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* in-imcus, -a, -um (-amcus), unfriendly, hostile; inimcus, -, m., personal enemy

inquits, -ttis,f., unevenness, unfavorableness; injustice, unfairness; iniquity, sin (EL)

in-quus, -a, -um (-aequus), unequal, uneven; unfair, unjust, adverse

initium, -, m., beginning

* iniria, -ae,f., injury, injustice, wrong, harm

in-iuss, idiomatic abl., without orders or command

in-istitia, -ae,f., injustice

* in-istus, -a, -um, unjust; adv. inist 

in-laesus, -a, -um, uninjured

inlstris, -e, bright, clear, illustrious, famous

in-ntor, -, -nxusor-nsus sum, lean on, support oneself by

in-nocns,gen. -entis, guiltless, innocent, harmless

innocentia, -ae,f., innocence

in-noxius, -a, -um,lit. not harming; harmless; innocent

in-numerbilis, -e, countless

inopia, -ae,f., want, lack, need

in-ops,gen. -opis,adj., poor, needy, lacking, destitute


* inquam, I say; inquis, you say; inquit, he says: defective verb used parenthetically in direct quotations and repetitions

in-quit  (1), disturb, disquiet

inqust , -nis, f., inquiry

in-rde, -re, -rs, -rsum, laugh at, mock, ridicule

in-ritus, -a, -um, not valid, invalid, void, useless

 n-snbilis, -e, incurable

 n-sni  (4), be mad, be insane

 n-ser, -ere, -sv, -situm, sow in, implant, instill

 n-ser, -ere, -seru, -sertum, put in, insert, introduce, join

 n-side, -re, -sd, -sessum, lit. sit in; possess, occupy

 nsidiae, -rum, f. pl., ambush; plot, treachery

 nsiditor, -ris, m., a man in ambush, waylayer, plotter

 n-sd, -ere, -sd, -sessum, sit down on, settle in

 nsignis, -e, distinguished, notable

 n-sipins, gen. -entis, unwise, foolish; as a noun, m., fool

 n-situs, -a, -um, implanted, innate

 n-sns, gen. -ntis, innocent, guiltless

 n-sprtus, -a, -um, unhoped for, unexpected

 n-spici, -ere, -spex, -spectum, examine, inspect; investigate

 nstar, indecl. n. noun, image, likeness; + gen., like, as large as

 n-stitu, -ere, -tu, -ttum, establish, appoint; determine; instruct

 nstitti, -nis, f., =  nstittum

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