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gymnasium, -, n., gymnasium, which, in addition to the exercise area, usu. had rooms for intellectual and artistic activities

gyr  (1), go around, move in circles


* habe, -re, habu, habitum, have, hold, possess; consider, regard, think

habilis, -e, skillful

habit  (1), inhabit; dwell

habitus, -s,m., appearance; dress; condition, nature

hc-tenus,adv., thus far, up to this time or point

haedus, -, m., a kid, young goat

Haemus, -, m., a mountain range in Thrace

haere, -re, haes, haesum, cling, stick; hesitate, be perplexed

haesit, (1), lit. to stick fast, remain fixed; hesitate

Hamilcar, -caris,m., a Carthaginian name, espec. Hamilcar Barca, father of Hannibal and general in the First Punic War

Hannibal, -balis,m., Carthaginian general in 2nd Punic War; see Livy

harna, -ae,f., sand

harund, -inis,f., reed, rod

Hasdrubal, -balis,m., a Carthaginian name, espec. The brother of Hannibal

hasta, -ae,f., spear

haud, not, not at all; haud sci an, I am inclined to think

hauri, -re, haus, haustum, draw out, drain, drink up or in; exhaust

haustus, -s,m., drink, draft

Helic, -s, (acc. -n), f., the Great Bear or Dipper, constellation of Ursa Major

hera = era

herba, -ae,f., grass; plant

hercule,orhercle,interjection, by Hercules, good Heavens, certainly

hrs, -is (acc. -a), hero

herus = erus

Hesperides, -um (acc. -as), f., pl., daughters of Hesperus (the Evening Star in the west) and guardians of the golden apples

hetaeria, -ae,f., fraternity, secret society

heu,interjection, oh! ah! alas!; actually the spelling of a sigh

heus,interjection, come now, see here, say

hitus, -s,m., opening, cleft

Hibrus, -, m., the river Ebro in eastern Spain

* hc,adv., in this place, here

* hic, haec, hoc,demonstrative adj. and pron., this, the latter; at times hardly more than he, she, it

hiems, hiemis,f., winter, storm

Hierusalem,indecl. n., Jerusalem (EL)

hilaris, -e, cheerful, glad

hilarits, -ttis,f., enjoyment, amusement, gayety

hinc,adv., from this place, hence; here; henceforth; for this reason

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