Hippolytus, -, m., son of Theseus
Hispnia, -ae,f., Spain (including Portugal)
historia, -ae,f., history, historical work
ho-di, adv., today
hodiernus, -a, -um, of this day, today’s
* hom, hominis,m.lf., human being, man, person
* honests, -t
tis,f., honor, virtue, worth
* honestus, -a, -um, honorable, worthy, noble; honestum, -, n., morality, moral excellence, virtue
* honor (hons), -
ris,m., honor, esteem, respect, public office
(1), to honor
* hra, -ae,f., hour; time
Hortius, -a, -um,belonging to the Horatian gens; espec. the three Roman Horatii who fought the three Alban Curiatii; Horatius Cocles, who defended the Tiber bridge against Porsenna; Q. Horatius Flaccus, the lyric poet
horror, -ris,m., a shuddering, dread, terror, horror
* hortor, -r
, -
tus sum, urge, encourage
hortus, -, m., garden
hospes, -pitis,m., guest; host; stranger
hostlis, -e, of an enemy, hostile
Hostlius, -a, -um, Hostilian, referring espec. to Tullus Hostilius, third king of Rome
* hostis, -is,m., an enemy (of the state); pl., hosts, the enemy
* hc,adv., to this place, to this; h
cine,the interrog. form
* hm
s, -t
tis,f., kindness, courtesy, refinement, culture
niter,adv. ofh
nus, in a cultured, refined manner; kindly
nus, -a, -um, human; humane, kind; cultured, refined
humili (1), to humble (EL)
humilis, -e,lit. on the ground; humble, insignificant, lowly
humus, -, f., earth, ground; hum
, loc., on the ground
Hymenaeus, -, m., Hymen, the god of marriage
hpocrita, -ae,m., actor; hypocrite (EL)
* iace, -
re, -u
, lie; lie dead
* iaci, -ere, i
, iactum, throw
iactra, -ae,f., lit. a throwing away; loss; iact
ram facere, suffer a loss
* iam,adv., now, already, soon; iam di or pr
dem, long ago
Iniculum, -
, n., a hill across the Tiber from Rome
inua, -ae,f., door, espec. outside door
rius, -a, -um, of January
* ib, adv., there; thereupon
carus, -
, m., son of Daedalus
, -ere,
, ictum, strike, hit, stab; foedus
cere, strike or make a treaty
* ictus, -s,m., blow, stroke