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frmentum, -, n., grain

* fruor, fru, frctus sum, enjoy

frstr, adv., in vain, without reason

frx, frgis,f., grain

* fuga, -ae,f., flight

* fugi, -ere, fg, fugitum, flee, escape

fugitvus, -, m., runaway slave

fulci, -re, fuls, fultum, prop up, support

fulge, -ere, fuls, flash, gleam, shine

fulgor, -ris,m., flash, brightness

fulmen, -minis,n., lightning, thunderbolt

fultra, -ae,f., prop, support

fulvus, -a, -um, yellow, tawny

fm  (1), to smoke, steam

fmus, -, m., smoke

funda, -ae,f., sling, sling-stone

fundamentum, -, n., base, foundation

funditus,adv., utterly, completely

fund, -ere, fd, fsum, pour, pour forth; spread, scatter, rout

fnestus, -a, -um, fatal, calamitous

fungor, -, fnctus sum, perform, discharge, complete

furibundus, -a, -um, furious, mad

furor, -ris,m., rage, madness

frtum, -, n., theft; stolen property

fsilis, -e, molten, liquified, fluid

fsus, -a, -um:seefund 


Gius, -, m., a common Roman praenomen; see also under C.

Gallia, -ae,f., Gaul, the territory extending roughly from the Pyrenees to the Rhine

Gallus, -a, -um, Gallic; Gallus, -, m., a Gaul; Gallus, -, m., a Roman name

* gaude, -re, gvsus sum, rejoice, be glad

* gaudium, -, n., joy, gladness

Gvius, -, m., a Roman citizen crucified by Verres

gelidus, -a, -um, icy, cold

gel, -s,n., frost, cold

gemin  (1), double, repeat

* geminus, -a, -um, double, twin

gemitus, -s,m., groan

gemma, -ae,f., bud; jewel, gem

gem, -ere, -u, -itum, groan, lament

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