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* indu, -ere, -u, -tum, put on, dress; wrap, entangle

in-drsc, -ere, -dru, become hard, be hardened

industria, -ae,f., diligence, industry; d  or ex industri, intentionally, on purpose

indtiae, -rum,f. pl., truce

inbri  (1), intoxicate

in-e, -re, -i, -itum, go into, enter upon, undertake, commence

in-ept, adv., unsuitably, foolishly

in-eptus, -a, -um (in-aptus), unsuitable, silly, absurd

in-err  (1), wander over

in-ers,gen. -ertis,lit. without skill; lazy, idle; dull

inertia, -ae,f., inactivity, laziness

*n-fmia, -ae,f., ill report, ill repute, disgrace, reproach

 n-fmis, -e, disreputable, infamous, disgraceful

 n-fns, -fantis, m.lf., infant

 n-flx, gen. -cis, unhappy, unfortunate, miserable

 nfnsus, -a, -um, hostile

 nfernus, -a, -um, underground, infernal;  nfernum, -, n., the depths of the earth

*n-fer, -ferre, intul, inltum, bring in, introduce; occasion, produce; bellum nferre + dat., make war on

 nferus, -a, -um, below;  nfer, -rum, m. pl., those below, the dead; compar.  nferior, -ius, lower, inferior; superl.  nfimus, -a, -um (also  mus, -a, -um), lowest, lowest part of; meanest, basest

*nfestus, -a, -um, unsafe, dangerous; hostile

 n-fdus, -a, -um, unfaithful, untrue

 n-fntus, -a, -um, infinite

 nfrmits, -ttis, f., weakness

 n-firmus, -a, -um, week, feeble

 n-flamm  (1), inflame, stir up, rouse

 n-fltus, -a, -um, blown up, puffed up, haughty

 n-flexibilis, -e, inflexible

 n-frmis, -e, shapeless, hideous

 n-frm  (1), to form, shape; describe; educate

 n-fund, -ere, -fd, -fsum, pour in, on, over

ingemsc, -ere, -gemu, groan

in-gener  (1), implant

* ingenium, -, n., inborn ability, nature, talent, genius

* ingns,gen. -entis, vast, huge, immense

ingenuus, -a, -um, native, free born

in-grtus, -a, -um, ungrateful; displeasing

in-gravsc, -ere, become heavy, become a burden, grow worse

in-gredior, -gred, -gressus sum, go into, go forward, advance; undertake

in-hibe, -ere, -u, -itum, hold back, restrain

in-hmnus, -a, -um, inhuman, savage, cruel

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