum, -, n., lit. a thing done; deed, act

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