fcus, -s,or-, f., fig tree; fig
* fidlis, -e, faithful
* fids, -e, f., faith, trust, reliance, belief; loyalty, fidelity; pledge, word of honor; protection
fdcia, -ae,f., confidence, reliance, trust
fdus, -a, -um = fidlis
* fg, -ere, fx, fxum, attach, fasten, affix, fix, set up
figra, -ae,f., form, shape
* flia, -ae,f., daughter
* flius, -, m., son
flum, -, n., thread; form, style
findo, -ere, fid, fissum, cleave, split
fing, -ere, fnx, fictum, fashion, mold, imagine, pretend, invent
fni (4), limit, bound, restrain, restrict; end, finish
* fnis, -is,m., end, limit, boundary; purpose, aim, goal
* f , fier, factus sum, be made, be done, become, happen, come about
firm (1), make firm, strengthen, fortify
* firmus, -a, -um, strong, firm, steadfast
fistula, -ae,f., tube, pipe, waterpipe
flagellum, -, n., scourge
* flgitium, -, n., shameful act, outrage, disgrace
flgit (1), demand
flagr (1), blaze, be inflamed
Flminnus, -, m., Roman general who defeated Philip V of Macedon in 197 B.C.
Flminius, -, m., C. Flaminius, consul defeated and killed by Hannibal at Lake Trasimene in 217 B.C.
* flamma, -ae,f., flame, blaze
flvus, -a, -um, yellow, reddish yellow
* flect, -ere, flex, flexum, bend, turn; change
fle, -re, flv, fltum, weep; bewail, lament
fltus, -s,m., weeping, lamentation
flrns,gen. -entis, blooming, flourishing
* fls, flris,m., flower
fluit (1), flow; float
* flmen, -minis,n., stream, river
flu, -ere, flux, fluxum, flow
fculus, -, m., lit. a little fire; a brazier
fodi, -ere, fd, fossum, dig up
foedertus, -a, -um, allied
* foedus, -a, -um, foul, hideous, base, shameful
foedus, -eris,n., treaty
folium, -, n., leaf