im-mtbilis, -e, unchangeable
im-mt (1), change, transform
impedmentum, -, n., hindrance; pl. = baggage
impedi (4), entangle, impede, hinder, prevent
im-pell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum, push forward, impel, urge
im-pende, -re, hang over, threaten, impend
* impertor, -ris,m., commander, general; emperor
imperit (1), govern, command
* imperium, -, n., command, military authority, power, rule; dominion, empire; the supreme power of command held by the consuls
imper (1), give commands to, command, order
imperti, -re, -v, -tum, share or divide with
* im-petr (1), get, obtain, gain by request, accomplish, succeed in a request
* im-petus, -s,m., violent movement, violence, attack
im-piger, -gra, -grum, not lazy, energetic
* im-ple, -re, -plv, -pltum, fill up, complete, satisfy, accomplish, fulfil
im-plic, -re, -u or -v, -tum, enfold, involve, entangle
implrti, -nis,f., an imploring
im-plr (1), implore, beseech
im-pn, -ere, -posu, -positum, put on or in
importnits, -ttis,f., insolence, ruthlessness
im-probus, -a, -um, not good, base, wicked, shameless
im-prvidus, -a, -um,lit. not foreseeing; heedless, imprudent
imprdentia, -ae,f., lack of foresight; ignorance
impudns,gen. -entis, shameless, impudent
impn, adv., with impunity, safely
im-pnits, -ttis,f., impunity
im-prus, -a, -um, unclean, foul, shameful
mus, -a, -um, a superl. of nferus
* in,prep. (1) + abl., in, on, among, in the case of; (2) + acc., into, toward, against
in-amoenus, -a, -um, unpleasant, unlovely, dismal
in-animus, -a, -um, without life, inanimate
innis, -e, empty, vain, useless, idle
inugur (1), take the auguries; consecrate
* in-cd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, advance, attack
incendium, -, n., fire, heat, conflagration
in-cend, -ere, -cend, -cnsum, set on fire, inflame, excite, enrage
inceptus, -s,m., beginning, undertaking
* in-certus, -a, -um, uncertain
in-cdo, -ere, -cd, -csum (cad), fall into or upon, come upon, fall in with; happen, occur
in-cdo, -ere, -cd, -csum (caed), cut into, inscribe